I Contracted Myself

【694】Smiling face

Su family manor.

There was an extra shelf beside Shijing Lake, and Su Bing was hung on the shelf with a look of despair on his face.

Su Wu slowly walked onto the stage holding the 'Da Sun Whip', turned to look at the Su family's children in the audience, and said: "I believe you all know that Su Bing lost a mythical pet egg, which caused huge losses to the family. If In the past, according to the clan rules, we should have been punished with a thousand cuts to death. But now that we live in Dahuang City, we must abide by the laws of Dahuang City and cannot kill people illegally. Therefore, the punishment of a thousand cuts to a thousand cuts has been changed to a punishment of thousands of lashes. , I hope you will not follow in his footsteps and start the execution now.”

After saying that, he whipped Su Bing. Su Bing's eyes suddenly widened and the pain hit his heart.

The whip struck him as if there was a strong force going up from his spine. The pain was indescribable, and there was also a sore feeling.

The two feelings superimposed together make life worse than death.

Next, Su Wu whipped Su Bing one after another. Su Bing's face gradually turned red, a lot of sweat left on his forehead, and his pupils were already bloodshot.

I can't hold it on, no matter how hard I think, I can't hold it on.

A thousand lashes were too many, and he would be beaten to death, which would be worse than being cut to pieces with a thousand knives.

Su Bing wanted to shout loudly, but his mouth was restrained and sealed. He could only make a whining sound, which was miserable.

The disciples of the Su family who were watching below all looked at it with concern, especially Su Wen, who turned around and did not dare to look, but his body kept shaking.

"The whip will save others!"

When Su Wu struck out a hundred whips, a loud shout came from the distance.

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from. When they saw that it was Su Shaoqing who was shouting, they were all stunned.

The person who exposed this matter was Su Shaoqing, and now it is Su Shaoqing who is asking for help. What kind of operation is this?

Su Wu stopped and waited for Su Shaoqing to fly over and land on the stage before asking, "Shaoqing, what's the matter?"

"Clan leader, listen to me." Su Shaoqing stepped forward to set up a soundproof formation, and then said: "I have been tracking the whereabouts of the two elephants in the past few days, and finally found the clue in Store No. 33."

"Did the egg come back?" Su Wu asked immediately.

Since they were given away, they definitely couldn't take advantage of them, but the mythical pet eggs were indeed too precious, so they thought of a compromise, which was to exchange the fairy beast-level pet eggs for the other party's mythical pet eggs.

After all, the Wave-Particle Elephant Orangutan is very rare, and basically there is no way to hatch the pet egg without knowing the hatching method.

Even if you have a little bit of useful words, you may not be able to guarantee that the other party will agree to the exchange.

"No." Su Shaoqing replied.

Su Wu was immediately disappointed and sighed: "It's normal for the other party not to change. After all, it would be too obvious for us to exchange in person. People with a normal mind will also know that there is something fishy."

"No, I haven't seen him at all." Su Shaoqing said.

Su Wu frowned and said, "Why is this?"

"You can watch the video and then talk about it." Su Shaoqing said with a smile.

Then he played the video at the entrance of Store No. 33. Wuming went to register with Maria, but Wuming wore a mask.

After watching the video, Su Wu was a little confused and asked, "What's wrong with this video?"

"The girl's name is Maria. She is a frequent visitor to Wuming's house. Some people even speculate that she has a special relationship with Wuming. Maybe she is Wuming's little lover." Su Shaoqing said in a low voice.

Su Wu narrowed his eyes, suddenly looked at Su Shaoqing, and asked: "You mean, the one wearing the mask is... that one?"

"Well, that's most likely the one!" Su Shaoqing nodded.

Su Wu immediately realized that this was an opportunity. In the past, no matter how much property he gave to Wuming, it was just a transaction, but now this situation is different.

No matter why Wuming participated in the competition they organized, as long as Wuming was made happy, Wuming would always have a good impression on the Su family.

They will have to hang out in the Great Wilderness Special Zone for a long time in the future. How can a mythical pet egg compare to Wuming's favor?

"Okay, okay, okay, let's not go too far for the time being, call back all the investigators, and wait until the next time we receive training materials to find a way to determine whether the wave-particle orangutan is in the hands of that person." Su Wu Said with a smile.

Su Shaoqing smiled and said: "Even if you are not the one, being able to make friends with Maria is still an opportunity. After all, Aiwujiwu..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

At this time, Su Wu lifted the soundproofing, and Su Bing's painful voice suddenly reached his ears.

Su Wu looked at Su Bing, and immediately released Su Bing with distress, and said, "Oh, thank you for your hard work, good boy. Go and call the doctor."


Everyone in the audience looked puzzled. They wanted to beat Su Bing to death just a moment ago, but why did they suddenly feel sorry for him again.

Many people speculated that it might be related to Su Shaoqing. The problem was that they couldn't guess what went wrong.

"Okay, the mythical pet egg has been recovered. This matter has come to an end for the time being. Let's disperse." Su Shaoqing said.

Then he also stepped forward and took Su Bing's hand and began to treat Su Bing. If Su Bing had not taken out the mythical pet egg by mistake, they would not have been able to deliver the mythical pet egg to Wuming's hands.

Precisely because it was an accident, it was precious, and Su Bing also became important.

Sow good causes and reap good results.

Cause and effect is actually not a scary thing. If it is a bad cause and the consequences are indeed terrible, but if it is a good cause and effect, it will actually make a good story.

When you reach a certain level of practice, you will understand that Wuming's getting the pet egg actually has a cause and effect with Su Bing. No matter what happens in the future, this accident will only be good for the Su family and not harmful.

"By the way, we must find a way to hand over the hatching method of the Wave-Particle Elephant Orangutan to that person, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Wave-Particle Elephant Orangutan to hatch, and this cause and effect will be bad." Su Wu suddenly thought.

He looked at Su Shaoqing and expressed his thoughts. Su Shaoqing thought for a while and said: "How can that adult handle this matter with common sense? Why not, let's wait for a week. If that adult can find a way to hatch on his own, we will wait and see what happens. , if that adult cannot hatch the Wave Particle Elephant Orangutan, then we will find an opportunity to send the hatching method to that adult."

"Okay, let's do it this way. Shaoqing is worthy of being the backbone of our Su family, and he always does things safely." Su Wu said with a smile.

Su Bing woke up in a daze at this time. When he opened his eyes, he saw Su Wu and Su Shaoqing looking at him with kind eyes. Thinking of what he had done wrong, he was immediately horrified. On the contrary, he felt that the two of them were even more terrifying. .

Finally, he rolled his eyes and was frightened and fainted by the smiling Su Wu and Su Shaoqing.

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