I Contracted Myself

【680】A Romance of Escape from Urine

Due to the birth of the Seven Demon Stars, the Wanmo Sect made many big moves in the next period of time, and the identities of the Seven Demon Stars gradually became known to the world.

The leader is the Blade Demon Star Chen Yidao, followed by the Bone Demon Star Tailun, the Shattering Demon Star Su Yilong, the Evil Demon Star Kou Zheng, the Spider Demon Star Bitren, the Thousand Faces Demon Star Chensha Yaoxing, and the Hidden Demon Star Buzhi Guizang.

Each of the seven demon stars has the ability to conquer the world alone, and it is not the kind of world without strong people, but a world with strong people and big forces stationed.

Because the Seven Demon Stars frequently attack, and every time they are ruthless, they really kill them all. In the past, many forces that were lucky in the past bowed to Wuming, and after paying heavy taxes, they settled in the Great Wilderness Special Zone or borrowed the road to other Shenzang areas.

In the blood and fire of the real world, time flies, dusk goes and morning comes, crows fly and rabbits run, like a white horse passing by, a hundred years in a glance.

A hundred years is an extremely long time for the short-lived species, but it is just a nap time for the long-lived species.

For Maria, it is just the transition from the first grade to the second grade.

Although the school does not have a summer vacation, Maria still welcomes a five-year vacation after the final exam. On the first day of the vacation, she ran to Wenxin Villa and invited Wuming and others to visit her home.

In fact, Maria's parents did not plan to live in Dahuang City at first. Compared with settling down, it was more like avoiding trouble.

But after living in Dahuang City for more than a hundred years, they have become accustomed to Dahuang City and all the conveniences here, so they decided to settle down in Dahuang City.

For this reason, they prepared to hold a banquet to announce the news.

Wuming and others naturally agreed and promised to arrive at Maria's new residence on time at the agreed time.

After Maria left happily, Wuming sat on the sofa, took a look at the address Maria left, and said, "So the manor was bought by Maria and her family. I should have sold it at a lower price."

"Maria and her family don't live together as a family, but as a large family. I guess we can see the legendary phantom god at the banquet." Lin Renmei smiled as she sat next to Wuming.

Because of the threat of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, many ancient families have settled in the Great Wilderness City, and the Ao family behind Maria is one of them.

The grandfather of Lucyphile and Maria is named Ao Honglie. He has many nicknames, such as the Emperor Mirage Dragon, the Phantom God, the King of Illusion, etc., but his most famous label is: lustful, polygamous, and full of children and grandchildren.

The Ao family is considered one of the major branches of the True Dragon Clan, but Ao Honglie is not actually an authentic Eastern Dragon Clan, but a branch of the Eastern Dragon Clan Ao bloodline.

Compared with the authentic five-clawed true dragon, if we really want to say that he is similar, he is closer to Baxia in terms of bloodline.

However, Wuming did not meet Maria's grandfather at the time. Gao Shanggong came to discuss the matters of moving in. For Gao Shanggong's sake, Wuming did not go too far at the time and only accepted one-tenth of the Ao family's wealth before letting them go.

Three days later, Wuming and others came to the Ao family manor.

This is a very large aerial residence. Looking from the outside of the manor, you can only see a layer of mist. There seems to be a forest and a lake, but you can't see anything in the finer layer.

Wuming and his friends entered the mist with the invitation card in hand, and the mist immediately made way for them, as if guiding them how to go.

"It's interesting." Wuming couldn't help laughing.

Although this formation itself is of a high level, it is just more complicated in layout. Wuming can see through the technical problems at a glance.

But the sleight of hand engraved in the formation is extremely mysterious.

After a hundred years of polishing, Wuming can vaguely see the wonders of the formation and feels that this trip is worthwhile.

If Wuming guessed correctly, the technique of the sleight of hand should have come from Ao Honglie, and only Ao Honglie had this ability.

