I Contracted Myself

【678】Small win

When the life level is raised to a certain level, the body will naturally gain many magical abilities.

For example, unimaginable defense, strong skin perception, self-healing ability of blood dripping, and inexhaustible energy.

Chen Yidao did not take the minor wounds on his body seriously at first. For him, such injuries can be healed in a few breaths.

However, after defending for a while, he found that his wounds did not heal, and there was not even a scab, but it was bleeding all the time.

If it were a normal person, this amount of bleeding would be enough to shock people.

Chen Yidao took a deep breath, but sheathed the knife, dodged the attack of the petals with his body skills, and after a breath, he held the handle of the knife and shouted, and then slashed with a knife.

Silently, everything was black.

Countless petals were instantly swallowed by the black knife energy.

"Extreme Demon Knife!"

At this time, Wuming's body spread out and turned into countless petals to dodge the attack of the knife energy. Chen Yidao showed a successful smile and immediately abandoned the knife in his hand.

A knife made of pure demonic energy appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Wuming with the knife.

When he slashed with the knife, Luo Jiu and Gao Shanggong, who were fighting in the distance, stopped at the same time, and in an instant, the two retreated hundreds of thousands of meters away.

Gao Shanggong showed a worried look, while Luo Jiu was amazed. Rama's vision was indeed correct. Chen Yidao's talent was too good. This knife was very close to one ten-thousandth of the power of the Life and Death Wheel Sword.

Don't look at it as only one ten-thousandth.

In fact, this is enough to kill a strong man above level 270. It can be said to be a supreme knife method that kills enemies above the level.

Why Chen Yidao was convinced by Rama's knife? It was because this knife had exceeded the common sense of the cultivation world. It was a real demon knife. Rules, abilities, and levels were no longer applicable to it.

The Extreme Demon Knife slashed on a petal, and the petal withered and collapsed immediately, and spread to the petals around it.

At the same time, everything in the area where Chen Yidao was located was collapsing with himself as the center. However, this was not a sign of strength, but a sign of his lack of control over the Extreme Demon Sword. Only by compressing the Extreme Demon Sword onto a finger like Rama could it be considered a sign of lifting a heavy weight with ease.

Next, Chen Yidao started to kill at a very fast speed. The blue sky gradually turned black, the earth began to crack, and the tunnels originally hidden underground gradually appeared. Countless huge rocks and soil fell into the tunnels.

"Is this what you rely on?" Suddenly, Wuming's voice sounded.

Chen Yidao immediately slashed in the direction where the voice came from, and a petal blocked the Extreme Demon Sword.


Chen Yidao showed a look of surprise. In fact, he had studied Wuming's ability and knew that Wuming had the Eye of Ignorance. Once he closed his eyes, he would be immune to all attacks.

So just now, he kept slashing at the injury, in fact, just to use a prop.

That prop can force Wuming to always have eyes looking at him.

Theoretically, Wuming, who cannot use the Eye of Ignorance, will be easily killed by the Extreme Demon Sword, and there is no possibility of survival.

As a result, Wuming not only survived, but also blocked the Extreme Demon Blade.

"Are you surprised? I can block your attack even without closing my eyes." Wuming said what Chen Yidao was thinking, but then more and more fantasy flowers were born in the dark demon domain.

Wuming did not tell Chen Yidao the answer, but controlled all the fantasy flowers to open their mouths and bite Chen Yidao instantly.

"Extreme Demon Blade!!!!"

Chen Yidao was not afraid at all, and immediately roared, ready to fight back desperately.


Suddenly, a fish hook penetrated the darkness, hooked Chen Yidao and pulled Chen Yidao away instantly.

Luo Jiu made a move. Under normal circumstances, even if he was a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, he would watch coldly as long as he was defeated, and would not care about the other party's life or death.

All things are born, the strong survive and the weak are eliminated.

The loser will die, and this is natural.

