I Contracted Myself

【695】Online help

In a blink of an eye, it's Saturday, and tomorrow is the time to pick up the cultivation materials.

Wuming and Lin Renmei sat together, shoulder to shoulder, looking at the pet eggs in front of them, and sighed in perfect agreement. Their pets still had not hatched.

"What should I do? I will receive the materials tomorrow. If I choose the wrong materials, it will be equivalent to missing someone else's chance to strengthen their pet. The impact will be too great." Lin Renmei said a little weakly.

She has never been afraid of anyone if she was asked to fight.

Even if she is an enemy that she cannot defeat temporarily, she is confident that she will be stronger than him in the future.

But now this little pet egg really stumped her.

Wuming unfolded the robe and said: "It's actually quite easy for you to handle. Currently, there are more than ten trillion kinds of pink eggs in all the worlds. After excluding those that don't match the size, weight, and shape, there are only 160,000 pink eggs left. There are three million species. After excluding the hatching conditions such as fire, high temperature, freezing, thunder and lightning, etc., there are 83.55 million species left. After excluding some rare, weak, and useless pet eggs, one thousand are left. There are thousands of them.”

During this period, Lin Renmei also made many attempts, such as putting eggs in a fire, placing them in a high-temperature environment, and placing them in an ultra-low-temperature environment.

Since these methods were unsuccessful, Wuming simply ruled them out.

"More than ten million species are still too many." Lin Renmei sighed.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then test them one by one."

As he spoke, he sped up the entire time in Wenxin Villa. One day outside and one year in Wenxin Villa were enough for Lin Renmei to test out the correct incubation method.

"Okay, let me give it a try!" Lin Renmei saw that Wuming had done what she could do, and she could only rely on herself for the rest.

Wuming watched Lin Renmei go back to the house holding the egg, and then looked at his pet egg. If Lin Renmei's pet egg was just too ordinary and difficult to guess, then his pet egg was too special.

Although there were several pet eggs that were very similar to his, after searching, he was sure that his egg was not one of those pets.


There was an explosion inside the house.

Maria chased the tinder cat out, and she yelled angrily: "Little rascal, I told you not to breathe fire at home!"

"Hoo, meow, meow." The tinder cat immediately made a strange sound, as if imitating a cat's meow.

Maria was so angry that she said: "Even if you meow like a cat, I will beat you today. Stop it."

One person and one cat circled around the yard, and finally the tinder cat hid behind Wuming. Maria stopped in front of Wuming and said seriously: "Come out, don't disturb Mr. Wuming!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't be so cruel to the cat. It's only so old. It's normal to be unable to control the flames." Wuming said with a smile.

The tinder cat immediately rubbed Wuming's clothes with a flattering expression.

This guy has a very high IQ. Although he is only a few days old, he can already tell who is the boss in the Wenxin Courtyard. He has also learned to be cute and meow like a baby from time to time.

In fact, its original sound was more like the sound of a cow, but during this time it found that everyone seemed to like it more when it meowed, so its sound changed.

When Maria saw the tinder cat being cute to Wuming again, she immediately gave the tinder cat a hard look.

Then she didn't bother to punish the tinder cat anymore, but looked at the pet egg Wuming put on the table, and asked: "Master Wuming, is it difficult to hatch this egg?"

Wuming sighed: "It shouldn't be difficult actually, but I don't know what kind of egg this egg is. There seems to be no information about this pet in the Great Wilderness Special Zone at present."

"Master Wuming, you can actually ask online. I saw many contestants asking online how to hatch their pet eggs." Maria said at this time.

The rules of the Taming King Competition only require that contestants cannot use extraordinary power to interfere with pet eggs, but they do not prohibit contestants from seeking help online.

Many people directly take photos of their pet eggs and send them online, asking anonymously about how the eggs are hatched and cultivated.

"It's still like this!" Wuming said in surprise.

He hasn't been online much during this period, and he really doesn't know the latest news.

Maria nodded and said: "Of course, it's just that the news above may be true or false, and you need to distinguish it carefully. Some contestants were tricked by netizens. Not only did they choose the wrong incubation method, but they also used the wrong cultivation method after finally hatching it. , now pets and contestants are like enemies.”

"Try me." Wuming said.

He immediately took all-round photos of the pet egg, and then anonymously posted it online for help.

Albert, who lives in the lower part of Dahuang City, is a pet fan. He likes mythical beasts very much. The more powerful the mythical beast is, the more obsessed he becomes.

One-third of his salary is spent on collecting information and models of mythical beasts. In addition to work, he usually watches videos of various mythical beasts at home.

At this time, there was new news about the Beast Taming Competition that he was following.

"What kind of pet egg is this? Can anyone tell me what it is? Photos, photos, photos, photos, photos."

Albert clicked on the post and immediately saw a golden pet egg. The pet egg had a large number of lightning-shaped patterns on its surface, and there were also wavy patterns surrounding these lightning-shaped patterns.

He pushed up his glasses, showing a look of confusion. There were very few pets he didn't know. Although he wasn't the best at researching pet eggs, he had seen most of them.

"Lightning dragon?"

At the first moment, he also admitted his mistake.

He thought for a while and typed: "Could it be the egg of a mutated lightning dragon?"

As soon as he sent the reply, he received a reply after a while: "It has been confirmed that it is not the egg of the lightning dragon, nor the egg of the mutated lightning dragon."

"Isn't it?" Albert looked curious.

Could it be that this is another unknown pet, but since it is an egg given out in the Beast Taming King Competition, theoretically, the information should be able to be found.

At this time, a new netizen posted a comment: "Lightning dragon, no need to guess, it must be the lightning dragon."

"The above poster has replied that it is not a lightning dragon." Albert posted.

Some netizens suggested: "Then just try them all."

Su family.

Su Bing, who was undergoing treatment, was bored and simply played online.

The main reason is that he can't move his hands and feet now, his body is wrapped like a mummy, and he has nothing else to do except surf the Internet.


"What kind of pet egg is this? Can anyone tell me what it is? Photos, photos, photos, photos, photos."

Su Bing immediately clicked on the post. When he saw the egg in the photo, tears welled up in his eyes. This was the egg he was looking for!

"Brother, what's wrong? Does it hurt somewhere?" Su heard that Su Bing was crying and asked immediately.

Su Bing shook his head and continued: "I found the lost mythical pet egg."

"What!" Su Wen stood up and said.

He immediately informed the clan leader and Su Shaoqing, who rushed in after a few seconds. After understanding the situation, the two laughed again. They were originally worried about how to deliver the hatching method to Wuming, but they didn't expect that the problem would be solved in this way. The way was solved.

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