The crowd passed through the fog, and then, under the guidance of a large number of butterflies that seemed real and illusory, they came to a house. Many guests had already arrived outside the house. Some of them stood outside to talk, while others went into the house together.

"Master Wuming, you are finally here." Maria, wearing a red and black dress, had been sitting on the side waiting. When she saw Wuming and the others appear, she immediately came forward and said happily.

Wuming smiled and said, "Good afternoon, little Maria is dressed so beautifully today!"

"Hey." Maria was a little shy.

At this time, Maria's parents came forward, Wuming chatted with them for a few words, and then went into the house together.

In fact, most of the people present noticed Wuming after he appeared, but Wuming's status was too high, and although he was known for his kindness, countless forces had invited Wuming to various dinners in the past and were rejected. Gradually, there were rumors that he was unkind, so these people did not rush to say hello.

"Oh, it's little Maria, come here, let aunt kiss you!"

At this time, a woman in a red dress came forward, hugged Maria and kissed her, and then let go of Maria and looked at everyone.

Maria was angry and helpless. While wiping the saliva on her face, she introduced: "Mr. Wuming, this is sister Lucy Phil's mother, my aunt."

"Hello, I am Maria's aunt Yuniel. You can call me Yuniel or aunt, it doesn't matter." Yuniel Phoenix said with a smile.

Wuming said with sweat on his forehead: "Hello, auntie."

He called Gao Shanggong uncle, and Gao Shanggong's wife was naturally called auntie.

At this time, many women looked over, and a woman who was familiar with Yuniel immediately came forward to greet them with a smile. After Yuniel's introduction, Wuming and others learned that this woman was Miss Ting, the wife of Gao Jianhong, the younger brother of Gao Shanggong.

Then Miss Ting pulled another woman over and introduced her to everyone: "Come on, this is my sister Miss Lili."

"Hello everyone, oh, Maria has grown up so big, I remember I held you in my arms back then." Miss Lili greeted happily.

Then more and more aunts and uncles who were familiar with them gathered over, and Wuming and others began to sweat on their foreheads, with an ominous premonition.

"Wuming, I'm going to eat something, I'm leaving!" Zhang Shouzhong whispered behind Wuming, and then ran away decisively.

Then Cheng Xuejie also said: "I feel a little hungry, I'm going to eat too."

But just when Da Huang wanted to retreat, Yuniel's eyes fell on Da Huang, and Da Huang immediately showed a flattering smile. He and Maria were childhood sweethearts, so he was naturally no stranger to Yuniel.

"Auntie, good afternoon!" Da Huang shook his tail, trying to get away with it.

Yuniel squatted down, pinched the meat on both sides of Da Huang's mouth and pulled it, smiling and said: "Do you know that I could have looked for you for a long time, for fear that you would be caught by others and made into dog meat hot pot?"

"Auntie, you're worried." Da Huang said in horror.

The aunts around him immediately scolded Da Huang, and at the same time asked Da Huang if he had a girlfriend, when he would get married, and how many puppies he planned to have.

Wuming looked at Da Huang with sympathy, and while everyone's attention was not on him, he whispered: "That... I'm going to the toilet."

After that, he also ran away to urinate.

As expected, banquets are too troublesome. In another hundred years, he can't stand the scene of all the gossips gathered together for a trial.

There is a toilet at the banquet!

Wuming asked and was a little surprised. The waiter next to him told Wuming that some races will still have reincarnation even if they have cultivated to a very strong realm, so toilets are necessary facilities.

Wuming wiped the sweat off his face and decided to go to the toilet to wash his hands.

After washing his hands in the toilet, he breathed a sigh of relief. Coincidentally, a girl wearing a sky blue skirt and her hair was full of snakes also came out of the women's toilet.

The two met at the door of the toilet. The woman noticed Wuming and was stunned at first, then said stiffly: "Excuse me, are you Lord Wuming?"

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