But Chen Yidao's talent is too good, so good that he has a sense of cherishing talent, so when he saw that Chen Yidao was about to be defeated, he couldn't help but make a move.

"Even if you win this time, we'll meet again later!" Luo Jiu rescued Chen Yidao and instantly turned into a rainbow and left directly.

The surrounding black air quickly dissipated after the two left, and countless flowers condensed and turned into Wuming in an instant. He stood in the air in the air and looked at Gao Shanggong in confusion.

Why didn't Gao Shanggong contain Luo Jiu?

At this time, Gao Shanggong looked embarrassed and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I didn't expect Luo Jiu to take action."

He knew Luo Jiu, so he thought Luo Jiu would watch coldly and even give a "waste" evaluation after Chen Yidao's death. As a result, Luo Jiu unexpectedly took action to save people.

This was just like the devil suddenly having a heart of the Virgin Mary, and he didn't react at all.


Wuming was speechless. Gao Shanggong was very reliable when he was reliable, but he was really unreliable when he was unreliable.

Of course, Gao Shanggong was not a combat talent. Although he was powerful, he actually had no desire to fight. He was more interested in learning. It was not his fault that he could not react in time.

"Uncle Gao, you should be prepared next time. At least you won't be in a hurry when you meet Luo Jiu again." Wuming stepped forward and suggested.

Gao Shanggong nodded and said, "Well, I will start preparing for the battle. Next time, I will let you see how a well-prepared scholar fights."

"Then I will wait and see!" Wuming smiled slightly.

But the battle he had with Chen Yidao just now was really dangerous. Chen Yidao didn't know what props he used, and as a result, he couldn't close his eyes.

The Demon Sword instantly killed a large number of flowers transformed from his body, but when he was in a bad mood, some flowers blocked the attack of the Demon Sword.

Those flowers were made of his skin. He immediately realized that the perfect shield could withstand the Demonic Knife, so the fantasy flowers transformed into his skin quickly split and stood in front of Chen Yida.

Once the Ji Mo Dao is cracked, Chen Yi Dao itself is not difficult to deal with.

If Luo Jiu hadn't rescued Chen Yidao, Chen Yidao would have been eaten to pieces by now.

In fact, Wuming feels a little pressure now. Chen Yidao was far away from him a few days ago. He really wanted to kill Chen Yida with just one move, but in just a few days, Chen Yidao was able to touch him. Touched, keep going...

Don't dare to think, don't dare to think!

Wuming felt that he had to strengthen his abilities as soon as possible, especially the florist's potential, which must be fully tapped to make himself stronger.

Even if you can't reach level 260 in a short time, you should still find ways to continue to improve your strength.

"Okay, it's safe!"

In the Chengtian area, Luo Jiu put down Chen Yidao on a mountain top.

Chen Yidao's eyes were red, he looked at Luo Jiu angrily, and asked: "Why did the deputy sect leader take me to escape from the battle?"

"You are a talent, I just can't bear your death to be worthless." Luo Jiu frowned and then said calmly.

Chen Yidao said angrily: "Am I, Chen Yidao, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? Since my skills are not as good as others, I will die if I die. You are trying to make me known as a coward!"

"No, I can't let the nameless coward look down on me. I'm going to fight again!" Chen Yidao gritted his teeth and turned around to prepare for another fight.

Luo Jiu looked at Chen Yidao who turned to leave, and was so angry that he almost wanted to slap Chen Yidao to death.

"Yidao, come back!"

At this time, Rama's voice sounded, and Chen Yidao suddenly froze.

He was silent for a moment, turned around and knelt down and said: "Yidao has failed the sect master's trust, and he still asks the sect master to grant his death!"

"Okay, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it when we get back. Let's go!" Rama glanced at the uncontrolled area in the distance, then turned around and said.

Luo Jiu glared at Chen Yidao, then turned around and followed Rama. Chen Yidao gritted his teeth and had no choice but to get up and follow him.

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