I Contracted Myself


Finally, everyone went on stage together, but no one could open the door despite their best efforts.

Wuming thought about it, and controlled the fantasy flower infused with frog power to start gnawing the rocks around the gate. Then everyone found that after the surrounding edible rocks were gnawed away, all that was left around the metal gate was another kind of extremely hard rock.

This kind of rock is difficult to gnaw even with the power of frogs. It can only gnaw off a little bit of debris each time, and it may not be able to gnaw off a layer of skin in a long time.

"Demon Sealing Gate, is this gate the real Demon Sealing Gate?" Gao Shanggong looked at the situation around him and guessed to himself.

Lucyphil frowned and said, "Since the original sin beast that took away Mamakini has left, let it stay here. What if it is another pyramid? What we are doing now is tantamount to seeking death."

"Well, that makes sense, Wuming... Let's forget it, let's go!" Gao Shanggong nodded. Although he was curious about what was in the gate, he still agreed with Lucyphil's statement.

Wuming thought about it and it was right. It was better to have less trouble than more.

If there was another Rama-like figure in the Demon Sealing Sect, it would be a big trouble if he was released.

He controlled the Flower of Imagination to stop eating the soil around it and said to Maria: "Let's stop today's adventure. Let's go back and eat something delicious."

"Okay, let's go eat something delicious." Meimei immediately agreed happily.

Maria saw that Meimei agreed, and nodded to leave, even though she was still a little unwilling in her heart.

Although Wuming promised to give her a Mamakini on her birthday, it turned out that Mamakini was cultivated by her with a lot of thought and she already had feelings for it.

She had a strong feeling that the robber must be hiding somewhere to laugh at her.

But she also knew the harm caused by the pyramid some time ago.

After all, Gao Shanggong and the others had been dancing in the Wenxin Courtyard for a long time, and she had learned the waltz.

Considering the unknown dangers hidden behind the gate, which might cause similar consequences to the pyramid, she could only swallow all her unwillingness and sadness back into her stomach.


At this time, a loud noise came from the top of the cave.

Wuming and others looked up, and Lucyphile quickly said, "Let's go, don't mind your own business!"

"You go first, I'll see what's going on!" Wuming thought for a while and said to Lucyphile.

After all, there might be some dangerous existence sealed behind this door. The sound from the top of the cave just now made him a little worried. What if someone wants to open this door and release the danger?

"Okay, Maria, let's go!" Lucyphile glanced at Gao Shanggong and nodded.

She used the teleportation bracelet to teleport Maria and Meimei away directly, leaving only Wuming and Gao Shanggong. "Be careful, it's Luo Jiu's breath, don't be careless." Gao Shanggong said.

He didn't say it just now, mainly because he was afraid that Lucyphile would worry. After all, he suffered a great loss at the hands of Luo Jiu last time and almost lost his life.

If it weren't for the full treatment of the Scholar Foundation, he didn't know how long he would be unconscious.

Wuming's expression immediately became serious after hearing this. The next moment, a large number of flowers appeared, and a sea of ​​flowers formed around them in an instant. At the same time, eyes opened from the stamens and locked onto the top of the cave.


There was another loud noise, and the next moment, a large number of boulders fell from above.

If it were in the real world, this kind of falling rocks would not pose any threat at all, but in the area where there was no controller in the Shenzang Space, this kind of rock could even kill a practitioner of around level 150.

Wuming immediately controlled the Flower of Imagination to shoot dozens of lasers. Under the sweep of the lasers, all the boulders were cut into pieces, and then a large number of petals soared into the sky, rolled up the broken stones and fell to the side.

"Here we go!"

Gao Shanggong took out a gorgeous golden long sword and immediately slashed it upwards.

At this time, a sword energy fell from above, just colliding with the sword energy slashed by Gao Shanggong, and a large number of rocks around exploded and fell down one after another.

"Gao Shanggong, I'm here again, do you choose to fight... or flee?" Luo Jiu's teasing voice came from above.

