I Contracted Myself

【677】Determination to kill


The cave roof exploded, and a large amount of blood and flesh of the beast flew everywhere, and finally scattered on the ground.

A beast with a bat-like body flew out from the crack in the ground, and the next moment it hovered in the air, and a fish hook shot out of its mouth.

Just then, a golden long sword flew out from the crack in the ground, and the two sides collided with each other.


A piercing sound rang out, and the long sword immediately flew back to the crack.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the crack, just grasped the hilt of the long sword, and then slashed at the beast in the air with a sword.

Gao Shanggong knew very well that the battle could not continue underground. No matter how strong the "Demon Sealing Gate" was, fighting with Luo Jiu underground would likely cause variables that he could not deal with.

Moreover, the underground space was too small. Once Luo Jiu used the Life and Death Wheel Sword underground, he and Wuming would be extremely dangerous.

Therefore, he directly exploded with all his strength underground to blast the beast in the air, and moved the battlefield from underground to the ground.

Luo Jiu naturally saw Gao Shang Gong's intention, but now was not the time to really deal with Gao Shang Gong. This place was too close to the golden area. Once he used his killing move, Gao Shang Gong could completely hide in the golden area in the shortest time, and then defend the golden area to harass and attack him.

He didn't need to waste his strength in such an awkward position.

But at this time, a large number of fantasy flowers sprayed out from the cracks in the ground, and the cracks suddenly seemed to become a fountain of flowers.

As countless fantasy flowers spread around, the different fragrances of the flowers mixed together, dyeing the area of ​​dozens of miles into a pink dream ocean.

Luo Jiu frowned slightly when he saw this, and suddenly thought of what Rama had told him, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Is this what my brother said... the ripples of fate?"

At this time, countless chrysanthemum-shaped fantasy flowers rotated rapidly, and at the same time, huge mouths grew in the center.


Luo Jiu's pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment he flew directly out of the alien beast, and then the alien beast was swallowed by a big mouth that appeared out of thin air.

This is Nunn's great magic 'Eater'.

But the eater is not just a pure eater, because Wuming injected the power of frog into Nuen's return power, so using the eater through the return power will also have the effect of the power of frog.

Otherwise, the eater can't threaten Luo Jiu at all.

Luo Jiu flew in the air, holding the bone jade fishing rod, and kept paying attention to the fantasy flowers around him. He thought to himself: "Interesting, every ripple of fate will bring different problems, and it is reasonable to be defeated. Gao Shanggong and Wuming, if I don't use the Life and Death Wheel Sword, I really can't suppress them!"

The problem is that once the Life and Death Wheel Sword is used, Gao Shanggong and Wuming can quickly escape back to the golden area, and it will be useless to use it.

Moreover, the Life and Death Wheel Sword is not a move that can be used casually. Every time it is used, it will cause great damage to the sword body, and it is also a great burden for him.

The power of the Life and Death Wheel Sword is not only aimed at the enemy, but is actually an indiscriminate attack regardless of enemy and friend.

Unless necessary, he will not easily use this killer move.

Suddenly, the three of them looked to the other side.

Luo Jiu smiled, Gao Shanggong was solemn, Wuming sensed the breath and immediately frowned.

"Wuming coward, dare you fight?"

On the outskirts of the flower sea, Chen Yidao slowly walked from the distant plain holding a long sword emitting a dark breath.

He exuded an extremely strong bloody aura, and there were a lot of blood stains on his clothes. Obviously, he had killed monsters all the way here.

Gao Shanggong noticed Chen Yidao's killing intention towards Wuming, frowned, and said: "Wuming, leave Luo Jiu to me, you go!"

"Okay, then Uncle Gao, you be careful!" Wuming agreed.

Gao Shanggong nodded and warned: "Well, you too, don't be careless."

The next moment, countless flowers floated to the position where Chen Yidao was, and in a blink of an eye, they condensed into a human form dozens of meters away from Chen Yidao. At the same time, more flowers floated and slowly rotated around Wuming and Chen Yidao.

Chen Yidao looked at Wuming, and a malicious smile suddenly appeared on his face. Without waiting for Wuming to speak, he waved his hand and slashed with a knife. Wuming could only turn into petals and scatter again, gathering in the distance.

"Wuming coward, I should thank you. If it weren't for you... I'm afraid I would never have the chance to see the ultimate knife, so... as a thank you, I will let you die in that knife, maybe in the next life you will understand what the real Tao is!" Chen Yidao felt comfortable after slashing that knife, and smiled at Wuming.

Wuming frowned and said, "Have you joined the Wanmo Sect?" "It seems... you don't understand anything. There is no difference between the righteous path, the evil path, and the devil path in essence. Only the Tao is eternal and immortal!" Chen Yidao said lightly with disappointment.

When he was practicing in the Wanmo Sect, he learned about some things in the current practice world.

As a famous person, Wuming's many deeds can be found on the Internet.

In Chen Yidao's eyes, Wuming is too cowardly. He has useless kindness, power gained by taking shortcuts, and a scattered will without a true self. Although he looks powerful, he is actually like a flower building made of gorgeous materials, which is completely vulnerable.

Although Wuming's level is higher than his, he looks down on Wuming from the bottom of his heart.

In addition, Wuming broke his vengeance and Rama intended to kill Wuming and seize the strategic goal of the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Combining all the above, Chen Yidao has reasons to kill Wuming.

"Is that so."

"People with different philosophies cannot work together. It seems that we can only be enemies."

Wuming felt Chen Yidao's undisguised killing intent and sighed with regret.

Originally, he wanted to give Chen Yidao a chance to cultivate his mind and become a new man, but from the current situation, this fruit has rotted.

Suddenly, Chen Yidao felt a sense of Wuming's killing intent and smiled, "Very good, that's how it should be. Try to kill me, or... be killed by me!"


In an instant, Chen Yidao slashed out with a knife, and the pitch-black knife energy swallowed everything. All the matter collapsed wherever it passed, leaving huge cracks.

Facing this knife, Wuming just spread his body and locked Chen Yidao at the same time, and his mind moved slightly.

Dense mouths appeared out of thin air and bit Chen Yidao from different angles. Chen Yidao immediately protected the knife in front of himself and turned his body violently.

Under the pitch-black knife energy, countless mouths were instantly chopped and exploded.

However, Chen Yidao's knife was also slightly touched by some mouths, and countless gaps appeared on the blade in an instant.

Next, countless petals attacked from all directions, and Chen Yidao could only frantically wave his knife to block the petals' attack.

But he only had a knife in his hand after all, and no matter how tight his defense was, he couldn't stop the petals from raining down, and the wounds on his body increased.

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