When the expectation is strong enough, the wave-particle ape will break out of its shell.

When it automatically comes out of the box, the first target it sees is its closest person, and at the same time, the two sides will produce a magical quantum entanglement phenomenon, and they can be teleported to each other no matter how far away they are.

Because of the special incubation conditions, everyone can only wait outside the house.

Maria hugged the velvet cat and asked curiously: "I wonder if the wave-particle ape looks like an elephant or an orangutan?"

"In fact, it doesn't look like either. The wave-particle ape just has a nose that is a bit like an elephant, both of which are very long, and its physique is a bit like an orangutan, but in fact it has nothing to do with elephants or orangutans." Zhang Shouzhong said.

Maria asked curiously: "Why is it called the wave-particle ape?"

"It's probably the bad taste of the first discoverer." Zhang Shouzhong guessed.

The longer you live, the more you can see all kinds of weird people. Zhang Shouzhong can imagine the playful smile on the face of the first person who discovered the wave-particle ape when he named it.

In the nameless room, the formation has been arranged.

He put the pet egg into a black box that could isolate all kinds of observations, and then used the power of the controller of the special zone to isolate all creatures from observing the box.

"Come out quickly, little guy!"

After doing everything, Wuming looked at the box with burning eyes, looking forward to the hatching of the pet egg.

He didn't know how long he had to wait, so he could only stay focused, looking forward to the hatching of the pet egg and the meeting of the wave-particle ape.

Time passed slowly.

About five hours later, Wuming suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the box.

Has it hatched?

Wuming guessed in his heart, and at the same time stared at the box more intently.

But after that sound, the box returned to silence again. Wuming didn't know whether the egg had hatched for a while, but the problem was that he couldn't open it in advance.

If the wave-particle ape was halfway hatched, opening it would be equivalent to sentencing the wave-particle ape to death.

It must be said that the wave-particle ape is a very powerful beast, but the incubation conditions are indeed somewhat special. Once the incubation process is seen by the observer, the incubation will be interrupted, and then the wave-particle ape will become a dead fetus.

Because of this, it is almost difficult to see the traces of the wave-particle ape in nature, and even the information is very little.

All Wuming can do now is to wait patiently, waiting for the wave-particle ape to come out by itself.

Time continues to pass.

Three hours later, the box suddenly shook, and Wuming immediately looked at the box excitedly.

A furry nose slowly opened the box, and the wave-particle ape poked its head out with a round head. The eyes looked particularly clever, giving people a sense of being sneaky.

It slowly looked at Wuming, and after seeing Wuming, it stared at Wuming steadily, and the eyes full of "wisdom" were funny and cute.

"Come out, you will be called Bobo from now on!" Wuming said with a smile.

The wave-particle ape slowly opened the box. In addition to its elephant-like nose, Wuming felt that it was more like a golden bear.

"Bobo?" The wave-particle ape walked carefully to Wuming, sniffed Wuming's hand with its nose, and then made a puzzled sound.

Wuming smiled and said, "Your name is Bobo, and my name is Wuming!"

"Bobo?" Bobo tilted his head and continued to look at Wuming with a wise look.

Wuming picked it up, but who knew that the next second Bobo turned into golden energy dust and dispersed, and returned to its original position in a blink of an eye, and continued to look at Wuming with a silly look.

"By the way, are you hungry? Do you want milk?" Wuming clapped his hands and immediately took out a milk bottle.

He took out various elephant milks and poured them into the milk bottle, then tried to feed Bobo. Bobo subconsciously drank a sip, and then hugged the milk bottle to eat by himself.

Although it is a mythical beast, it seems to have some similarities with animals in its infancy.

Wuming was originally worried that it would not drink milk, but would drink more bizarre substances. As far as he knew, many mythical beasts had to eat substances such as plasma when they were young, and some even exaggeratedly had to eat black holes to fill their stomachs.

Fortunately, Bobo was relatively normal in this regard.




Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from Bobo's abdomen.

With each explosion, Bobo's body would become larger. After several explosions, Bobo's body size had reached one-third of Wuming's size.

Wuming blinked and immediately overturned his thoughts. This was not normal.

He understood Bobo's operation. Bobo drank milk by drinking substances into his abdomen, and then forcibly broke all the substances into elementary particles. In this process, these substances released huge energy, and all the energy was absorbed by Bobo.

"Bobo, try this." Wuming took out a piece of metal and handed it to Bobo.

Bobo took the metal and put it in his mouth. He bit it a few times and swallowed it into his stomach. Then a more violent explosion sounded, and Bobo's body became fatter.

If this goes on, it won't take long for Bobo to become a super beast, and its size alone is enough to crush most life forms.

"Okay, let's go out for a walk." Wuming thought about it and simply tried to pick up Bobo.

This time, Bobo allowed Wuming to hold him. He looked around in Wuming's arms. After leaving the room, he opened his eyes wide, as if he had never seen the world before and was curious about everything.

Wuming introduced various things to Bobo while walking, and when he went downstairs, he met Maria and the others.

"Master Wuming, this is the wave-particle ape? So cute." Maria said with sparkling eyes as she looked at Bobo who was held in Wuming's arms.

Zhang Shouzhong was surprised and said, "It's actually furry, which is not what I imagined."

In his imagination, the image of the wave-particle ape should be similar to Cthulhu, but the wave-particle ape is as cute as a little bear. The difference between the two is too big.

"It's called Bobo." Wuming introduced with a smile, and then introduced everyone to Bobo.

Bobo touched Maria's head with his nose, looked at Maria with round eyes, and said, "Bobo!"

"Does it only say 'Bobo'?" Maria touched Bobo's nose and asked curiously.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I don't know, it was just born, maybe it will be fine after a while."

"What does it eat? Can it eat dried meat?" Maria took out some dried meat and looked at Bobo curiously.

Bobo sniffed the dried meat with his nose, and when Wuming didn't object, he stuffed the dried meat into his mouth. Wuming smiled and said, "Cover your ears!"

"What?" Maria was a little confused.

The next moment, Bobo's stomach made a deafening explosion sound, and Wuming felt that Bobo in his arms had become much heavier, and at the same time, both hands were a little bit unable to hold him.

Everyone present saw the change in Bobo, and they all looked at Bobo in surprise, thinking: This is a mythical pet? It's too strong.

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