I Contracted Myself

【701】Surrender without a fight




The audience in the auditorium responded to Su Wu one after another. They all wanted to see how strong the mythical pet beast was.

Under the general trend, the provocative player's face turned red and white, knowing that if he did not dare to challenge, his reputation would be ruined in the future.

The other contestants around were watching with amused expressions, and some even gloated and shouted along with the audience, wishing that someone would go check out the situation first.

Mythical pets are not only rare, but compared to pets of other levels, they are simply different.

Although there are many contestants present who are very confident in their nurturing abilities, they still cannot guarantee that they will win in the face of the gap in the nature of life.

Besides, they can breed good pet beasts, and Wuming can also breed good pet beasts. Who knows to what level Wuming has raised the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Orangutan.

Therefore, this bearded man is a good cannon fodder, perfect for testing the strength of the Wave-Particle Elephant Ape.

"Okay, in that case, I will ask you all to explore the strength of the mythical pet!" The bearded man was unable to get off, so he had to grit his teeth and said.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

The moment the bearded man agreed, the entire audience cheered.

If there hadn't been provocation from the big beard, I'm afraid they would have had to wait until the later stages of the game to see the wave-like orangutan. Now, because of the big beard, they can see the wave-like two-like orangutan in advance, which is enough to make many pet fans excited.

"Since both players have no objections, then we will add a pre-heating match before the Beast Taming Competition. The results of the pre-heating match will not be included in the outcome of the competition. It is just a warm-up for the competition. Please prepare the two players to enter. Competitive universe!" Su Wu said with a smile.

Countless bubbles appeared in the arena, and a huge bubble slowly rose into the sky. From any angle, you could see the vast expanse of land inside this bubble.

Next, Wuming and Big Beard entered the competitive universe at the same time and both appeared on the earth.

"Okay, now is the warm-up match. Players Huahua will play against player Wen Yifang. The game has officially begun!" Su Wu handed the microphone to the female host, who immediately said professionally.

In an instant, Wen Yifang summoned his pet beast.

His pet beast is a strange insect beast with eyes that is a combination of a fly, a praying mantis, a cockroach, an ant, a spider, a centipede and a wasp.

This insect beast is almost three hundred meters long. When it comes out, its body emits bursts of green mist. It has a very calm character and does not make any unnecessary moves. It just locks all its eyes on Wuming.

"This is the Seven Kills of Ancient Insects. Since ancient insects are Gu Insects, it seems that Contestant Wen Yifang is also an expert in practicing Gu Insects." The hostess said.

Seven kills of ancient insects?

Many people immediately whispered, and gradually various information about the Seven Kills Ancient Insects was posted online.

The so-called Seven Kills actually means killing seven kinds of poisonous insects. After swallowing these seven kinds of poisonous insects, the Seven Kills Ancient Insects will grow corresponding organs. Judging from the appearance of Wen Yifang's Seven Kills Ancient Insects, it is estimated that they killed flies. , praying mantises, cockroaches, ants, spiders, centipedes, and wasps are seven types of poisonous insects.

Some people may say that ants and mantises are not poisonous insects.

But how could Wen Yifang use ordinary insects to practice Gu? The ants he used were extraordinary ants called fire poison ants. The abdomen of this ant was as crystal clear as ruby ​​and contained a large amount of fire poison liquid. Once encountered The threat will explode its abdomen, detonating the poisonous liquid and killing the target cleanly.

At the same time, this kind of ant can also inject the fire-poisonous liquid in its abdomen into the target's body through bites, and can cook creatures thousands of times larger than itself in an instant.

Under the ruby-like hard shell on the back of the Seven Kills Ancient Insect, a large amount of mutated fire poison liquid is actually stored, which is not only more toxic, but also has many other uses.

In addition, after the Seven Shas Ancient Insect transforms into the Seven Shas Ancient Insect during the fight, its own characteristics will be hidden by the Seven Shas, but its own ability is the most terrifying.

For example, if a snake is cultivated into a seven-kill ancient insect, others will not be able to tell that it is a snake. They can only see the characteristics of the seven poisonous insects. Once they are infected by the seven-kill ancient insect's natal snake venom without knowing it, they will almost It can be said that death is inevitable.

It has to be said that Wen Yifang was indeed very clever at training his pet beast into a Gu insect.

After all, according to the contract, they can only use breeding materials to cultivate battle pets, and achieve the effect of Gu training from limited materials. Wen Yifang is definitely a master-level expert in Gu training.

"Why, are you scared when you see my Seven Kills Ancient Insects?" Wen Yifang asked proudly when he saw that Wuming did not release his pet beast.

Although he was not very lucky and the pet egg he drew was only of extraordinary level, he knew very well that life has infinite possibilities. With a reasonable combination, even ordinary creatures may become mythical beasts.

The Seven Kills Ancient Chong is such an existence.

"Afraid? No, I have already released Bobo." Wuming looked at Wen Yifang and replied.


Wen Yifang was stunned for a moment, then looked around, but did not see the pet beast.

He frowned and said: "If you want to compete, just compete. Don't be pretentious. Referee, hurry up..."

Originally, he wanted the referee to urge Wuming, but suddenly he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and then slowly raised his head, swallowing all the words he wanted to say.

There was a vast nebula in the sky, and with his eyesight he could vaguely see the light emitted by two bright stars.

It wasn't a star, it was a pair of eyes.


Wen Yifang couldn't help swallowing his saliva. How could he fight this? It's too big!

He looked at Wuming with an ugly face and asked, "Has your wave-particle dual elephant reached the growth stage?"

"It has reached the growth stage a month ago." Wuming nodded.

Wen Yifang glanced at his Seven Killing Ancient Worms, then looked up at the wave-particle dual elephant whose outline he couldn't even see clearly, and finally bent down in frustration and said, "I give up. It's impossible to win."


Outside, everyone in the arena was silent.

This is a way to win without fighting.

Wuming and the others didn't even need to fight. Wen Yifang, who was full of confidence just a moment ago, took the initiative to give up just by seeing the wave-particle dual elephant.

However, looking from outside the competitive universe, everyone can understand Wen Yifang's mood.

After all, the wave-particle dual elephant is really too huge. Whether it is the essence of life or the level, the two sides are too different. There is no point in fighting at all.

All the contestants present looked solemn, and they had already started to think in their hearts whether they were sure of winning.

In fact, the huge size is not a problem. The real problem is that the wave-particle dual gorilla has entered the growth stage and has a strength of 169 levels at the beginning. How can it be defeated?

At this time, Wuming and Wen Yifang came out of the competitive universe, and countless people immediately cheered: "Champion, champion, Huahua, Huahua..."


At this moment, Wuming and Wen Yifang had very complicated feelings.

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