I Contracted Myself

【672】Demon Sealing Gate

"My Mamakini!"

When Maria saw this scene, she immediately shouted loudly.

"Give Maria her Mamachini back!"

Meimei immediately roared and stepped out towards the ground. A huge crack suddenly exploded in the ground, and an arm could be seen quickly shrinking from the crack.

"Don't chase it, it's the Original Sin Beast!" Lucifer said.

However, Meimei and Maria had already jumped into the crack first, chasing the arm and quickly disappearing into the darkness.

Lucifer sighed, and immediately jumped into the crack the next moment, chasing Meimei and Maria and disappearing into the darkness.

"Go and notify Wu Ming. I'll catch up in case something unexpected happens." Gao Shanggong said to Zhang Shouzhong, and then immediately jumped into the crack.

Zhang Shouzhong blinked and saw that the injured people around him were protected by Gao Shangong instantly and were not affected by the cracks. He said to himself: "What a big deal this is."

However, he still ordered an injured person who was in better condition to keep an eye on this place, and then returned to the Dahuang Special Zone to ask for help.

Ten minutes later, Wuming and Zhang Shouzhong arrived at the golden area. Wuming stood in front of the crack, with the corners of his eyes twitching slightly, and asked, "Maria's classmates are giants?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely a bit big." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Wuming sighed and said, "I'll go down and take a look. You first move the injured around."

"Well, no problem." Zhang Shouzhong nodded.

Then Wuming jumped down, and his body instantly spread out, turning into countless flowers and falling under the crack.

"Tsk, this ability... is really pretty." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the dense flowers falling and couldn't help but tut.

If there was just no light, just ordinary darkness, Wuming could see things with night vision, and he soon fell to the bottom of the crack.

Countless flowers gathered into human form in an instant.

Wuming looked around and said with some surprise: "It turns out that the ground has been hollowed out for a long time. No wonder it can be shaken by such a big crack."

He glanced at the footprints on the ground, and then followed the footprints forward.

That particularly large footprint should be that of classmate Maria, and there are also some smaller footprints. Wuming can easily identify those as those of Maria, Lucifer, and Gao Shangong.

Obviously, everyone is following Maria’s footsteps.

"Is this the secret ruins hidden in the legendary divine space?" Wuming observed as he walked, and gradually discovered that this place was not naturally formed, and there were traces of man-made excavations in many places.

The Divine Tibetan Space was not created out of thin air. Only the transcendent person who created the Divine Tibetan Space knows how it actually appeared.

Gao Shanggong's younger brother Gao Jianhong ventured into an area without a controller because he discovered some ruins in an area without a controller.

This is enough to show that there are more secrets hidden in the divine space than everyone imagines.

Wuming walked to a man-made trace and concluded through Xiao Xi's identification that the trace had existed for a long time, at least for more than one epoch.

The concept of the annihilation of the universe has been around for a long time, and many cultivation worlds have records of the annihilation of the universe.

However, how long an annihilation lasts varies from person to person. In some worlds, an eon is 150 billion years old, in some worlds it is 158.6 billion years, and in other worlds it is 160 billion years. Year.

Most people in Shenzang space agree that the end of the universe is 160 billion years. As for what the ancients thought, I don’t know.

Wuming also calculated based on the time in the Shenzang space. Hearing Xiao Xi's words, he was surprised and said: "A person who existed before the Era of Era is really a long, long time ago."

"More than one Zhou Mieji." Gao Shanggong's voice came from the front.

Wuming immediately stepped forward and saw Gao Shanggong squatting in front of a broken, ancient statue, looking at the statue with burning eyes, as if the statue was a peerless beauty, which made him obsessed.

"Uncle Gao, where are Maria and the others?" Wuming stepped forward and asked.

Gao Shanggong was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said, "I caught up with them and forgot about them when I saw this statue!"


Wuming was speechless. One was his daughter, one was his niece, and one was his niece's classmate. The three of them combined could not compare to the statue in front of him. This was really outrageous.

"Sorry, sorry, let's go find them quickly!" Gao Shanggong was also a little embarrassed, apologizing while walking forward.

Wuming followed Gao Shang Palace and asked, "Uncle Gao, why is there more than one Zhou Mie Ji in this place?"

"An era of annihilation is indeed very long on the scale of the universe, but in all the worlds it is actually just an era. The statue just now probably has the style of thousands of years ago, just like the trend is reincarnated, the style In fact, it is also reincarnating, and civilization is also reincarnating. I have done some research on the style of the last era of destruction, and this statue is not that version of the style." Gao Shanggong explained as he walked.

To put it simply, he has a collection of statues with a similar style from the previous Era of Era. If this statue is a product of the previous Era, it should be close to the style of the statues he collected.

This is like bell-bottoms being popular in a certain period, and then a few decades later, bell-bottoms are popular again, but bell-bottoms and bell-bottoms are not the same, and there are many differences in details.

The 1.0 version of bell-bottom pants and the 2.0 version of bell-bottom pants may have different materials and patterns. Then there is the 3.0 version of bell-bottom pants, which is different in details from the previous two versions.

Gao Shanggong judged that this was not the '2.0 version', but the '3.0 version' or even a relic from an even more ancient period through these differences.

"Uncle Gao, can you tell what the relic is like?" Wuming asked after hearing this.

Gao Shanggong nodded and said, "The statue just revealed a lot of information. This should be the headquarters of a sect called 'Demon Sealing Sect', but we have to keep going forward to find out the specific situation."

When he spoke, he was obviously excited and eager to try.

Next, the two quickened their pace and followed the footsteps of Lucyphile and the others. After walking for about 20 minutes, they finally caught up with Lucyphile and the other two.

"Are you all right?" Wuming accelerated and asked.

Lucy Phil shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just that Meimei is a little hungry. We are going to eat something before continuing to chase the original sin beast that stole Mamakini."

Beside her, Meimei was sitting on a huge picnic blanket. Food kept appearing from the picnic blanket, and she and Maria shared it.

"Master Wuming, do you want it?" Maria asked immediately when she saw Wuming looking over.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No, but it's too dangerous here. You should go back quickly after eating. Mamakini will be taken back by Uncle Gao and I."

"Ah, no, Meimei and I also want to explore." Maria said with a sad face when she heard it.

Meimei also said, "Hello uncle, I am Maria's classmate. I have promised Maria that I will definitely take Mamakini back, so please let me continue to track that hateful thief!"

"Strictly speaking, it is a blatant robbery, so it should be a robbery." Maria corrected.

Meimei showed a shy expression, scratched the back of her head, and smiled innocently: "So they are robbers."


Wuming looked at Lucyphil helplessly, and Lucyphil shrugged, indicating that she couldn't do anything about the two.

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