I Contracted Myself

【675】The real demon-sealing gate

Then, more and more flowers grew eyes, and these red eyes kept moving around, observing the surrounding situation.

Wuming ate the pastries brought by Meimei, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He did not use any abilities such as Thousand Eyes, but only injected the most basic laser eyes into the flower of fantasy.

Each flower can only shoot laser eyes once, but as long as they are not shooting, they can be used as eyes, and the pictures they see will be shared simultaneously with the nameless consciousness.

With Wuming's current strong mental power, multitasking is not a problem at all, so no matter how many eyes he has, he is not afraid of not being able to see it.

"Although I have already scanned the surrounding situation with my mental power before, looking at it with pure naked eyes has different results, which is interesting." Wuming thought to himself.

At the same time, he also learned more about the shape of flowers.

The shape of a flower can not only store abilities, but it can also produce other unexpected effects before the abilities are truly activated.

For example, if you merge the Demonic Insect into the Flower of Fantasy, the Flower of Fantasy will turn into a black bee, and if you merge the Apostle of the Deep Sea into the Flower of Fantasy, the Flower of Fantasy will turn into a pair of armor and cover the body of the Deep Sea Apostle.

Also, blending the body of pure water into the flower of fantasy will form a flower made of water, and blending the body of pure water into the flower of fantasy will form an invisible flower of telepathy.

After constantly trying various experiments, Wuming discovered that there are really many ways to use the flower of fantasy.

He must admit that the profession of florist is indeed the most suitable profession for him, because the profession itself is actually not very powerful, but if the professional has enough abilities, then this profession will become extremely strange, powerful, and ever-changing. career.

To put it simply, this is a profession that is extremely demanding on the professional's background.

Wuming took a sip of hot tea and thought to himself: "In this way, the more abilities I have, the better. Although I already have many abilities, they are far from enough. Only when I get closer to omnipotence, will the shape of the flower become more powerful." powerful."

Then he thought about it, and the colors of the petals of a fantasy flower on the periphery changed in different ways.

One of the petals turned into water, one petal turned into blood, one petal turned into gold, and one petal became invisible.

Sure enough, the flower of fantasy can not only accommodate one kind of ability, but can actually gather multiple abilities into the same flower of fantasy.

In this way, the operating space is even larger.

Just when Wuming was about to take out the remaining skill stones in the storage space and eat them, suddenly there was a huge explosion from the ruins above the stairs.

Wuming immediately controlled the surrounding flowers to scatter. When he saw the billowing dust sweeping down from the end of the stairs, he quickly surrounded everyone with flowers again.


Loud noises kept coming from outside.

The dust hit the sea of ​​flowers formed by the flowers of fantasy, but the sea of ​​flowers instantly turned into a golden ocean, blocking out all the dust.

Under Wuming's control, a flower of fantasy floated quickly to the top of the stairs. An eye opened from the center of the flower, and the petals all turned into invisible mind petals to protect the eye.

"What happened?" Lucy Phil got up from the picnic cloth and asked seriously.

If danger does arise, she will immediately retreat with Maria and Meimei, and will never let the two of them be put in danger.

"It's not clear yet, there is a very chaotic energy interfering with my perception." Wuming said with a frown.

At this time, golden air waves spread from the ruins above, and a large number of bones were blown out from the ruins, hitting the steps and rolling continuously. When these bones fell to the ground, they had turned into various irregularly shaped fragments.

Gao Shanggong jumped down from above with a burly body that looked like jade. When Wuming opened the sea of ​​flowers surrounding it, he said, "Oh, the ruins are all gone. I didn't expect there was something inside." A demon."

"Is this the Demon God?" Maria looked at the jade corpse in Gao Shanggong's hand.

Gao Shanggong nodded and said: "Well, it was supposed to be just a little zombie. It absorbed the demonic energy from unknown sources and gradually developed consciousness and became a demonic body. Unfortunately, I failed to discover it at the first time. The result was..."

Speaking of this, he was in a bad mood.

In all the worlds, there are many types of demon gods. The god of magic can also be referred to as the demon god, and the god of demons can also be called the demon god.

However, the demon here is a corpse that absorbs demonic energy to form a demonic body and gives birth to consciousness, so it can be regarded as a kind of demon.

In fact, the upper limit of this kind of demon god is very high, second only to the god of demons. The level of the demon god that Gao Shang Palace encountered was about level 260. Caught off guard, although Gao Shang Palace himself was not injured, the reinforced ruins But he was destroyed by the aftermath of the demon's attack on him.

This is what happened after Gao Shang Palace tried his best to absorb the Demon God's attack. Otherwise, with the Demon God's attack power, the result would definitely not be as simple as an explosion.

"Then can we go up now?" Wuming asked.

Gao Shang Gong said with waning interest, "Go and see if you want. There's nothing interesting to see. The original sin beast that stole Mamakini is no longer up there. He probably escaped."

"Ah, so I can't get my Mamakini back?" When Maria heard this, she almost burst into tears.

She spent a lot of time cultivating Mamakini. In order for Mamakini to grow better, she even asked Meimei for help.

"Sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have taken out Mamakini." Meimei blamed herself.

Maria hugged Meimei and said, "It's not your fault. It's all the fault of that robber. I will not let him go next time I meet him."

"Okay, don't be sad. I will give you another Mamakini on your birthday." Wuming touched Maria's head and comforted her with a smile.

With his current status and the wealth collected from various forces, it is not easy to get a Mamakini.

"Let's go. Let's go up and take a look and then go home." Lucyphil said.

She didn't want Maria and Meimei to stay too long in this place. They just went up and took a look to satisfy the curiosity of the two little guys, and then went home.


As soon as Lucyphil finished speaking, there was a sound of rock breaking from the stairs.

Then the sound of 'crack, crack' became more and more frequent, and finally the stairs collapsed, and a black metal door appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone was a little surprised. When they reacted, they all walked to the black door.

This door is very heavy, and it is not as old as the sect of Fengmomen. Instead, it feels very 'new'.

"Uncle Gao, can you see anything?" Wuming asked.

Gao Shanggong shook his head and said, "There are no patterns, nor any signs of age. This is just a heavy metal door with amazing defensive power."

"Can you try to open it?" Meimei asked while eating snacks.

Wuming thought about it, summoned the Deep Sea Apostle, and ordered the Deep Sea Apostle to try.

However, the Deep Sea Apostle walked forward and tried his best but couldn't push or pull the door open. Gao Shanggong saw that the Deep Sea Apostle didn't get hurt after touching it, so he put away the body of the demon god and stepped forward to cooperate with the Deep Sea Apostle to work together.

Among all the people present, Gao Shanggong had the greatest strength. He and the Deep Sea Apostle still couldn't open the door even if they worked together.

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