I Contracted Myself

【670】This knife is yours

Although these demons were just cannon fodder that Avici casually picked up, their number was actually very astonishing. At the beginning, only hundreds of thousands of demons attacked, but as the space folded, the number of demons immediately increased.

Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions...

Countless demons flew fearlessly, some died under the invisible silk thread, and some died under Chen Yidao's sword energy. For a time, the entire universe was a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Countless demon corpses floated in space, and the broken corpses collided with each other. The sticky blood connected them together to form a huge pile of corpses.

"Too much garbage!"

Wuming frowned, and a fantasy flower appeared instantly. He injected the power of the frog into the flower, and a big mouth suddenly appeared in the center of the fantasy flower.

Next, the flower floated on one side of the space and devoured the corpse of the demon crazily.

In fact, there are many kinds of demons. In most cases, demons are very smart and cunning when they calm down. The problem is that once they enter the combat state, they are easy to get hot-headed and become stupid people who can't think.

But some demons were particularly calm. They were thrown up by Avici, but they were not in a hurry to attack Wuming. Instead, they waited for the number of demon corpses to continue to accumulate. When there were enough demon corpses, they could use these demon corpses to trigger various magics and cross the class to severely injure the target.

When they found that the Flower of Illusion was swallowing the corpses quickly, they immediately couldn't sit still.

Several demons immediately flew from the broken planet in the distance, but before they could make a move, the Flower of Illusion shot out a tongue to stick to them and pulled them into its mouth in a blink of an eye.

Chen Yidao and some demons observed this scene and were immediately afraid of the Flower of Illusion.

It stands to reason that those demons would not be completely powerless after being swallowed, but the Flower of Illusion swallowed a few demons and those demons were silent. This is definitely not normal.

"Let's go!"

The remaining few smarter demons decisively decided to retreat.

They were just cannon fodder thrown up by Avici, but they were not actually his subordinates. Since the prey was not something they could hunt, there was no need to stay here and waste time.

Wuming did not care about the demons that left, because he knew that the immortal demons in the abyss could not be killed. If one demon was killed today, another demon would replace it tomorrow, and it would be endless forever.

"Level 170 is still cannon fodder, it seems that we can't be careless!" Wuming thought to himself.

The abyss is very dangerous. If the world he fell into had sunk to the bottom of the abyss, he would definitely run away immediately without saying a word.

Now this world is only on the edge of the abyss, so he has the confidence to save this world. In fact, he has achieved his goal and can escape from this world at any time.

It's just that Chen Yidao's problem has not been solved, so he stayed here temporarily.

But now it seems that there should be higher-level demons who noticed his fight with Chen Yidao. These demons are both greetings and tests.

If he continues to stay in this world, it is estimated that the other party will continue to increase the stakes or take action personally.

"If I don't leave, Chen Yidao probably won't leave either. If I encounter an enemy that I can't deal with, I can just leave, but Chen Yidao will definitely die." Wuming thought about it, and he immediately had the idea of ​​retreating.

Although this would make it difficult to find Chen Yidao next time, it would be even more impossible to use a contract to restrain Chen Yidao.

"Forget it, I can't kill him just to stop him from doing evil. There are always more solutions than difficulties. I'll find a way to find him later." Wuming thought helplessly, and then activated the teleportation bracelet, and instantly returned to the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Chen Yidao was the first to notice Wuming's departure, and then thought of the countless demons in front of him. He mistakenly thought that Wuming was afraid of the big demon behind the demons and fled.

"Sure enough... cowardly bandit, I was ruined by such a coward, damn it!" Chen Yidao cursed inwardly, but he immediately broke through with his sword frequently.

After Wuming left, all the pressure fell on him. If he didn't break through, he would be in big trouble.

"Billion Dou Sheng Slash!"

Chen Yidao roared, his sword energy was everywhere, he cut through a bloody road at a very fast speed, broke through the universe in an instant and flew quickly to the outside of the abyss.

He moved without regard for consumption, and the space continued to ripple, which was too conspicuous in the abyss.

Avici looked up, and his eyes immediately locked on Chen Yidao who was countless Yao meters away. At this time, Chen Yidao's speed was already extremely fast, almost moving at a speed of 100,000 light years per second.

"One ran away, and this one wants to run too?" Avici sneered, and his murderous intent suddenly soared into the sky.

He raised his hand and aimed at Chen Yidao above, and immediately his fingers gently ejected a red ball of light. This ball of light was only the size of a fingernail in Avici's hand, but in fact it was countless times larger than a star.

The ball of light quickly broke through the space, shuttled through the folded space, and instantly caught up with Chen Yidao.

"Damn it!"

Chen Yidao sensed the breath of the light ball behind him. When he turned around and saw the light ball, his hair exploded. Then he growled and immediately slashed at the light ball with both hands. For a moment, the surface of the abyss was covered with red light.


After an explosion, Chen Yidao disappeared.

Avici frowned. He sensed a hint of unusual breath. After thinking about it, he stopped chasing.

Qingqiu World, Beiqiu Star.

Countless vixens moved cautiously and delivered fruits and drinks.

Rama sat cross-legged on the main seat, looking at the unconscious Chen Yidao calmly. At this time, red spots appeared on Chen Yidao's body from time to time. Every time the spots appeared, they would collide with the sword energy, and Chen Yidao would show a painful look.

Suddenly, Chen Yidao opened his eyes suddenly and roared: "Asshole, accept your death!!!"

"Quiet." Rama said lightly.

Chen Yidao's body was unable to move, and the sound he made was trapped at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Rama in horror. Because of the sealing of his memory and the reconstruction of his strength, he did not know Rama.

"It was supposed to be a one-time solution, but it's a pity that I came a step late, but picking up an idle piece is also a slight gain. What do you want?" Rama looked at Chen Yidao and asked calmly.

Because the abyss aura itself is chaotic and mixed, Rama rushed over immediately when he sensed the nameless aura, but he was still a step late.

He was originally preparing to leave, but after observing Chen Yidao's fearless counterattack against Avici's attack, he became interested in Chen Yidao and took advantage of Chen Yidao. Otherwise, even if Chen Yidao didn't die, he would become a madman like an iron box.

At this time, Chen Yidao found that he could speak. He stared at Rama and gritted his teeth and said, "I want the strongest knife in the world!"

Rama raised his hand, used a finger as a knife, and gently waved it down. The black breath followed like ink, and finally the finger and the black breath stopped above Chen Yidao's eyebrows.

In Chen Yidao's eyes, the whole world seemed to be swallowed by this knife. This is the strongest knife in the world.

"How about this knife?"

"Hear this knife in the morning, and die in the evening!"

"Then this knife belongs to you."

Hearing this, Chen Yidao was convinced physically and mentally, prostrated on the ground, and crawled in front of Rama.

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