However, the next moment, it was not Luo Jiu who appeared, but the sound of sword energy cutting. Then a huge hexagonal column rock with a diameter of more than 100 meters fell down suddenly, and at the same time, light fell from behind the rock, illuminating the entire cave.

Gao Shanggong said nothing, and when the rock fell halfway, he jumped up, pressed his palm on the huge rock, and the golden power wrapped around the rock. In a blink of an eye, the rock was quickly compressed into a small ball.

However, it was still not Luo Jiu behind the rock, but a dense crowd of monsters fell from the sky.

A beast similar to a wolf opened its mouth and bit Gao Shanggong. Gao Shanggong was ready to smash the beast's body with a punch, but when he was about to touch the beast's mouth, he felt his scalp tighten, and a sense of danger emerged from his heart.

The next moment, his body elements turned into light and fell to the ground. After condensing into a human form, he slashed out a huge sword energy with a backhand, but the sword energy was shattered by the various monsters above in an instant.

For a moment, the broken sword energy danced in the air like a dragon, but did not cause any harm to these monsters.

"Uncle Gao, be careful, these are enhanced beasts in the uncontrolled area!" Wuming immediately reminded.

When they left Wanghai City, Wuming and his friends mentioned in their casual chat that there are two types of beasts in the wild of Shenzang Space, one is the enhanced beasts in the uncontrolled area, and the other is the ordinary beasts living in the controlled area.

The enhanced beasts will automatically adjust their strength according to the enemy's strength. For example, if Wuming's level is 100 chicken, then the enhanced beasts will automatically upgrade to the level of 100.

In other words, these monsters all have the power to fight against Wuming and his friends!

"Well, you should be careful too." Gao Shanggong said seriously.

Even if they are at the same level, their combat wisdom, combat will, and combat methods will still be different. He is not scared by a group of beasts.

In an instant, golden lines appeared on Gao Shanggong's body, and he was obviously in combat.

Wuming no longer paid attention to Gao Shanggong, but his body turned into countless flowers and scattered around. At the same time, more and more flowers appeared, forming a huge sea of ​​flowers.

In the body of a flying enhanced beast, Luo Jiu was holding a fishing rod and observing Gao Shanggong through the eyes of the beast.

Suddenly, a large number of flowers blocked his sight. He couldn't help but frown slightly, and pulled the fishing rod with his hand, and the fishing line immediately straightened. At the other end of the fishing line, the hook was hooked on the beast's brain. The beast suddenly felt pain and flew to the top of the cave.

At this time, countless flowers around slowly changed direction, and the pupils in the stamens all locked onto the flying beast.

"So it's there!"

Wuming immediately thought, and countless petals immediately rolled up a tornado, hitting the beast along the way, and the petals exploded one after another, and the whole cave was filled with light for a while.

"Interesting, I noticed my position earlier than Gao Shanggong!" Luo Jiu thought to himself when he saw the petals coming.

Neither he nor Rama had ever regarded Wuming as an opponent. At best, Wuming was just a prey. Only Gao Shanggong's level could be barely considered an enemy.

If Wuming did not control the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Rama and Luo Jiu would probably not care about Wuming, a small shrimp.

After all, level 250 is still far away from level 279. The gap between them is even greater than the gap between bacteria and gods.

But now Luo Jiu actually looked at Wuming a little more, because Wuming's performance seemed to be slightly better than Gao Shanggong.

Gao Shanggong himself is not a combat talent, he is a scientific research talent, but he has mastered a lot of knowledge, so his combat power is amazing when he is prepared.

But he is not good at encounters, the more unexpected the battle, the worse his performance.

Of course, as a 276-level strongman, even if his performance is poor, it is much better than Wuming. Although he did not find the alien beast where Luo Jiu was hiding, he was already killing in the group of alien beasts.

These enhanced alien beasts were all upgraded to level 276 when they fought with him, but none of them could block his sword.

In a blink of an eye, all the alien beasts around were killed, leaving only some alien beasts flying in the sky still staring at him. Gao Shanggong looked up at the alien beast at the highest point, and his golden pupils emitted bursts of divine light.

Just now, it was not even a warm-up, the real battle has just begun!

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