I Contracted Myself

【673】The king does not see the king

If it was just Maria, Lucifer could also exercise her power as a big sister and arrest Maria directly.

But Maria came with her classmates. No matter what, she had to save some face for Maria, so that Maria would not be able to hold her head high in front of her classmates in the future.

At least until real danger arises, she really shouldn't be too tough.

"Oh, then you must obey the command later. If I think it is too dangerous, you must go back regardless of whether you agree or not, you know?" Wuming sighed, then looked at the two of them and said seriously.

When Maria saw Wuming let go, she immediately showed a victorious smile, nodded and said: "I know!"

"Got it!" Meimei saw Maria's promise and immediately responded.

Then Maria and Meimei looked at each other and smiled, and got up from the tablecloth one after another.

"Master Wuming, let's move on. Meimei and I are full." Maria said.

Wuming nodded, and then walked at the front. As he walked, his thoughts moved, and a large number of flowers appeared out of thin air.

These flowers surrounded everyone, exuding a good smell. Maria and Meimei just thought they looked good, but Lucifer saw the clues and knew that these flowers should be transformed from the feathers of the Golden Crow Divine Armor. Each flower has a powerful Defense.


At this time, Gao Shanggong, who was walking at the back, spoke.

Everyone stopped and looked at Gao Shang Palace. Gao Shang Palace looked up at the cliff above and said seriously: "We have left the golden area. From this angle... maybe we have entered an area without a controller!"

The area left by Bipson is not particularly close to the edge, but the shape of this area is not a regular square or rectangle, but a bit like the shape of a sword.

The Sword Palace is located in the middle of the sword grid. From this position, they move towards the upper left. It happens that there is a part of the area where there is no controller.

This area is not very big, but the monsters are incredibly powerful, so no one has conquered this area.

At this time, Wuming and the others had already entered the underground area.

at the same time.

Inside the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, Chen Yidao's eyes were filled with black energy, and he was wielding knives with both hands. His speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but each knife carried an inexplicable terrifying mood.

"Yes, you are a genius in the art of swordsmanship. You have already mastered the magic sword." Rama said calmly when he saw Chen Yida being sheathed.

In just one day, Chen Yidao understood the artistic conception of Ji Mo Dao. It is no exaggeration to call him a genius in the art of swords. This is a rare talent.

Chen Yidao did not dare to take credit and said respectfully: "It's all the fault of the sect master."

"Just in time, I have a task for you." Rama said without comment, looking at Chen Yidao.

Chen Yidao didn't say anything about going through fire and water, but looked at Rama and said seriously: "Master, please tell me."

"Wuming has appeared again. Luo Jiu has already set off first. You should go there too. If you have a chance... kill him!" Rama looked at Chen Yidao and said calmly.

Chen Yidao nodded and said: "This is exactly what I want to do!"

Although he no longer hates Wuming, if it weren't for Wuming, how could he have met Rama, and how could he have learned the Demonic Sword.

But Wuming did owe him, and he had indeed broken his Taoist heart.

If I don’t kill Wuming, I’ll be sorry for my former self.

Chen Yidao then couldn't help but ask: "Sect Master, since Wuming has appeared, why doesn't Sect Master..."

"If the king does not see the king, it will be difficult for me to go to where he is," Rama replied.

Chen Yidao frowned and said, "Is Wuming worthy of being compared with the sect master?"

"You think too much. The king I mentioned...is not him," Rama said calmly, then turned around and left slowly.

Chen Yidao was a little confused, but seeing that Rama was unwilling to talk more, he didn't ask any more questions.


Accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, Wuming and others came to a broken gate.

Maria looked at the stone plaque on the door and guessed: "Although it's a little different from the current text, it should be 'Demon Sealing Gate', right?"

"Well, it is indeed the Demon Sealing Sect." Gao Shangong nodded.

Then he walked to a pillar and carefully observed the pattern structure of the pillar.

Wuming looked at the stairs inside the gate and guessed: "In the past, this place should have been a mountain. We are at the foot of the mountain. After entering the gate and walking up the stairs, we should be able to reach the sect's headquarters."

"It does look a bit like it, but there is no way up the steps in front." Meimei said.

Maria was worried: "Are we going the wrong way? Will the original sin beast that stole Mamakini go somewhere else?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Lucy Phil said.

Instead, Wuming smiled and said, "It's impossible. I've just checked all the gaps along the way. There is no other way to go except this way."

"Then go ahead!" said Lucifer.

Wuming called Gao Shanggong, and then everyone continued to move forward. Meimei was too big to enter the gate, so before moving forward, Wuming used his ability to shrink Meimei's body.

Everyone walked up the stairs and soon came to the end of the stairs.

The cliffs on both sides clamped against each other, sandwiching the stairs in the middle. There was not even a gap at this time. Wuming glanced at the floating dust on the ground, and then a flower floated in front of him. The center of the pistil opened a big mouth and ate the rocks in front frantically, eating a road at a very fast speed.

"The power of the frog is still as useful as before." Gao Shanggong smiled.

Wuming said with a mischievous smile: "Thanks to the shape of the flower, otherwise I'm afraid I can only let Uncle Gao do it."

"You wish, Uncle can't be responsible for eating garbage every time." Gao Shanggong laughed and scolded.

However, when he was in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, he did use the power of the frog to eat a lot of garbage, which he had to admit.

"Um... Is the garbage delicious?" Meimei asked curiously.

Maria quickly replied: "Of course it's not delicious. Normal people don't eat garbage."

"Oh, okay then." Meimei nodded.

Wuming asked curiously, "Meimei, are you from the giant tribe?"

"Uncle, I'm not a giant. My father is the chief of the Taotie tribe, and my mother is the chief of the Pixiu tribe, so I am a Taoxiu. That's what my mother said." Meimei replied.

Maria was surprised and said, "So Meimei, you are not a giant!"

"Of course not." Meimei said confidently.

Maria said embarrassedly, "I thought you were either a giant or a Titan. Sorry."

"Nothing. At first, I thought Maria was a dragon." Meimei said indifferently.

While everyone was chatting, the flower with the power of a frog gnawed through the rock in front of them, and suddenly a huge cave appeared in front of them. Some ancient buildings collapsed one after another due to slight vibrations.

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