I Contracted Myself

【703】Antarctic Panda

The first round of eliminations ended in the evening.

Wuming and others returned to Wenxin Villa. Maria lay on the table and cried, "Wow, it's so miserable. My sister Lucyphil and I were eliminated in the first round."

"There's nothing we can do. Our pets are not the top pets, but we all met our nemesis." Lucyphil said calmly.

In fact, strictly speaking, only her sound wave music bird met its nemesis.

Maria's velvet cat is capable of fighting against the colorful tiger, but the owner of the colorful tiger is too experienced and has made all preparations before the game, so that the velvet cat is completely suppressed by the colorful tiger and has no room for resistance.

"Master Wuming, you must win the championship the day after tomorrow!" Maria then looked at Wuming and said expectantly.

Wuming smiled and said, "I'll try my best."

While watching the game, he found several strong enemies and it was not certain that he could win the championship.

The wave-particle dual elephant is very strong, but it is not invincible. There are many abilities that can restrain the wave-particle dual elephant. Other pets that are in their own world can also pose a threat to the wave-particle dual elephant.

Let's not talk about the distant ones. The nearby one is Lin Renmei's dream tapir.

The dream tapir is a pet that is uncertain about reality. It can not only form illusions but also manipulate dreams. If the wave-particle dual elephant fights with the dream tapir, it is really hard to say who will win or lose.

Moreover, Lin Renmei has trained the dream tapir very well, focusing on strengthening the dream tapir's dream invasion ability. Once the dream tapir gets close, basically few pets can withstand the dream tapir's attack.

Night falls.

The lights in the Wenxin Villa are bright. Maria squats in the corner to comfort the frustrated Tinder Cat, and Lucy Phil is feeding the sound wave music bird.

On the table, takeout is constantly being delivered.

One by one, steaming dishes are opened by Zhang Shouzhong, and the fragrance fills the living room.

Wuming was lying on a bench, surfing the Internet.

Many people were discussing the content of the Tamer King Contest online, and a special section was opened for this purpose.

Wuming clicked in to see that many netizens were discussing the strength of pets. Many people commented on the pets that appeared one by one, and many opinions were very interesting.

He clicked on a discussion post titled "Let's predict the top ten rankings."

The parrot king on the first floor analyzed: "Based on the current situation, the wave-particle dual elephant is still the favorite to win the championship, the second place is most likely to be the Antarctic panda, the third place is the dream tapir, and the fourth place is..." Many replies immediately appeared downstairs.

Destiny Black: "Dream Tapir is stronger, I think Dream Tapir can take the second place."

Xiao Xiao Wang: "The first floor seems to have missed the Sky Swallowing Black Dog. If I remember correctly, the Sky Swallowing Black Dog is also a fairy beast."

Hua Zhu: "Don't forget the Seven Killing Ancient Worm. Although the Seven Killing Ancient Worm cannot beat Hua Hua's Wave Particle Two-Elephant Ape, it is also a very strong pet. Ordinary pets are not the opponent of the Seven Killing Ancient Worm. Now the Seven Killing Ancient Worm has also made it into the top 50, and there is a high probability that it will enter the top 10 and compete for the top 5."

Shao Si Shuchang: "Tomorrow is the competition to decide the top 10. Is there anyone who will open the betting? Otherwise, I will do it alone."

Tu Shanyue's wife: "Bah, gambling dog, get out!"


After reading the post, Wuming checked the information of the Antarctic Panda, and then found that the Antarctic Panda was one of the pets he was paying attention to.

The "Antarctic" here does not refer to the South Pole of the earth, but a planet with life in a world located south of the world where the namer is.

Because it is at the southernmost point for the namer, it is named: Antarctic Star.

Antarctic panda is actually a super-limit fairy beast unique to Antarctic Star. Because it looks very similar to the panda on Earth, it is named panda.

But in fact, Antarctic panda has nothing to do with pandas.

Antarctic pandas are two meters tall, burly and fat, and their ability is very simple and single, that is, absorbing all attacks and then rebounding them.

The more attacks it absorbs, the stronger the rebound force.

And the most disgusting thing is that this rebound belongs to the "cause and effect" level attack. It does not directly rebound this force, but directly falls on the attacker in some strange way.

This is a bit like real damage. Any creature that attacks the Antarctic panda will be injured, no matter how strong the defense is.

At present, there is only one way to defeat the Antarctic panda, that is, the attack power exceeds the upper limit that the Antarctic panda can absorb.

According to the discussion of netizens, the Antarctic panda was trained very well by the contestants. Not only is the defense amazing, but the upper limit of absorbing attacks is also extremely amazing.

Today, a pet known for its powerful attacking power tried it, but all the attacks were absorbed by the Antarctic panda, and it could not resist the rebounded attacks, so it was eliminated without the Antarctic panda.

At this time, Wuming found that his old acquaintance, "Xiao Wu, a pet fan", was also discussing the Antarctic panda, and he immediately clicked on the post of Xiao Wu, a pet fan.

Xiao Wu, a pet fan: "I have also studied the Antarctic panda for a while. Strictly speaking, the ability of the Antarctic panda is not rebound, but damage transfer.

In simple terms, after being attacked, no matter what type of attack, it will be stored in the Antarctic panda for a period of time, and then it can transfer this part of the attack to the target's body, causing undefended damage.

Maybe many people think this is real damage, but it is not real damage.

I once tested the Antarctic Panda's damage transfer with a large number of different types of pets, and found that the stronger the overall defense of the creature, the less damage it received.

I believe everyone understands that the Antarctic panda only transfers damage to the most vulnerable part of the creature. If the defense of the most vulnerable part is still strong, then the Antarctic panda cannot actually cause huge damage.

Only those beings that only practice external defense but not internal defense will be restrained by Antarctic pandas.

Speaking of this, I believe friends who have been to Antarctica should know that the Antarctic pandas on Antarctica specifically feed on a creature called a bamboo turtle, which has a shape similar to that of bamboo joints. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to cause harm to bamboo turtles due to their shells, but the Antarctic panda is precisely the bamboo turtle’s nemesis..."

After Wuming read the post of God's pet fan Xiaowu, he immediately felt that he had gained a lot. Sure enough, the post of God's pet fan Xiaowu was hardcore.

"If the god's pet fan Xiao Wu is right, then Bobo shouldn't have to worry about the Antarctic Panda. After all, Bobo's internal defense is very strong. Even if the Antarctic Panda transfers the damage to Bobo's body, it won't hurt. The only problem is Next... Can Bobo break through the Antarctic Panda's defense?" Wuming thought to himself.

Not everyone will surrender like Wen Yifang.

After the top ten are selected, it is estimated that every player will not give up easily, and he will still have to play against some players.

"Okay, let's eat!"

At this time, Zhang Shouzhong roared, and everyone put down what they were doing and gathered together to enjoy dinner.

The starry sky outside the house is brilliant, and the deserted city that is about to leave is still brightly lit.

Many practitioners do not need to sleep, so Dahuang City is very lively no matter day or night. In many cases, the night is even three times more lively than the day.

In the teleportation square, a middle-aged man was teleported in.

He looked around furtively, then slowly merged into the crowd and walked towards the habitat of the turtle people...

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