I Contracted Myself

【674】Potential of ability

Gao Shanggong was immediately distressed when he saw those ancient buildings collapsed.

He quickly told everyone not to move around easily and wait until he went to reinforce other buildings before going in, so as not to shake down other buildings again.

"Sorry, my dad is like this. Once it comes to ancient knowledge and cultural relics, he doesn't care much about the feelings of others." Lucifer said to Wuming.

Wuming watched Gao Shanggong fly into the ruins and smiled at Lucifer beside him: "It doesn't matter. Everyone should have their own hobbies. Otherwise, is there only cultivation in the long time?"

"Yes, yes, if immortality is just for immortality, it is meaningless." Meimei nodded and said: "My parents especially like to eat and collect treasures, and I also like to eat delicious food."

Maria was surprised: "Meimei, what you said just now makes sense."

"Hehehe, actually it was my dad who said it." Meimei said a little embarrassedly.

Lucy Phil looked at everyone and smiled faintly: "Since we can't go over for the time being, and we can't act rashly here, why don't we go down and wait."

"Yeah, I brought a lot of delicious food, everyone can eat while waiting!" Meimei agreed happily.

Next, everyone returned to the door along the stairs. Meimei took out the picnic cloth and spread it on the ground. The next moment, a lot of food appeared out of thin air from the picnic cloth.

This picnic cloth is actually a space prop called "Infinite Food Luck". Each grid in the pattern of the tablecloth contains a huge space, which is full of delicious food prepared by Meimei's parents for Meimei.

At Meimei's invitation, everyone sat down on the picnic cloth. Meimei looked at Wuming expectantly and said, "Uncle, can you... let the surroundings be full of flowers? The flowers you turned out are so fragrant."

"No problem!" Wuming was stunned, then smiled and agreed.

In a moment, with the picnic cloth as the center, a large number of flowers appeared out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, the surroundings became a sea of ​​flowers.

"This is the scent of jasmine, this is the scent of roses, this is orchids, peach blossoms, plum blossoms... Wow, there are all kinds of flowers." Meimei moved her nose and quickly distinguished the different scents in the sea of ​​flowers.

Lucyphile looked at Wuming and asked, "Are the scents of these flowers controllable or random?"

"If I don't control it, it will be randomly generated, but if I want to control it, I can control it." Wuming took a sip of hot tea from the teacup on the picnic cloth and answered.

He had discovered this a long time ago. If he didn't deliberately control it, the imaginary flowers produced after activating the flower form would be random. It could be chrysanthemums, plum blossoms, peach blossoms, lotus flowers, roses, jasmine flowers, azaleas, heather flowers...

And these flowers will have their own fragrance, and Wuming doesn't need to deliberately control it.

However, if Wuming is intentional, he can create a lotus, but the fragrance is the fragrance of chrysanthemums, or he can create a rose, but the taste is similar to heather.

He can even put different flowers together to form a fantasy flower with different petals.

"Mr. Wuming's ability is a bit like the ability of the flower fairy. I remember that the flower fairy can also create various flowers out of thin air." Maria said while eating.

Meimei nodded and said, "Well, the ability of the flower fairy is very similar to that of Brother Wuming, but it feels different."

"Because the flowers made by the flower fairy are real flowers, and the flowers made by Wuming are actually just other things with the shape of flowers." Lucyphil explained.

Flower shape, the name of this ability explains everything.

It just has the appearance of a flower, not a real flower. After all, flowers are actually the reproductive organs of plants. Maybe in the eyes of some plant species, Wuming's skills are actually very vulgar and erotic.

Perhaps, in some corner of the world, there are still professions that use the reproductive tools of organisms as a way of attack.

Imagine that Wuming's flower shape becomes a female shape, how vivid the picture is.

Wuming listened to the three people's discussion about his abilities, and subconsciously thought of many weird thoughts. Finally, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he simply pinched off his inexplicable thoughts. It would be impolite to continue thinking.

