I Contracted Myself

【699】Survival method

Outside the Great Wilderness City, Wuming caught a monster of about level 50.

This monster is called the Dry Land Fire Dragon. It is about six meters tall. Its body is like the cracked earth. There is magma flowing under the cracks. There are sharp black thorns on its back, which contain terrible poison.

Wuming did not tame the Dry Land Fire Dragon. He just moved it from another place to the position in front of him. The Dry Land Fire Dragon was inexplicably moved here. Because of the stress reaction, it became more fierce and furious.

However, it can't see Wuming and others, but can only see Bobo.

Bobo lay on the ground blankly, looking at the tall and mighty Dry Land Fire Dragon with innocent little eyes, neither running away nor attacking the Dry Land Fire Dragon.

Perhaps, it didn't realize that the big guy in front of it was dangerous.

The Dry Land Fire Dragon looked around, as if looking for the reason why it appeared here inexplicably. The uneasy mood continued to deepen. Its eyes gradually became bloodshot, and flames would spurt out of its nostrils when breathing.

Finally, it stared at Bobo, and even Bobo was stupid enough to sense the killing intent.

"Guess what Bobo will do?" Zhang Shouzhong asked curiously, looking at Bobo not far away.

Cheng Xuejie guessed, "Maybe he will run away. After all, Bobo is actually quite timid and always lies around Wuming without moving."

"I guess Bobo will eat this big guy in one bite!" Maria said with full energy.

Speaking of which, there is also a very interesting little detail, that is, the velvet cat was originally very naughty and liked to stick to Wuming, but after Bobo appeared, the velvet cat stayed by Maria's side honestly, as quiet as a little cat with no bad intentions.

It's just that everyone's attention was on Bobo, so no one noticed the changes in the velvet cat.

At this time, the velvet cat was still staring at Bobo, but it didn't care much about the huge and fierce-looking dry land fire dragon.

Suddenly, the dry land fire dragon attacked. It roared fiercely and immediately pounced on Bobo. Its front claws instantly passed through Bobo's body. Bobo was like a ball, and was directly slapped away. After falling to the ground, it rolled a few times and continued to lie on the ground and watch.


After the dry land fire dragon attacked, it did not chase, but looked at Bobo suspiciously.

Its front claws were very sharp, and it was no problem to cut gold and jade. In the past, it only needed to give the opponent a claw, and then it could eat most of the prey.

Even if some thick-armored monsters were hit by its claws, there would be obvious cracks on their scales.

But Bobo looked furry and should not have scales. Why didn't its claws work?

The dry land fire dragon was very smart, but its past experience and knowledge could not help it understand this scene. Its pupils slowly shrank into sharp wheat awns, and suddenly a mouthful of old fire spurted out of its mouth.

The moment the flames were sprayed, they also carried a large amount of high-temperature liquid. These liquids kept dripping during the flight, and the grass was instantly charred.

Dry land old fire.

This is one of the abilities of the dry land fire dragon.

It is said that there is a special organ in the dry land fire dragon's body, which is specially used to collect its phlegm.

After a period of change in that organ, the phlegm will become a jelly-like substance that emits high temperature when it encounters fire, and it will melt and burn once it touches other substances.

The scholars who studied the dry land fire dragon at the beginning simply named this ability of the dry land fire dragon as dry land old fire, and old fire actually corresponds to old phlegm.

Simply put, this move of the dry land fire dragon is equivalent to a human spitting out a mouthful of old phlegm.

When Bobo saw the flame spraying, he immediately opened his mouth as if he wanted to swallow all the flames. The next second, time stopped, Wuming grabbed Bobo and threw him aside, then returned to the original position, and time continued to flow.

The flame hit nothing.

Others reacted one after another and looked at Wuming one by one.

This was obviously not Bobo's handwriting, so the only one who could transfer Bobo's position in the Great Wilderness Special Zone without anyone noticing was Wuming.

"If Bobo really swallows that thing, I will seriously consider whether I can keep this Bobo." Wuming explained to others.

Dry land fire, can't swallow it, too disgusting.

Bobo blinked, obviously didn't understand what just happened, it slowly closed its mouth, and then looked at Wuming timidly.


Wuming was a little speechless, the young wave-particle dual elephant ape was really hard to describe.

At this time, the dry land fire dragon attacked again, it slapped the ground fiercely, and a huge crack immediately appeared on the ground. Its originally huge body could shrink into a flat shape and instantly entered the crack.

Dry land stealth.

As a top predatory monster, the dry land fire dragon naturally mastered various means of hunting prey.

It quickly approached Bobo underground, and then its tail stabbed out from the ground. If Bobo was an ordinary animal, this stab would be enough to kill.

However, Bobo's defense is very strong. It is like a billiard ball, which was hit into the air and rolled, and finally fell to the ground.

"Why don't we just forget it? It hurts me to see it." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but say.

This silly Bobo won't fight back at all, there's no point in continuing.

Wuming smiled and said, "Wait a little longer, Bobo seems to have a different reaction."


Bobo's eyes are a little different now, it seems to be observing the dry land fire dragon.

The next moment, the dry land fire dragon suddenly jumped out from the ground, and its claws slapped Bobo again. It still didn't give up, and didn't believe that its attack was completely ineffective against Bobo.

However, when the claws were about to touch Bobo, Bobo suddenly hugged the claws swept by the dry land fire dragon.

The dry land fire dragon immediately shook its claws, but Bobo held the claws tightly and refused to let go. At the same time, Bobo opened his mouth and bit the claws fiercely.


The dry land fire dragon immediately roared, slapped its claws on the ground, and attacked Bobo with another claw frantically, but Bobo didn't care about anything and bit the dry land fire dragon bite by bite. In a blink of an eye, one of the dry land fire dragon's claws was bitten off.

In pain, the dry land fire dragon kept trying various methods, hoping to get rid of Bobo, but Bobo was like a piece of meat on its body, and it couldn't get rid of it no matter what it did.

"The dry land fire dragon is finished." Wuming said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a chill: "Bobo won't eat the dry land fire dragon bit by bit like this?"

"It may be like this. After all, Bobo's size is too different from the dry land fire dragon. If you don't do this, you can't hurt the dry land fire dragon at all." Wuming said.

Sure enough, no matter what the dry land fire dragon did next, Bobo stubbornly held on to its skin and bit down.

An hour later, the dry land fire dragon's front claws were eaten.

Its wound was bleeding, and Bobo lay on the wound, slowly eating the dry land fire dragon's flesh and blood like a bug eating a leaf.

This is probably the real way of survival of the wave-particle dual elephant in nature.

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