I Contracted Myself

【679】Seven Demon Stars

In a blink of an eye, three months passed quietly.

After the battle with the Demon Sealing Sect, Wuming and Gao Shanggong did not stay in the uncontrolled area, but returned to the golden area.

Those injured by the dancing disease have been properly settled, and most of the injured have recovered and left, so Wuming and his team finally had some free time.

At present, the Demon Sealing Sect has been handed over to the Scholars Foundation for handling.

Many scholars are very interested in the Demon Sealing Sect, and even hired a large number of practitioners to develop the uncontrolled area together. It is estimated that it will take at most four or five years to conquer the uncontrolled area.

In fact, in addition to the strong being able to conquer an area very quickly, there is another way to play steadily and slowly kill all the strange beasts in an area, and finally control an area steadily.

However, the latter requires a huge amount of manpower and financial resources, which ordinary practitioners dare not even think about.

It is worth mentioning that in the past few months, Wuming met with many regional controllers, and finally reached an intention of offensive and defensive alliance, gradually forming a separatist trend with the Ten Thousand Demons Sect in the Shenzang Space.

In a short period of time, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is unlikely to make any big moves in the Shenzang Space.

After resolving many troubles, Wuming stayed in Wenxin Bieyuan to study his various abilities and develop ways to use them.

And after making sufficient preparations, he began to take skill stones.

At present, he has a lot of skill stones, most of which come from the wealth handed over by various forces. Excluding duplicate skill stones, he has obtained about 250,000 different skill stones.

Of course, the levels of these skill stones are generally not very high.

Most of them are C-level skill stones, and B-level skill stones are relatively precious. A-level and above skill stones are rare and very rare.

One day, Wuming lay on a chair made of flowers, taking out a skill stone from time to time and swallowing it, then squinting his eyes to enjoy the sun.

Maybe because of his profession as a flower artist, he found that he liked to bask in the sun, as if he had become a flower and would thrive under the sun.

Unfortunately, this is just an illusion. The sun will only make him more comfortable, but it will not improve his strength.

"Ice Explosion?"

Wuming digested the skill stone and muttered to himself.

The next moment, a fantasy flower made of ice was born from his palm. He gently turned the ice crystal flower, and then with a slight thought, the fantasy flower made of ice crystals suddenly turned into ice powder and scattered.

The more abilities you have, the more changes the flower shape will have. Although Ice Explosion is not a powerful skill, it is better than nothing.

Wuming then took out another skill stone and swallowed it. In fact, you can learn skill stones without swallowing them, but he found that swallowing them and using many super powers to assist digestion will make it better to bear skills, so he gradually changed from using them directly to swallowing skill stones.

Probably because he originally had a lot of abilities, he would not feel uncomfortable no matter how many skills he added. However, under normal circumstances, he would still use the most powerful skills in battle to cooperate with the flower shape. Other abilities are basically used to fill gaps and will only be used when they are really needed.

"Thunder Ball?"

Wuming felt the skills and then created another purple fantasy flower.

If you look closely, you will find that the petals of this fantasy flower contain a lot of lightning. Once it explodes, it is estimated that the power can easily kill a cow.

Wuming lazily dispelled the fantasy flower, and then took out a skill stone and swallowed it.

"Wuming, you are too decadent." Below, Zhang Shouzhong, who had just finished practicing "Baozhi Vajra Gong", exhaled a breath of hot air, and then saw Wuming leisurely in the air, and said with envy and dissatisfaction.

The most important thing is that he practiced desperately, but the speed of becoming stronger was much slower than Wuming. If this goes on, I am afraid that when Wuming transcends, he will still be a supporting role.

He also wants to play a role.

Wuming knows Zhang Shouzhong too well. After listening to Zhang Shouzhong's sour words, he smiled and said, "Sorry, this is how I practice."

"Forget it, I'll order takeout. Do you want to eat anything?" Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

The "Baozhi Vajra Gong" is very powerful, but it also consumes a lot of energy. If you want to turn fat into precious fat, you need to consume a lot of meat.

Zhang Shouzhong must have a big meal before and after each practice, and he must eat and eat at other times, so he can be seen eating most of the time except when he practices.

"Give me a portion of white tofu. I haven't eaten tofu for a long time." Wuming thought for a while and said.

Zhang Shouzhong asked in confusion: "Ordinary tofu?"

"Ordinary is good." Wuming said casually.

The ordinary tofu in Dahuang City is actually a panacea in the world without magic, and it can even be said to be an elixir.

With the continuous construction of Dahuang City, more and more merchants have settled in Dahuang City. Ordinary food has been difficult to satisfy the residents of Dahuang City. Now everyone is eating extraordinary food. Even if they don't practice, their lifespan is extremely long and their physical fitness is comparable to that of Superman.

For example, tofu.

The beans used for tofu in Dahuang City must be beans produced by innate spiritual plants, and then tofu is made with various magical springs. Needless to say, the taste can also prolong life and be immune to all poisons.

In fact, even if Wuming wanted to eat real ordinary tofu, he couldn't buy it in Dahuang City.

"Recently, the Wanmo Sect held a competition on the Blood Sand Star. Except for the Sect Master Rama, the Deputy Sect Master Luo Jiu and a group of elders who could not participate, all other disciples of the Demon Sect could participate. There is news that the Wanmo Sect seems to have really selected a group of geniuses, and the seven strongest disciples are called the Seven Demon Stars."

The takeaway was delivered instantly. Zhang Shouzhong opened the box and ate the meat while telling Wuming the news he had recently received.

Wuming opened the box, and the fragrance of tofu immediately emanated. He took a spoon and tasted it, and said: "Well, Lucy Phil said this yesterday. Chen Yidao is the leader of the Seven Demon Stars. The Demon Sect calls him the Sword Demon Star."

The next time he meets Chen Yidao, he will definitely act ruthlessly without saying a word, and he will definitely not waste words if he can kill him in seconds.

The Seven Demon Stars are now responsible for conquering cities and territories under the Wanmo Sect, and they will inevitably commit heinous crimes. Unfortunately, he didn't even dare to have a premonition in the abyss, otherwise he might have had a premonition that Chen Yidao was not a good thing and killed Chen Yidao on the spot.

Forget it.

There is no point regretting now.

Wuming did not continue to think about it. After all, he could not maliciously speculate that every person he met would commit a crime in the future as long as he had the potential, and then kill him first.

Besides, the future is not immutable.

Different situations often lead people to two completely different endings. Sometimes the difference between a good person and a bad person is just a thought.

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