I Contracted Myself

【671】The Sinful Beast of Greed

Dahuang Special Zone, Wenxin Villa.

Wuming sat in the yard, holding a book in his hand and slowly

The cover of the book was dark and hideous, as if a monster would rush out of it at any time, and black gas would come out of the pages from time to time, but it was soon suppressed by the golden seal.

The title of this book is "Detailed Explanation of the Lord of the Abyss", which records countless knowledge about the abyss demons.

In the past, this book was a bridge for demon warlocks to communicate with the abyss demons. Later, the number of demon warlocks became fewer and fewer. The descendants of a demon warlock felt that they could not pay off the debts owed by their ancestors, so they simply sold the book to the Scholar Foundation. As a result, the Scholar Foundation used this book to severely pit a lot of powerful demons at a certain period.

The consequence is that this book is cursed by countless demons, and the holder will be marked by demons, and will be hunted by demons for generations.

Of course, the Scholar Foundation quickly sealed the curse with a seal, but at the same time, this book only has reference value, and there is no way to summon demons.

"Avici, the great demon of the abyss, according to the evaluation of demon scholar Altins, has at least 260 levels of strength. If he is blessed by the abyss in the abyss, he may even have more than 270 levels of strength."

"Avici is one of the few intelligent demons in the abyss. He is calm and cruel. He likes to use his power to lure creatures from the outside world to fall, and eventually become the medium for him to devour the world."

"However, Avici is also one of the few demons that can be used. At least be cautious in trading with him and be careful of various traps in the transaction, and you can also benefit from it."

Wuming frowned slightly when he saw this. This sentence is very misleading, as if anyone can negotiate with Avici. If there were demon warlocks who believed this nonsense in the past, they would probably be eaten by Avici without leaving any bones on their faces.

"Every demon has innate magic. Avici's innate magic is flesh and blood magic. He can create demons at will and even transform other creatures into demons."

"If you get his gift, you will generally get a strong body and a self-healing ability that is difficult to kill. Only a very few people who get his favor have the opportunity to learn flesh and blood magic and become a flesh and blood priest."

Wuming gently stroked the breath of Avici on the book and smiled, "It's you!"

He came back from the abyss and borrowed this book from the library after a day of rest. His purpose was to find out who attacked him.

After confirming that Avici was the culprit who sent the demon, he closed the book hard and muttered to himself, "I hope Chen Yidao can survive."

He left cleanly, and it is estimated that Chen Yidao will leave cleanly.

However, Avici will probably not let Chen Yidao leave easily, so he is not sure whether Chen Yidao can escape.

Unfortunately, there are powerful demons like Avici in the abyss that are as thick as a whole book. Even Wuming doesn't want to easily set foot in the abyss, so even if Chen Yidao is trapped by Avici, he can't do anything.

At most, if Chen Yidao is really killed by Avici, Wuming will avenge him when he becomes stronger in the future.

Then he turned the book into petals and blew them gently, and the petals immediately floated into the sky and floated towards the library.


Golden area.

Gao Shanggong is helping victims affected by dancing.

Those who are affected by dancing are okay if they are strong, but those who are weak are really miserable. The worst one was skinny from fat to skinny, and dancing made his legs only the roots of his legs.

You can imagine how desperate and painful he was at that time.

Gao Shanggong treated victims one after another, and then asked Zhang Shouzhong to send these victims to Baiyu City or Xinding City for resettlement. They bought a lot of houses in the two cities specifically for these people.

The golden area is no longer suitable for living.

Whether it is the threat from Luo Jiu in Chengtian area or the unknown original sin beast in the pyramid, it has turned this place into a crater that may erupt at any time. It is too dangerous to stay here.

"We are back!"

Maria and Lucyphile passed through a golden door, and Maria greeted them with full energy.

"What is the current situation of the instant killing original sin beast?" Zhang Shouzhong asked immediately.

The instant killing original sin beast scared many people before, and there were special reporters in Shenzang Space who risked their lives to follow it for a while, but later everyone found that as long as they did not stand in front of the instant killing original sin beast, the instant killing original sin beast would not kill people indiscriminately.

It is more like looking for someone, and it has been circling in Chengtian area.

"The original sin beast is still in Chengtian area. All the people in Chengtian area have run away. It is not a threat." Lucyphile replied.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said, "That's a good thing."

With the instant-killing original sin beast wandering around in the Chengtian area, Luo Jiu has to think twice even if he wants to enter the Shenzang space. In this way, the Chengtian area is not a threat.

Of course, even if the Chengtian area is not a threat, the Golden Area is still not habitable. At least before the problem of the pyramid is solved, the Golden Area will be uninhabited for a long time.

"Uncle Gao, my friend wants to come and see, is it okay?" Maria said at this time.

Gao Shanggong frowned and said, "Your friend?"

"Actually, it's a classmate. She is very curious about chorea. She heard that chorea is gone, so she wanted to come and see. And my Mamakini is still with her. She said it has been cultivated and is about to be sent over." Maria explained.

Zhang Shouzhong was surprised and said, "Has Mamakini been trained?"

"She should have been trained. Her parents are both great chefs, and she cooks delicious food, so I asked her to help train Mamakini." Maria nodded.

Gao Shanggong thought for a moment and said, "Then let her come over, but if there is any danger, you must leave immediately."

"Got it, thank you Uncle Gao." Maria said happily.

Gao Shanggong was speechless. Maria used to call him Uncle Gao, but since Wuming called him Uncle Gao, Maria also called him Uncle Gao.

You know, Uncle Gao is much more pleasant to the ear than Uncle Gao.

Next, Maria contacted her classmates, who were teleported from Baiyu City to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and then from the Great Wilderness Special Zone to the Golden Zone.

At the arrangement point of the teleportation array, a ray of light flashed by, and a loli with a height of seven or eight meters and a fat body appeared out of thin air.

She said happily, "Maria, I'm here!"

Dong Dong Dong!

She ran out of the teleportation array, and every step was earth-shaking.

"Meimei!" Maria came forward happily.

The giant loli bent down and held Maria's hand, then she said: "Maria, your Mamakini is well cultivated, take a look."

Then she took out a chubby ball.

"This is... my Mamakini!?" Maria said with wide eyes in disbelief.

The giant loli Meimei said a little embarrassedly: "We have a lot of vegetables at home, it may be a little full."

Before Maria could put the Mamakini away, the ground suddenly shook violently, Meimei quickly picked up Maria and shouted: "Maria, be careful!"

At this time, a rectangular hand stretched out from the ground, it grabbed the Mamakini floating in the air, and instantly retracted into the ground.

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