I Contracted Myself


It was three o'clock in the morning.

A loud noise came from the new home of the turtle people, and countless people watched.

However, this matter was soon suppressed. Rumors on the Oracle website continued to spread. Some people speculated that the turtle people were retaliated by the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and some speculated that the turtle people were spies of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect who sacrificed Chen Yidao to break into the Great Wilderness Special Zone. This was the beginning of action.

Amidst the various opinions, Wuming did not appear.

It was not until the next morning that the official announcement was issued, only saying that the turtle people were attacked by unknown forces and suffered damage, etc.

The whole incident is still confusing.

Except for the parties involved and the bigwigs, everyone else was in the fog and couldn't figure out what happened.

But not long after the announcement was issued, someone from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect admitted that the turtle people were attacked by them, and warned other races in the heavens and the worlds that whoever dared to cooperate with Wuming to kill the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect would be the next target of attack.

Countless forces were silent.

The official of Dahuang City did not respond to the provocation of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Many people who wanted to watch the show secretly thought it was boring and no longer paid attention to this incident.

In Wenxin Villa, Wuming was eating breakfast while looking at Baxia Turtle. Baxia Turtle accompanied Wuming to eat breakfast and was in a very good mood.

He said respectfully: "Thank you for your reminder, otherwise I am afraid that the turtle people will really suffer a great loss this time."

"Since you have joined Dahuang City, I will naturally guarantee your safety. At least in Dahuang City, as long as the turtle people abide by the law, no one can touch you turtle people." Wuming smiled.

He didn't know that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect would retaliate against the turtle people, but he didn't need to know it at all. He could guess that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect would definitely make small moves by thinking with his butt.

It doesn't matter if it's killing one to warn the hundred or killing the chicken to warn the monkey.

The Ten Thousand Demons Sect will definitely attack the turtle people, which is foreseeable.

With advance preparation, Wuming only needs to let Yuan Mulanzi pay more attention to the situation of the turtle people's residence, and any means of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will lose their meaning.

In fact, Zhao Nuotai and Li Sihai have been marked by Wuming now, and they may be used to kill another demon star.

This is also the reason why the official announcement today is ambiguous. Wuming does not want Zhao Nuotai and others to die.

The news that the turtle people suffered heavy losses will certainly hit the morale of some people, but when Wuming finds an opportunity to use Zhao Nuotai and others to kill another demon star, he will naturally restore the reputation of Dahuang City.

"Master Wuming, the semi-finals of the Beast Taming King Competition are about to begin. Let's go!" Maria came out of the house and said to Wuming.

Wuming nodded, then looked at Baxia Turtle. Baxia Turtle shook his head and said, "Master, please go. I have to go back to appease the tribe members and warn them to keep a low profile during this period, so as not to ruin your plan."

After sending Baxia Turtle away, Wuming and others went to the arena together.

The attack on the turtle people did not affect the holding of the Beast Taming King Competition. It can even be said that the Beast Taming King Competition attracted the attention of many people to a certain extent, so the heat of the attack on the turtle people was not as expected.

"Good morning, everyone. Today is the semi-finals where the top 10 will be decided from the top 50. It can be said that the top 50 are all real gold after the great waves, but there is a gap between real gold and real gold. Let's wait and see today to see who is the real gold and who will laugh last." The female host came on stage and said excitedly.

Then the 50 contestants began to draw their opponents. Before drawing, Wen Yifang subconsciously looked at Wuming's position, and then stretched out his hand to draw a number. He was No. 25.

Although he was still participating in the competition, he had no hope of the top three. As long as he could get into the top ten, he would win.

At this time, Lin Renmei also drew her own number, which was No. 11.

After all the contestants had drawn their numbers, a large roulette wheel appeared, and various numbers rotated randomly to assign opponents in the most fair way.

Lin Renmei's assigned opponent was No. 15, and she immediately looked at contestant No. 15.

"No. 15, your luck is a bit bad." Wuming sighed.

Last night, he studied the pets of the top 50 contestants and also learned about the pets' owners.

Contestant No. 15 is Gong Yangzhen, from the Gong Yang family. This Gong Yang family is a beast taming family like the Su family, so they have many secret recipes and secret methods that ordinary people don't know.

Although the secret methods cannot be used in the Beast Taming King Competition, those secret recipes can be refined with the resources provided by the competition, just like Wen Yifang can practice Gu, which is not against the rules.

In yesterday's competition, no matter what opponent he encountered, Gong Yangzhen's pet could defeat the opponent's pet with one blow, so his pet information is very little, and no one knows how strong his pet is.

When encountering such a mysterious opponent, no one dares to guarantee that they can win.

After determining the opponent, Lin Renmei entered the competitive universe under the guidance of the staff, and Gong Yangzhen also entered at the other end. Both sides stood on the boundless land and did not speak.

At this time, the virtual referee appeared out of thin air and said, "Please get ready."

"Come out, Mengmeng!" Lin Renmei said calmly.

The next moment, the dreamy tapir appeared out of thin air, and a pink aura filled the air.

Gong Yangzhen also said, "Come out, Nine-tailed Fish!"

The next moment, there were ripples in the space, and a huge green stone fish appeared out of thin air. It had nine tails, and there was an eye at the end of each tail.

Nine-tailed fish, a powerful pet, is a rare jade life form that has the ability to control the density of the atmosphere.

Instantly, the information she had checked last night appeared in Lin Renmei's mind.

"The game begins!"

At the command of the virtual referee, Lin Renmei immediately abandoned her thoughts and quickly ordered the Dream Tapir to invade the spiritual world of the Nine-tailed Fish.

Gong Yangzhen smiled and said, "Nine-tailed Fish, use the big fish to swim in the air to avoid the attack."

Both sides gave orders almost at the same time, and the Dream Tapir turned into pink energy and crashed into the Nine-tailed Fish, but the huge body of the Nine-tailed Fish rippled and became translucent, shuttling quickly in the air. The pink energy hit the Nine-tailed Fish but penetrated through it, and finally condensed into a solid at the other end.

This Nine-tailed Fish has actually cultivated spatial abilities.

Lin Renmei frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky, while Gong Yangzhen on the other side smiled and said lightly, "Nine-tailed Fish, deal with the opponent!"

A large number of ripples appeared in the air, and then a series of extremely dense air cannons fell from the sky.

Before, when the Nine-tailed Fish encountered an opponent, just one move was enough to deal with it, but when facing the Dream Tapir, it started with a large-scale attack.

"Dream Tapir, quickly escape into the illusion!" Lin Renmei ordered with a slightly solemn expression.

Gong Yangzhen smiled and said, "The illusion is just an illusion, and it has no function of defending against attacks. What can the illusion do under a large-scale attack?"

At this time, the Dream Tapir disappeared out of thin air, and the air cannon fell, making the ground bumpy.

Gong Yangzhen's smile faded slightly, and he gradually frowned, because the Dream Tapir actually disappeared.

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