I Contracted Myself

【700】Flower’s Name

In the evening, Wuming slightly enlarged his body and returned to Wenxin Bieyuan with Bobo in his arms.

In the end, he did not let Bobo eat the dry land fire dragon, mainly because this way of eating was too cruel and bloody, and Bobo was not short of food, so there was no need to make things so disgusting.

After treating the dry land fire dragon, he sent the dry land fire dragon back to its original living area and ended the test.

"Silly Bobo, come, have a bite of ice cream and wash your mouth." Zhang Shouzhong walked behind Wuming, holding a large spoonful of ice cream in his hand, tempting Bobo from time to time.

After the test, Bobo was happily named "Silly Bobo". It is estimated that when it grows up, it will still be called "Silly Bobo".

The next day, Wuming and others went to collect the breeding materials.

It is worth mentioning that after adjusting the time of Wenxin Bieyuan, after countless tests, Lin Renmei's pet finally completed hatching. Her pet is a creature similar to a pink hippo, but a bit like a tapir.

There is a pink breath floating around the body of this pet, which looks ugly and cute.

After searching the information, everyone found the name of this pet.

Dream Tapir.

A fairy beast that can manipulate illusions and dreams.

Before adulthood, Dream Tapir can only use illusions to create a safe growth environment for itself. After adulthood, its body can transform from real to virtual, and it has the ability to manipulate dreams and enter dreams.

If it can grow up completely, the level is about 170, which is a very good battle pet.

At present, among the four people participating in the competition on Wuming's side, Wuming received the best pet, followed by Lin Renmei, and then Lucy Phil. Maria's Tinder Cat is at the bottom.

Of course, as long as you cultivate it well, everything is possible for pets.

The level of pets is not fixed. As long as there are natural materials and treasures, you can actually break the limit.

For example, Dream Tapir, most of them can only reach level 170 when they grow naturally, and very few can break the limit and reach level 171 with good luck, but in the case of artificial cultivation, Dream Tapirs of level 250 also exist.

The 250-level Dreamy Tapir is not inferior to the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant in strength. The difference between the two is only the amount of resources invested.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, another year, a year passed in a dull manner.

The Taming King Competition was also held as scheduled on the summer solstice, attracting the attention of many spectators.

Because the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant had been on the popular list of the Oracle Network, many people still vaguely remember this event, but the event cycle was too long, and gradually attracted more attention by more popular news. Now that they heard that the competition had started, the memories of the past came to their minds, so many people came to the competition site in person.

The Taming King Competition was held in the arena of the Great Wasteland City. This arena is protected by the nameless will. When the health value is close to zero, it will automatically protect the players. Therefore, many strong people like to compete in the arena.

Of course, if you compete in the arena, you must be prepared to be watched, and even have your data collected by someone with ulterior motives.

"Good afternoon, audience and contestants. Since the beginning of March last year, the Tamer King Contest has attracted the attention and expectations of the audience..." The host is a famous actress in Dahuang City. After she came on stage, she smiled and talked to the audience. After saying a lot of sensational words, she began to introduce the rules of the Tamer King Contest.

In fact, there is nothing special. It is just that the contestants compete with each other, and the winners advance and the losers are eliminated.

However, because of the appearance of the wave-particle dual elephant, Wuming became a seeded player in advance. Only after the top ten are decided, Wuming needs to participate in the competition and compete with the top ten players for the championship.

"So, Lord Wuming has locked the top ten in advance without the competition?" Maria said enviously.

There must be rewards for the top ten. In fact, many contestants present are not aiming for the first place, but it is enough to get into the top ten.

It can be said that Wuming's .asxs. is the end point for many contestants.

"I protest, why doesn't he have to participate? Since it is a competition, it should be fair and just. What fairness do you have?" A contestant with a big beard couldn't help but roar.

The female host was originally smiling, but her voice was drowned out by the big bearded man, and she smiled awkwardly. Those reporters and Internet celebrities took pictures of the big bearded man.

"For me, luck is also a kind of strength in the cultivation world. Whether you admit it or not, this is an indisputable fact. If this contestant really has an opinion, we can also arrange for this contestant to have a fair fight with Huahua first." At this time, Su Wu walked onto the stage, grabbed the microphone from the host, and spoke directly. If he had known that he would be the center of attention and that his pet would be a wave-particle orangutan, Wuming would never use the name "Huahua".

Wuming felt a little regretful. The image of the wave-particle orangutan was too special. In the future, as long as he took the wave-particle orangutan to the street, others would immediately guess the identity of "Huahua".

Originally, he planned to participate in the competition casually and didn't take it seriously at all. He also thought that pets were all the same. After the competition, similar pets should not attract other people's attention.

This is like a group of people taking their own dogs to the competition. Wuming thought that he also received a dog, so he gave himself a random name like "I Love Loli" to participate in the competition.

After all, after the competition, there is not much difference between dogs and other dogs, and no one would recognize him because of his dog.

As a result, he received a lion. Even after the competition, the lion is still very conspicuous, and others can identify him by the lion and know that he is the pervert "I love Loli".

How can we play this game?

"Huahua, do you have any opinions?" At this time, Su Wu looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming thought, can you please not call me Huahua?

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, at least his identity had not been exposed yet, so he said calmly: "I have no opinion. If that player wants to compete with me fairly, I welcome it very much."

This year, Bobo's strength has increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fortunately, it has become smart and very obedient, otherwise Wuming would not be able to do anything with it without using his ability.

The player's face was livid. He hoped that other players would eliminate Wuming, not that he would be eliminated by Wuming.

"Everyone has heard that Huahua said that there is no problem and he is willing to fight. So do you want to see it?" Su Wu smiled and looked at the audience around him and asked loudly.

Can you please not call me Huahua?

Wuming's mouth twitched slightly. He must not expose his relationship with the wave-particle dual ape, otherwise the whole world would know that his name is Huahua tomorrow, and his enemies would also use Huahua to mock him in the future.

When he thought of Rama looking at him with a playful look, he said, "Huahua, you're here!"


Wuming suddenly got a chill and thought to himself: This matter must not be exposed! ! ! !

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