I Contracted Myself

【690】Beast Tamer Competition

Dahuang Special Zone, Wenxin Villa.

Wuming sat on the swing chair and swayed slowly, holding a black lotus in his hand.

He gently tore off one of the petals, then tore off another petal, and finally his fingers exuded a burning breath, and in the blink of an eye the stamens disappeared.

Chen Yidao was dead, but not completely dead.

"Daohuagu, interesting, I didn't expect Chen Yidao to bring me a little surprise." Wuming pinched one of the petals and smiled to himself.

He killed Chen Yidao's self, but retained the valuable parts of Chen Yidao.

For example, Chen Yidao's sword intent was transformed into one of the petals and preserved. That petal had the power of Chen Yidao's full-strength attack, and it could be driven at will by injecting the corresponding energy.

There was also the Daohuagu that Chen Yidao took when he killed Wansuiye, which was also transformed into a petal and preserved at this time.

This Daohua bone is very special, containing an indescribable Dao rhyme. If I have to describe it, it is probably like the artistic conception of being one with the light and dust, but more profound and mysterious.

It must be said that Chen Yidao's use of Daohua bone to fuse the demonic energy is really a waste of heaven's gift.

"Next, let's study Daohua bone carefully, maybe there will be some good discoveries!" Wuming held the petals in his hand and said with a smile.

At this time, Maria ran back from outside. She ran to Wuming excitedly and looked at Wuming with burning eyes.

"Maria, wait for me." Meimei chased after him.

Wuming knew from Maria's eyes that Maria must have something to ask him. He smiled helplessly and said, "Maria, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Master Wuming, let's go to the Beast Taming King Competition!" Maria said expectantly.

Wuming frowned and said, "The Beast Tamer Contest? What kind of event is that?"

"Didn't the Su family move into the Great Wasteland City the day before yesterday? It was an event they held, and they also gave out a lot of prizes." Maria said.

Su family?

Wuming thought about it, and then he remembered that there was indeed a Su family that moved into the Great Wasteland City.

At that time, the other party also paid him a considerable settlement fee, and also contracted the mounts of all the law enforcement members of the Great Wasteland City.

The Su family of the beast tamer clan?

Wuming thought for a moment, looked at Maria and asked, "Then what prize do you have your eyes on?"

"The prize for the first place in the Beast Tamer is Mamakini!" Maria said a little embarrassedly.

Although Wuming promised her that he would give her another Mamakini on her birthday, she still wanted to get a new Mamakini by her own efforts.

After all, the Mamakini that the Original Sin Beast took away is probably in danger.

Sometimes when something is taken away, it is a real loss. You don't know its ending, and you don't know if you will meet it again.

"Tell me the rules." Wuming guessed what Maria was thinking, so he smiled.

Maria introduced: "Each contestant can receive a random pet egg from the organizer. According to the contract, you cannot use supernatural powers to affect the pet egg, you cannot use supernatural powers to cultivate the pet egg, you need to cultivate it according to your own knowledge, and you can choose three materials for cultivating pets from the organizer every week. After one year, all contestants will have a pet battle to determine the strongest trainer!"

"In other words, the test is actually the ability to cultivate pets and the tacit understanding with pets." Wuming said.

Maria nodded and said: "Yeah, that's it. No matter whether you win or lose, the pet will belong to the contestant in the end. There are prizes for the first to tenth place, and in order to make a name for the Su family, the rewards for the first to tenth place are particularly rich."

"In order to gain a foothold in Dahuang City, it's not surprising that the Su family did this." Wuming smiled after hearing it.

There are many beast-controlling families in Dahuang City. Generally, beast-controlling families cultivate various pets, summoned beasts, and mounts, and then sell them to practitioners.

Because the competition is very fierce, the beast taming families have been competing with each other.

Today I bred a mount with a strength of 200 layers, and tomorrow he bred a summoned beast with a strength of 201 layers. No one is willing to give in to the other.

Some families even initiate beast taming competitions, using their own beasts to decide the winner.

They do this for only one purpose, that is, to prove that their own beasts are the best and let practitioners patronize their own shops.

The Su family has just arrived, and the purpose of holding this competition is very obvious.

"Okay, then I will accompany you to play, but this face cannot be exposed." Wuming got up from the swing chair and said with a smile.

Anyway, he has nothing to do recently. While learning the knowledge of formations and studying Dao Huagu, participating in the competition can also be regarded as a leisure and entertainment activity.


There are many registration points for the Beast Taming King Competition. Because of the geographical location of Wenxin Villa, there is a registration point outside the school not far away.

"What? There are level requirements for registration?" Outside the registration point, a child said with dissatisfaction.

The staff smiled amiably and said, "Because the pet eggs given by our Su family are all good pets, if you are lucky you can even draw a divine beast, we have to be responsible for the personal safety of the participants."

If a contestant draws a divine beast, but it is killed by the divine beast during hatching, wouldn't that be a good intention but a bad result?

The Su family wants to make a name for themselves, not to make a big joke, so it is written in the corner of the leaflet that the level of the participants must be above 120.

Practitioners with a level below 120 are not eligible to participate.

In fact, if there is no such threshold, it is estimated that people from all over the city will come to sign up for pets, and the Su family will not be able to afford it even if they go bankrupt.

At this time, Maria came up excitedly and said, "I want to sign up."

"Welcome." The staff looked at Maria with glasses to detect the level, and immediately smiled after confirming that the level reached 120.

Then Meimei also came forward and said condescendingly: "Hello, auntie, I want to sign up too."

"Welcome!" The staff looked at Meimei and then smiled.

After Meimei entered the registration point, Wuming appeared in front of the staff. He was wearing a mask and said lightly: "Can I be anonymous?"

"Anonymous is no problem, as long as the level reaches 120." The staff smiled.

Anyway, the contract can only be signed once, and even if Wuming is anonymous, it is impossible for him to repeatedly receive more pet eggs.

Wuming entered the registration point. After signing the contract, the staff asked: "Sir, anonymous is OK, but you have to provide a nickname, otherwise we can only call you Mr. Anonymous."

"Then call... Anonymous, Mr. Anonymous, it feels good." Wuming smiled.

The staff member said helplessly: "Sir, please, don't embarrass me."

"Then call me Huahua." Wuming said, touching his chin.

The staff member wanted to complain, but after thinking about it, he just let it go. Huahua is Huahua, anyway, Wuming doesn't care.

"Then I'll write Huahua when I register?" the staff member asked.

Wuming said indifferently: "Write it, can I get the pet egg?"

"Yes, please follow me." The staff member nodded immediately after writing Wuming's number and name.

Wuming followed the staff into the backstage and drew a random number. Then the staff sent a random pet egg from the headquarters through the number and said: "Pet egg No. 69, please cultivate it well."

"Yes, I will." Wuming nodded.

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