I Contracted Myself

【696】Incubation conditions

"If I'm not mistaken, this friend's pet egg should be the egg of the wave-particle dual-elephant."

"The wave-particle dual-elephant is a very rare and powerful beast. It not only looks fierce and cute, but also has powerful abilities. It will also become extremely dependent on the person who sees it at first sight. The hatching method is as follows."

Wuming saw a serious answer on the 90th floor. Most of the netizens above were guessing about the wave-ripple lightning dragon and the sea-turning lightning dragon. Only this netizen's answer was not only detailed but also very logical.

"Wuming-particle dual-elephant?"

Wuming read the content of the post, his eyes fell on the pet egg, and he said to himself.

This name can't be said to be very strange, but it is indeed a bit strange.

"Has anyone heard of the wave-particle dual-elephant?" Wuming looked at Maria and Lucyphil not far away and asked.

Maria shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it. Is there such a pet?"

"Wuming-particle dual-elephant? Are you sure you are not talking about wave-particle duality?" Lucyphil asked.

Wuming said seriously: "I'm not so blind as to be old. It's really a wave-particle dual-monkey."

"I haven't heard of it, but you can ask my father." Lucy Phil said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try."

Then he contacted Gao Shanggong, who was still fighting with Luo Jiu in the Golden Area. After Gao Shanggong heard what Wuming said, he directly said that he had never heard of it, and then asked him to ask Aries.

"Okay, I'll ask Mr. Aries." Wuming nodded.

However, Aries also said that he had never heard of the wave-particle dual-monkey, and speculated that if what the netizen who replied to the post was true, then this might be a very unconventional beast.

"Why don't you try to hatch it with the above method first?" Maria suggested.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, let's try it first."

He picked up the pet egg and prepared to try to hatch it according to the method in the post.

However, as soon as he got up, he heard Zhang Shouzhong's voice coming from the house. Then Zhang Shouzhong came out of the house and said, "Fuck, Wuming, you are so lucky."

"What's wrong?" Wuming asked in confusion.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately turned the screen to Wuming and said, "Look for yourself."

The hot posts on the screen were all related to the Beast Taming King Competition.

"The ancient mythical beast wave-particle ape appeared in the Beast Taming King Competition. Is it true or false?" "The Su family is playing too big this time. They even took out the egg of the wave-particle ape. Are they crazy? 》

"Hype, or conscientious activity? The mythical pet appeared in the Beast Taming King Competition. 》

"About the wave-particle ape. 》

A lot of the post titles were exaggerated, but Wuming immediately realized that things didn't seem to be that simple.

He clicked on a post, and the poster also quoted his post photo, and then said a lot about how awesome the wave-particle ape was, and finally promoted the Beast Taming King Competition.

"Could it be an advertisement from the Su family?" Wuming said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong analyzed: "It is very likely that it is the work of the Su family. I am afraid that they prepared a mythical pet egg when the Beast Taming King Competition was held, and it was a special one.

When the lucky person who drew this egg could not find a way to hatch the pet egg and had to go online for help, they started the first wave of publicity offensive."

"Then didn't Lord Wuming lock in the first place in the competition first?" Maria reacted and looked at Wuming and said.

These days, Maria also learned about the level classification of pets. For example, her velvet cat belongs to a super-powerful pet. If it is cultivated, it can even be comparable to a powerful pet.

If she chooses the cultivation materials correctly every time, then after a year, the velvet cat should be able to reach a level of about 160.

Of course, there are still great differences between individual velvet cats. The above is only the level that can be achieved under ideal conditions.

And what about mythical pets?

The starting point is above level 150. In simple terms, it is the end point of countless species when it is born.

Even if Wuming does not use any natural materials, it is estimated that the level of the wave-particle gorilla can reach level 155 in one year. Counting the training materials provided by the competition, it can be basically determined that the wave-particle gorilla should be around level 190 in one year.

How can we fight with such a big level gap?

"Not necessarily. Although the wave-particle gorilla is very strong, since the Su family has released mythical pets, there should still be fairy beasts. A well-trained fairy beast pet is not necessarily weaker than the mythical level." Wuming explained with a smile.

He has also looked up a lot of relevant information in the past few days. He still understands the most basic things.

Lucy Phil asked: "Can I find more information about the wave-particle gorilla now?"

"Let me see!" Zhang Shouzhong immediately refreshed the webpage.

In a moment, he found some entry-level information about the wave-particle gorilla.

He looked at the information and exclaimed: "My God, how can other players survive? The wave-particle gorilla is too strong."

Others looked at the screen one after another, and then they showed surprise one by one.


Race: Wave-Particle Dual Gorilla

Status: Divine Beast

Starting Level: 160

Talented Ability: [Quantum Body]

Effect: The body is in the state of ‘particle’ and ‘wave’ at the same time, and the Wave-Particle Dual Gorilla can change its form at any time according to its own thoughts.

Talented Ability: [Uncertainty Principle]

Effect: When attacked, if the opponent is not sure whether the Wave-Particle Dual Gorilla is injured, the damage will be immune.

Talent: [Quantum Entanglement]

Effect: When the wave-particle dual ape exists in a physical form, there must be a quantum state body.

Talent: [Particle Manipulation]

Effect: The wave-particle dual ape can freely control various microscopic particles.


"Hiss, I took a breath of cold air!" Maria took a breath of cold air and said mischievously.

Lucifer frowned and said: "This gap is too big. I'm afraid that ordinary players will have no chance of winning when they meet Wuming."

If nothing else, most pets probably don't even have the ability to hurt the wave-particle dual ape, so how can they win?

"Master Wuming, the competition depends on you." Maria said with a burning look.

In fact, after understanding the level of pets, Maria didn't have much hope that she could get the first place. After all, the potential of the velvet cat was too poor. Even with the blessing of natural materials and treasures, it might not be the opponent of the fairy beast.

"Work together, participation is important." Wuming smiled.

He held the egg and said, "Let's hatch Bobo first. Only when it is truly hatched can we be sure whether it is a wave-particle duality."

After returning to the house, he began to set up a formation in his room.

The hatching conditions of the wave-particle duality are very special. An environment with no observers must be created, but an observer must be guarding outside.


It's actually Schrödinger's cat.

To put it simply, put the egg in the box, wait without knowing whether the egg will hatch, and hope that the egg will hatch.

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