I Contracted Myself

【689】Demon Star Falls

Among the original texts that Wuming mastered, the power of the heart is the most incredible and the most difficult to control.

The problem is that if Wuming practices honestly, he will never be able to catch up with Rama no matter how hard he tries, so in the past hundred years, in addition to learning various skills and knowledge, he has spent the rest of his time studying knowledge such as formations, runes, and prohibitions.

In order to be able to use the power of the heart, Wuming thought of many ways.

In the end, he really found a way, which is to limit his own heart, limit the scope of influence of the power of the heart, and limit the voice of the mind of creatures other than him in the formation.

In decades of study, he gradually perfected the Flower Formation of the Heart, using formations and various superpowers to limit the use of the power of the heart.

Because the power of the heart itself has thinking, but its comprehension is very low, and it is also easily affected by the wishes of other creatures, Wuming just set a wish that the power of the heart can understand.

In short, the power of the heart itself has infinite possibilities, but now it only has one possibility, that is, when Wuming wants to turn the target into a flower, Wuming's wish will be realized.

At this time, all the demonic energy in Chen Yidao's body turned into black lotus, and he had no power to resist.

After knowing the answer, he closed his eyes and said calmly: "The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, kill me!"

"Don't worry, I will kill you, but not now!" Wuming smiled.

He pointed his finger at Chen Yidao's forehead, and Chen Yidao instantly turned into a black lotus and fell into his hand. He lifted the Heart Flower Formation around him and handed the black lotus to Lin Renmei outside the formation to complete his mission.

"No need to hold back, kill all the disciples of Wanmomen, and then retreat immediately!" Wuming said to Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei put away the black lotus and nodded: "Well, I know."

She turned around, and the next moment a hot, white breath burst out from her body. In an instant, the surrounding Wanmomen disciples were attacked at the same time, and fists wrapped in white flames hit their chests one by one. When they reacted, their bodies were already torn into pieces.

On the other side, Baxiagui avoided Liu Shensheng's nail and said with a smile: "You are finished. Chen Yidao is probably dead. You will all die without a burial place."

"Damn it, retreat!"

Liu Shensheng roared without saying anything, and then his body quickly split into five, turning into five elements and running away quickly.

But in the blink of an eye, the five elements were hit by Lin Renmei's fist.

The golden light ball exploded, and a metal Liu Shensheng vomited blood immediately. The red light ball exploded, and a fire Liu Shensheng exploded on the spot. The blue light ball exploded, and the water Liu Shensheng immediately exploded like a water ball...

As the element balls were blown up one by one, Liu Shensheng's true body was revealed, and he had already escaped outside the planet.

Obviously, the five light balls were actually a cover, and the real him used the simplest invisibility to escape.

"Where do you want to go?"

Suddenly a white light flashed, and Lin Renmei stood in front of Liu Shensheng. Liu Shensheng was desperate, and roared and shot dozens of coffin nails at Lin Renmei. Then Lin Renmei punched all the coffin nails and Liu Shensheng.

After one punch, Lin Renmei fell into the planet. Liu Shensheng and the particles of the coffin nails spun independently like vortices. Finally, the two vortices collided and exploded, forming a huge ball of light outside the planet.

"Okay, Fei'er, start the teleportation quickly, let's go!" Lin Renmei saw that the turtles were still collecting spoils, so she said to Lucy Phil.

Lucy Phil nodded, and the next moment she activated the teleportation formation, and everyone left instantly.

Ten Thousand Demons Gate.

At the same time when Lin Renmei returned to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Rama immediately felt a sense of intuition, and a flash of knife light flashed in his heart, disappearing like a meteor.

He got up from the mat and walked slowly to the courtyard where he had taught Chen Yidao the Extreme Demon Sword. After standing there for a long time, he sighed and said to himself: "The edge is dimmed, the precious sword is lost, and the Sword Demon Star has fallen..."

A few days later, countless sects in the heavens and the worlds received news that Chen Yidao, the Sword Demon Star of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, who was in the limelight, was killed by Wuming.

This is definitely an encouraging news. Those practitioners who feared and hated the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were excited, and some practitioners even attacked the Ten Thousand Demon Sect after hearing the news.

It's a pity that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is still a powerful Ten Thousand Demon Sect. There are still six other demon stars who fell after the Sword Demon Star fell, and there are also Luo Jiu and Rama to suppress the overall situation.

The signs of resistance were quickly extinguished by the Bone Demon Star Tailun.

The Bone Demon Star Tailun is also a very strange demon cultivator. He joined the Ten Thousand Demon Sect with his master. At the beginning, he was just an inconspicuous cannon fodder of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

His master is called Hardy Kuro, who is a powerful necromancer. After making many contributions to the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, he was given the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra.

However, Hardy Kuro is a very cautious person. Although he got the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra, he did not dare to practice it carelessly, and even dared not to read it.

He gave the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra to Tyron and forced Tyron to read it day and night.

During this process, Tyron was on the verge of death, but Hardy Kuro used necromancy to forcibly prolong his life. The price was that Tyron gradually transformed into a dead soul.

Finally, when Tyron was infinitely close to death, he suddenly understood the true meaning of the Ten Thousand Demon Sutra. His body was like a flower, and countless sharp bone spurs burst out.

Hardy Kuro has a strong ability to save his life.

He wanted to escape at the moment when the bone spurs burst out, but was sealed in the room by dense bones.

No one knows what happened next, but the weapon used by Tyron, the Bone Demon Star, today is a skull spine staff. Many people speculate that the staff may be Hardy Clow.

In the vast void, a battleship made entirely of bones moved forward slowly.

Compared to the other demon stars, Bone Demon Star Tyron doesn't like strangers. All his subordinates are skeleton soldiers. He himself is covered in thick white bone armor and looks like a burly skeleton general.

At this time, he was playing with a skull in his hand and was having a meeting with five other magic stars.

"Once the Sword Demon Star dies, Tai Lun, you will be the number one Demon Star from now on, so be more careful." Su Pilong, the Broken Demon Star, said slowly.

Evil Star Kou Zheng said in a tone that seemed to be crying and laughing: "Brother Yi Dao is so pitiful, oh, I thought he could live for a thousand years, but he died in only a hundred years, oh, Tai Lun Brother, you have to be careful. As the current No. 1 Demon Star and the past No. 2 Demon Star, Wuming and the others may be targeting you."

"If a tree is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will destroy it. The reason why I gave in at the beginning was actually because I didn't want to be in the limelight. It seems that my strategy is undoubtedly the most correct." Spider Demon Star Bitrun said lightly.

Tai Lun said calmly: "The reason why the Ten Thousand Demons Sect selected the Seven Demon Stars is to increase the momentum of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, so as not to be thought by those on the sidelines that besides the sect master and deputy sect masters, the Wan Demon Sect only has a few elders. Worthy of use.

Chen Yidao's death has greatly damaged the reputation of Wan Mo Sect. The master of the sect will definitely not sit idly by and wait. There will definitely be another big force that will be unlucky. "

"Sacrificing blood to the Sword Demon Star?" Thousand-faced Demon Star Chensha Yaoxing said with a smile.

Tai Lun nodded and said: "Well, that should be the case. During this period of time, Wuming will not dare to take action again, otherwise..."

The other five magic stars suddenly knew something in their minds, and their eyes flickered, thinking about the benefits of this matter to themselves.

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