I Contracted Myself

【698】Powerful Talent

Bobo's level when he was born was actually a little higher than estimated online. Although it was still within the level of 160, it was actually very close to level 161.

If there is a decimal point after the level, Bobo will probably be a value like 160.88888.

Next, everyone rushed to feed Bobo. In a blink of an eye, Bobo became so fat that Wuming couldn't hold it with both hands, so he had to put it on the ground.

Bobo also became bolder, sniffing here and there, and finally lay down on the swing chair, looking at everyone with intelligent eyes.

"Wu Ming, there is an article on the Internet about how to train Bobo. Take a look." Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

The popularity of discussions about the wave-particle orangutan on the Internet is still rising. Some people have begun to post various content about the wave-particle orangutan on the Internet. The posts have received a large number of clicks, views and replies from netizens.

"The Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Ape, the mythical beast among mythical beasts, how strong is it?" 》

Wuming found the post Zhang Shouzhong mentioned, glanced at the title and clicked on the post.

The poster's online name is 'God's pet fan Xiaowu'. He wrote in the post: "The first time I knew about this mythical beast was the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Orangutan. It was probably more than 16,700 years ago, when I was still a child. A beast master apprentice was greatly shocked when he heard about this mythical beast.

Although the name of the Wave Particle Elephant Ape is a bit funny, well, very funny, it does not have the character of a mythical beast at all.

However, the wave-particle two-elephant gorilla is definitely a mythical beast among mythical beasts.

The growth cycle of the wave-particle orangutan can be divided into infancy, growth, youth and maturity.

Generally, the level of the wave particle orangutan in its infancy is as high as level 159. Once hatched, it is considered semi-invincible and extremely difficult to kill.

According to the information I have collected so far, the wave-particle orangutan has two bodies, one body is in the wave-particle state, and the other is in the quantum state. Only by killing both bodies at the same time can the wave-particle orangutan be truly killed. Otherwise, the Wave Particle Elephant will automatically resurrect the other body that was killed.

In addition to being difficult to kill, the Wave Particle Elephant Ape itself is also extremely powerful in combat. Not only can it freely manipulate various microscopic particles, but it also inherits the innate abilities of its parents and has natural suppressive properties against low-level beings.

Since I have never fought against the Wave Particle Elephant Orangutan, and I don’t know much about the specific situation, I will stop this topic here.

Next, I will talk in detail about how to cultivate wave-particle two-elephant orangutans.

When the orangutans were in their infancy, their IQs were very low, about the same as those of ordinary cubs. This is because their brains have not developed at all and their actions are entirely based on instinct.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Precisely because the IQ of the orangutan is low in its childhood, people can easily get closer to the orangutan. It will regard the first living thing it sees as its mother. This kind of emotional imprint It will be engraved in the bottom of his heart forever, so the Wave Particle Elephant Orang is also one of the best tamed divine pets.

If it is a wave-particle two-elephant in nature, this stage is completely a matter of luck.

They can only grow slowly as they continue to eat, until one day they are lucky enough to encounter some substance that allows them to grow a brain.

When they are young, they need to devour a large number of natural and earthly treasures that can increase their wisdom, especially treasures such as 'Wisdom Tree Fruit', 'Prajna Jackfruit Lotus Seeds' and 'Knowledge Godhead', which can speed up the development of their brains.

If the lucky contestant sees it, remember to choose these materials to cultivate the wave-particle two-elephant orangutan to prevent the wave-particle two-elephant orangutan from stunting.

Next comes the growth period.

Once it enters the growth stage, the food intake of the wave-like orangutan will increase significantly.

Generally, you need to eat one meal a day, and one meal requires fifty super-large stars. After entering this stage, a layer of stardust will condense on the surface of the wave-particle ape's body, and it will also have the ability to distort gravity, thereby achieving the ability to control time and space. .

At this time, the level of the Wave-Particle Elephant Ape was around level 169.

The growing stage of the wave-particle ape actually already possesses power that surpasses that of most living creatures. In the later stages of its growth period, it not only eats stars, but also celestial bodies such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes are also the favorite foods of the wave-particle ape.

When the wave-particle ape continues to devour enough stars, it will enter its youth.

At this time, the wave-particle apes are extremely huge, almost equivalent to the size of half the universe. They will no longer need to swallow stars or black holes, but will directly absorb energy at the world level, and all matter will no longer be solid in front of them. , all spaces are no longer stable, and everything in the universe will be turned into energy and absorbed by it.

The wave-particle two-elephant gorilla in its youth has a level of 179. Due to its special life essence and ability, ordinary practitioners can only escape from it after reaching level 200 or above.

In the subsequent complete period, because there is no more information, I am afraid that the lucky person will have to slowly explore on his own.

The main reason why I post so much content is that the Wave Particle Elephant Orangutan is very precious, and I really can’t bear to have the person who gets it waste it because they don’t know how to cultivate it. "

After Wuming read the post, he felt that he had learned a lot. Then he looked at the silly Bobo and finally understood why Bobo looked so stupid.

This guy is 'really brainless'.

It's just because of the special nature of life that he has a soul even though he has no brain, so he looks unintelligent.

When it grows a brain, it will naturally become smarter and smarter. However, its soul is quite special and it will maintain its true nature no matter how smart it is, so it is difficult to become a practitioner, let alone transform into a human form.

Most of the pets selected by the Beast Taming Family are smart, powerful, and have special bloodlines, but they will remain the original body no matter how long they live. Otherwise, after a long time, the mount will have its own ideas, and it is hard to say who rides who.

"Come here."

Wuming waved to Bobo, and Bobo looked at Wuming stupidly.

Although Bobo was close to Wuming, it did not understand the meaning of Wuming's gesture, or it did not have any analytical ability. It would remember what it saw, but would not use it.

It is now like a computer without a CPU, but it can run and continue to add data to the hard disk.

Wuming stepped forward and picked it up from the swing chair, and said with a wry smile: "This head is almost catching up with an adult black bear. When it reaches the growth period, I am afraid it must be kept in the bubble world, otherwise there is no place to put it."

"When it reaches adolescence, I am afraid that ordinary bubble worlds will not be able to put it." Zhang Shouzhong smiled.

Wuming said in distress: "Well, but it's still a long way to go. I'll think of a way when that time comes."

"By the way, how much combat power does Bobo have now?" Maria asked curiously.

Wuming glanced at Silly Bobo and smiled: "He should be invincible when being beaten, but it's hard to say in battle."

No one knows how Bobo will react when being attacked. What if he runs away with his head covered...

This is not impossible.

After all, Wuming saw many videos of adult black bears being scared away by cats and climbing trees on the Internet in his previous life. Being strong does not mean being cowardly!

How about...testing it?

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