I Contracted Myself


"Ah!? Hello."

Wuming was also stunned for a moment, not expecting the other party to dare to strike up a conversation, and then nodded, preparing to find a corner to spend the rest of the boring time.

Unexpectedly, although the snake-haired woman was a little shy, she followed in small steps.

She followed Wuming and said weakly: "Um...Master Wuming, my name is Si Xina, and I am an array master. I have read your "Three Phases Theory" and "Array Rune Theory" "

"Thank you." Wuming said perfunctorily as he walked away.

"The Theory of Three Phases" and "Theory of Formation and Runes" are books he wrote more than ten years ago when he was studying the Flower Formation. They can be read on the Oracle Network and major bookstores.

Among them, the theory of three phases mainly talks about the three-three structure of the formation. The three formation eyes are superimposed on each other to improve the stability and fluency of the formation. He also developed a flower-shaped formation based on this, which can combine various skills. When integrated, the power is very good.

The theory of formations and runes is more complicated. It is a small study that he made by combining formations and runes when he was studying runes and restrictions. In fact, other scholars are also doing similar research, so this book is Less important than the former.

"Master Wuming, I am developing a formation recently. I hope you can give me some advice." Si Xina mustered up the courage to catch up with Wuming, and then said with all her strength.

Wuming thought for a while and said helplessly: "Then let's go over there and talk."

As he spoke, he pointed to the dining table not far away.

Si Xina immediately showed an excited look, she nodded and said: "Well, okay, okay."

Then the two of them walked to the dining table and sat down, and Wuming ordered a drink.

He took a sip of the drink and felt that it tasted pretty good, so he felt better and said, "Tell me about your formation."

"Okay, okay, sir, the formation I am developing is called the three-phase mirror array. The underlying logic of this formation uses your three-three structure. Take a look." Si Xina said nervously.

Then, Scyna took out the data she developed for the formation and transferred it to Wuming in the form of a light screen.

In addition to learning various skills in the past hundred years, Wuming also reads various books in the Dahuang City Library every day. He can read some books that require permission for free. After hundreds of years of persistence, although his knowledge is not as good as that of top scholars, But it is not weaker than those scholars who have just joined the Scholars Foundation.

Especially in the areas he is good at, superpower research and formations, runes, restrictions, and contracts, he is definitely a master.

The design of Si Xina's formation is not complicated, but the materials used are very interesting. It actually uses a bronze mirror as the formation eye, and it also comes with several formation points for clones, phantoms, and energy monitoring.

"Si Xina, the effect of your formation is to make those who enter the formation fight against you?" Wuming watched for ten minutes and then asked.

Scyna nodded and said: "Well, once the entrant enters this formation, the formation will monitor the opponent's strength, and then a clone will appear that is exactly the same as the target. Whatever abilities the opponent uses, this clone will also use, and It will continuously record the opponent's fighting mode and gradually defeat the opponent based on the opponent's fighting mode."

"There are a few minor problems with your formation. First, the three-three structure is not enough to support the operation of the entire base. Once the opponent uses overload capabilities, the formation will collapse directly."

"The three-three structure is very stable, but because it is too stable, it often breaks easily. I should have mentioned it in "Theory of Three Phases", so you should actively add some to the three-three structure. Buffer structures, such as the Round Snake Formation, are very suitable auxiliary formations.”

Wuming gave suggestions while thinking about it. Scyna looked at Wuming excitedly, thinking about the suggestions given by Wuming in her head. She found that the entire formation model became more stable after adding the round snake formation, and its fault tolerance was also improved. Higher.

"But your formation... I have some other ideas." Wuming thought more and more, and gradually inspiration came to him.

He found that this formation was completely unnecessary for trapping people and killing people. If he had the energy, he might as well just arrange several killing formations, and the killing formations would overlap with each other to completely strangle the target.

However, this formation is very suitable for self-testing. Only by doing it yourself can you better find your own strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, you know how strong you are, and you can adjust the materials of the formation according to your own strength, and you can use it perfectly. Formation without worrying about the collapse of the formation.

Of course, as a result, there are several aspects of this formation that need to be modified to ensure that the tester will not be killed by his own formation.

"Si Xina, I have some suggestions for this formation." Wuming thought for a moment, looked directly at Si Xina, and said seriously.

Scyna straightened her body and said nervously: "Sir, please tell me."

Then Wuming told Si Xina his idea, and Si Xina was stunned. Her goal was to develop a powerful and special killing array, but Wu Ming suggested that she change the formation to an auxiliary one. Law.

"To be honest, although this formation has some value now, its value is not particularly high. If it is changed to an auxiliary formation, there will be enough materials to open a shop so that practitioners who want to become stronger can enter the formation and hone it. If you look for your own strengths and weaknesses, I guess you can make a lot of money." Wuming didn't pay attention to Si Xina's distraction and continued to express his opinions.

Suddenly, Scyna's eyes lit up, and even her snake hair exuded the light of desire for money. She looked at Wuming excitedly and asked, "Sir, are you saying that a shop like this is very profitable?"

"The population of Dahuang City is large enough. As long as the publicity is in place, it should not be a problem to make a fortune every day." Wuming nodded.

Even he wanted to set up such a formation to find the strengths and weaknesses of himself. I believe that other practitioners would find it difficult to resist such temptation.

"Sir, why don't we open a store together!" Sisina said a little embarrassedly when she thought of her financial situation.

Wuming was stunned and asked, "Are you short of money?"

After all, this is also a banquet of Ao's Manor. Sisina's identity should be very special to be able to attend the banquet.

"I am a member of the Gorgon family." Sisina said in a low voice.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said, "So that's the case. Then let's form a joint venture. I will pay for it and you will provide the technology. We will split it 70% and 30%, but you have to be responsible for running the store."

"Thank you, sir." Sisina said gratefully.

The Gorgon family itself is a large family. When they fled to the Dahuang Special Zone, Wuming took away 90% of their wealth. In fact, if the remaining 10% of wealth is managed well, there will be no problem in living.

But the problem is that the ancestor of the Gorgon family is a spendthrift woman. About five years ago, the members of the Gorgon family could not stand the ancestor's wasteful behavior, and finally fell apart.

After the division of property, many direct members of the Gorgon family became paupers overnight, and some even owed huge debts and could only work to pay off the debts.

For example, a 250-level Gorgon family warrior became the signature of the sculpture shop. All he had to do was catch powerful beasts and fix their movements. The warrior would use the Gorgon family's talent to permanently petrify the beasts, making them truly living statues.

This kind of statue is quite popular, and the statue at the entrance of Ao's Manor seems to be that kind of statue.

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