"Brother Wuming, since these flowers are not real flowers, can they spread pollen? I know there is a flower called Fantasy Moon Flower, which will spray pollen at the moment of blooming, and finally a large amount of Fantasy Moon pollen will form a fantasy mist. Animals will be confused when they enter the fantasy mist and become pollinators of Fantasy Moon Flower." Meimei chatted and asked Wuming.

Wuming frowned and said, "I don't know, I haven't tried it yet."

He has only been a flower arranger for two or three days. In fact, he doesn't have a deep understanding of flower arrangers, and many abilities still have the potential to be further explored.

"Then give it a try." Meimei said expectantly.

Wuming tried to create a Fantasy Moon Flower, but then he found that he couldn't create a Fantasy Moon Flower out of thin air because he had never seen a Fantasy Moon Flower.

He took out the Oracle Stone and opened the Oracle Network. After searching for the Fantasy Moon Flower, a large number of Fantasy Moon Flower videos immediately appeared on the screen.

The Fantasy Moon Flower is a flower whose petals look like snake tongues. Each petal is roughly similar to the shape of a ‘Y’, and its stamens are in the shape of a crescent, and it seems that there are a lot of tiny white particles stuck on it.

At this time, the photographer blew gently, and the tiny white particles suddenly scattered, turning into even finer powder floating in the air, looking like a puff of white smoke.

After seeing the Fantasy Moon Flower with his own eyes, Wuming had an idea the next moment, and a Fantasy Moon Flower really appeared out of thin air.

"It really worked!" Maria said in surprise.

Meimei smelled it and said, "The scent is not the scent of the Fantasy Moon Flower."

The Fantasy Moon Flower uses its scent to attract animals into the Fantasy Mist. The scent that allows animals to enter the Fantasy Mist at great risk is naturally extremely fragrant.

"Maybe it's because I haven't smelled the scent of the Fantasy Moon Flower." Wuming smiled bitterly.

Lucyphile took out a perfume from the storage space and said, "Smell it, this is the scent of the Fantasy Moon Flower."

She bought a lot of perfume when she was shopping before. Although she usually has her own body odor and doesn't need perfume, she occasionally goes to crowded places and doesn't want others to smell the smell of her body, so she will apply perfume to cover up her body odor, so she will still buy cosmetics such as perfume when shopping.

Wuming took the perfume and sniffed it. The smell of the Fantasy Moon Flower is indeed very good. It is difficult for him to find a suitable adjective to describe this fragrance.

After smelling the scent of the Fantasy Moon Flower, he had an idea the next moment and instantly created a Fantasy Moon Flower.

This time, the Fantasy Moon Flower not only looks exactly like the real Fantasy Moon Flower, but also smells very similar, but the fragrance is much stronger than the real Fantasy Moon Flower, and there is a slight difference, probably the difference between artificial and natural.

"It's already very similar." Meimei said in surprise.

The next moment, Wuming smiled and snapped his fingers, and all the flowers turned into Fantasy Moon Flowers in an instant. The rich Fantasy Moon Flower fragrance enveloped the surroundings, and at the same time a large amount of pollen floated out of the Fantasy Moon Flowers, forming a phantom mist around.

Everyone sat on the picnic blanket, looking around and felt like falling into a fairyland surrounded by clouds and mist.

"So beautiful, so beautiful, I'm hungry!"

Meimei looked up and looked around, and finally her appetite came up.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, so they started eating one after another, and Wuming was thinking about the potential of the flower shape while eating.

Fantasy Moon Flower can release phantom mist. What will happen if the dark mist and phantom mist are combined?

Moreover, the fantasy flower actually has no lethality before the ability is injected, so can different abilities be temporarily replaced in the same fantasy flower?

He ate while doing the experiment calmly.

At the outermost edge of the sea of ​​flowers, the pistil of a fantasy flower suddenly opened an eye.

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