Half an hour ago, Zhao Nuotai was still running around in one rural world after another, trading with local practitioners and ordinary merchants for various resources that were unique to their world.

This was actually similar to the mountain goods merchants who collected mountain goods.

However, Zhao Nuotai enjoyed the feeling of being treated as a big shot when trading with the country people.

Those natives who had never seen the richness of the materials in the heavens and the brilliant ways of cultivation would worship him as a god every time they saw him, and when he proposed a deal, they would often exchange the best things for a little insignificant garbage in his hand.

If he leaked some valuable materials casually, those natives would treat them as treasures, and then offer some resources that were unique to their world.

Although these special materials were not particularly valuable, they never had to worry about sales. Zhao Nuotai kept running around in the rural world and slowly gained his current strength.

Some time ago, he finally opened the 119th floor of the resource tower and became a big boss in the mouths of many practitioners.

Who knows that there will be unexpected changes in the world.

This time he went out to collect goods and met the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

At that time, he rode a monster that looked like a giant dragon, holding a pipe in his hand, and landed leisurely on a large square in a city. A group of natives immediately knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully: "Welcome the Dragon King!"

The Dragon King was the nickname he gave when he was running around the country world to collect mountain products. It was mainly to fool the country people and make them think he was a big boss.

Because it was not the first time to trade, Zhao Nuotai slowly stepped down the air stairs from the back of the monster and said calmly: "Get up, are the things I want ready?"

"It's ready, please take a look at it, Dragon King." The city lord stood up and said respectfully.

Then a pawn came forward with a box, and then slowly opened the box. In the box was a kind of magic spirit unique to this world.

Zhao Nuotai confirmed that the things were correct and immediately smiled. Just when he wanted to take the box away, the pawn who presented the box suddenly chopped off his hand wearing the teleportation bracelet on the spot.

In a flash, the arm was kicked out, and a knife was placed on Zhao Nuotai's neck.

"Hey, Lord Dragon King, why did your hand suddenly disappear?" The pawn showed a playful smile, stood up leisurely, and said lightly.

Then the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect stood up from the crowd, and the city lord and others knelt down, trembling and waiting for trial.

"Who are you? Do you know who is behind me?" Zhao Nuotai endured the severe pain and threatened fiercely.

The pawn laughed, and then asked back: "Then guess who I am, who is behind me?"


The disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect around couldn't help laughing.

This person actually compared his background with them. Even if Zhao Nuotai was backed by Wuming, so what? Would Wuming dare to fight with the sect leader Rama?

Besides, Wuming is definitely not behind Zhao Nuotai. As we all know, Wuming controls the Great Wilderness Special Zone and has made a lot of money in recent years. It may be a little early to say that he is the richest man in the world, but he can definitely be ranked in the top 100.

Moreover, once they reach that level, money and resources are actually not particularly important.

Just as Rama reopened the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he did not care about the resources and wealth seized by his disciples. All of them were distributed by the deputy sect leader, elders, and seven demon stars. All practitioners who joined the Ten Thousand Demons Sect could share a lot of benefits, which was one of the reasons why the Ten Thousand Demons Sect grew rapidly.

Later, after a severe torture by the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, Zhao Nuotai surrendered and even confessed that he wet the bed when he was three years old.

Then the Ten Thousand Demons Sect imposed many prohibitions on him and signed various unequal contracts.

It was then that Zhao Nuotai learned that these disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were originally under the command of Chen Yidao, the Blade Demon Star. Although Chen Yidao was murderous and ruthless, he was very good to his subordinates and would share 90% of the resources he seized with his subordinates.

At that time, Chen Yidao only led a group of people to attack the Turtle Clan. He thought it was an easy task to complete, but he fell into Wuming's scheme and was annihilated in the territory of the Turtle Clan.

After Chen Yidao's death, these disciples who did not participate in the action were assigned to serve under the remaining six Demon Stars.

Probably because of gratitude for Chen Yidao's kindness, under the leadership of several disciples with a little prestige, they decided to avenge Chen Yidao and let the heavens and the worlds see their loyalty.

Of course, they definitely did not have the courage to retaliate against Wuming, but they did have the courage to retaliate against the Turtle Clan, and it was great.

In fact, in addition to Zhao Nuotai, they also captured several practitioners who could travel back and forth to Dahuang City. Once the plan started, it would deal a fatal blow to the turtle people.

I believe that other races in the world will not dare to cooperate with Wuming to kill the disciples of Wanmomen easily in the future.

Wanmomen can't cure Wuming, can it cure other races?

In the crowd of Dahuang City, Zhao Nuotai soon saw another unlucky guy.

"Brother Zhao?" The unlucky guy came over and asked tentatively with a bow.

They all had the contract of Wanmomen on them, and they could sense each other's contract when they got close.

Zhao Nuotai smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect Brother Li to be tricked."


Then the two sighed at the same time.

Zhao Nuotai knew this unlucky guy. His name was Li Sihai. Strictly speaking, he was his competitor. He was also a farmer who went to the countryside to collect mountain products.


Zhao Nuotai looked at Li Sihai suspiciously, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could it be that Li Sihai revealed his whereabouts to the Wanmo Sect?

Otherwise, there are so many people and the world is so vast, how could the Wanmo Sect find him accurately and set up an ambush in advance.

"Let's go, the others are still waiting." Li Sihai said.

Zhao Nuotai nodded, without showing his doubts on his face, but followed Li Sihai honestly.

Regardless of whether Li Sihai tricked him or not, the most important thing now is to find a way to survive the action. Only by surviving can you complain and take revenge.

A few minutes later, Zhao Nuotai and Li Sihai met up with the remaining unlucky guys. Everyone looked gloomy. After introducing and getting to know each other, they began to discuss the mission of this operation.

Wuming controls the entire Great Wilderness Special Zone. Once he takes action, he will be detected in an instant. They only have one chance to strike, and after one strike, they must escape from the Great Wilderness Special Zone, so they must use delayed sexual abilities.

"I will set up a wolf spider hiding formation. Just put the things they gave me in the formation. After half an hour, the formation will automatically start, and then cast the curse of extinction into the lake." A cultivator said.

Zhao Nuotai whispered: "I have three artifact-level chameleon robots. I can use them to operate on my behalf. With one order, they can poison most of the turtle people."

"I also have a few puppets that can be remotely controlled." Another person said.

Next, the two sides agreed that after everything was arranged, various formations, robots, and puppets would replace themselves to activate the trap, and then teleport away immediately.

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