I Contracted Myself

【709】Five wins

But then Wuming said: "Bobo, go all out and let them see your power!"

"No, Mengmeng, quickly escape into your own dream." Lin Renmei said immediately.

The next moment, the whole world suddenly became dark. Except for the spectators and referees outside the competitive universe who could clearly see what was going on on the field, Lin Renmei and Mengmeng could not see anything.

It's not that there's no light, but that all matter turns black.

Lin Renmei reacted immediately, because if there was no light, she could still see things. Only when everything turned black would it be difficult for her to distinguish everything around her in a short period of time.

Then various attacks surged, and loud noises came from the darkness.

"Dream Tapir lost consciousness, Huahua player won." At this time, Su Wu's voice came from the darkness.

Everything around him quickly returned to its original color, while Dream Tapir fell to the ground with scars from various attacks on his body.

"I lost." Lin Renmei said helplessly.

Wuming smiled and said: "You are already very strong. You can force Bobo to use his trump card."

The principle of the trump card is very simple, that is, Bobo controls all matter, which is equivalent to bringing the entire space into his own management. Although the Dream Tapir is invisible, after everything is included, the 'foreign object' of the Dream Tapir becomes Especially obvious.

Probably like the red bean among countless black beans, Bobo can easily lock it.

The illusion of the Dream Tapir is very strong.

If it succeeds in a sneak attack first, I'm afraid even Bobo won't be able to withstand its power. But when Bobo takes the lead, it is also difficult for Dream Tapir to withstand Bobo's ability.

Basically, whoever meets whomever first will win.

Lin Renmei left the competitive universe, and after asking whether to continue, Su Wu let player No. 13 appear.

Contestant No. 13 Cui Yunyu, his pet is the Night Shadow Giant Wolf.

Wuming had watched Cui Yunyu's game before. The Night Shadow Giant Wolf could control shadows, and could also hide its body in the shadows and quickly move behind the enemy to attack.

Because its body is very large, the Night Shadow Giant Wolf also has a strong hand-to-hand fighting ability.

Wuming had already thought of a strategy.

When the game starts, he will order Bobo to make ten suns suspended in the sky, trying to make sure that there is no possibility of shadows in any corner.

In this way, the most powerful ability of the Night Shadow Giant Wolf will be abolished first, and then the Night Shadow Giant Wolf can be shot to death with just one palm.

Cui Yunyu entered the competitive universe, and before Su Wu started shouting, he spoke first: "I give up!"

"Contestant Cui Yunyu, are you sure you admit defeat?" Su Wu asked speechlessly.

Cui Yunyu nodded and said: "Don't worry, I am very clear-headed and no one is controlling me. I really want to admit defeat. The gap between the Night Shadow Giant Wolf and the Wave-Particle Elephant Orang is too big. There is no chance of winning at all. Why don't you admit defeat?" ?”

"Okay, player Cui Yunyu surrenders, and player Huahua wins the third victory!" Su Wu nodded and then announced.

Wuming felt a little uncomfortable. It felt like he had punched cotton. He had already thought of a strategy, but Cui Yunyu gave up first.

Then player No. 22 Dai Bai Nanfeng also admitted defeat. The strength of his Island Hanging Crocodile may be slightly inferior to that of the Starry Sky Giant Frog. He felt that there was no need to waste energy on an invincible opponent. It was better to recharge his batteries and strive to stay in the front. ten.

In this competition, only one person will be truly eliminated, and the remaining ten people will all have good rewards. Dai Bai Nanfeng feels that as long as he can stay in the top ten, it is victory.

Two consecutive opponents surrendered, but the audience was very tolerant and did not suspect that the players were cheating.

After all, Bobo's size and strength are obvious, and anyone with a little bit of brains knows whether their pet is Bobo's opponent.

Although this competition will provide treatment and food, the energy consumed will not be replenished.

Moreover, defeat will also have an impact on the pet's mood and even cause the pet to perform poorly. Therefore, players do not want their pets to fail too many times unless necessary.

The next opponent is Ma Linboqi, No. 27, whose pet is the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog.

In fact, the Black Sky Swallowing Dog is a dog-like elemental life composed of a black cloud. It is very small at first, but can be enlarged infinitely through cultivation.

And it is born with the ability to be as big or small as you want, so it can become very small, making it impossible for others to understand how big its body is.

When Ma Linboqi entered the competitive universe, Su Wu subconsciously asked: "Will player Ma Linboqi give up the game?" "Give up? No, no, I won't give up the game, I choose to compete with Huahua player!" Ma Linboqi was stunned, Then he shook his head and said.

The next moment, he released the Black Sky Swallowing Dog.

The shape of the Sky Swallowing Black Dog is almost the same as that of the Black Dog. The body is so solid that it is almost impossible to tell that it is made of dark clouds. When it comes out, it raises its head and looks far away, as if it can see Bobo's true form.

"Since Ma Linboqi has not given up the game, let the game begin!" Su Wu said.

The next second, the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog immediately expanded rapidly, and billowing dark clouds emerged from the body, constantly enlarging and enlarging.

Then a huge arm fell from the sky and directly hit the spine of the Tenten Black Dog. However, the Tenten Black Dog was completely made of dark clouds, and its body immediately broke into two halves, and then quickly came together again.

The Sky Swallowing Dog immediately turned around and bit Bobo's arm, but Bobo's arm passed through it.

Then the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog lost its ability to move, and the gravity around it changed. With it as the center, countless materials quickly slid towards it, forming a sphere in the blink of an eye.

This move is a bit like the 'Earth-shattering Star', except that Bobo distorted the surrounding space to achieve this.

"No, quickly swallow everything around." Ma Linboqi said immediately.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's too late. The time and space around the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog have been distorted. Not only can it not hear your orders, but it can't move itself."


Ma Linboqi looked at it helplessly and sighed in his heart.

In fact, he still had a little bit of luck. What if his Sky-Swallowing Black Dog just happened to restrain the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Ape?

After all, the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog has a very strong swallowing ability. Once it seizes the opportunity, it may not be unable to swallow the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Ape. As a result, after only two moves, the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog was suppressed by the Wave-Particle Two-Elephant Ape.

He waited for a moment, and seeing that the Sky-Swallowing Black Dog was indeed unable to move, he had no choice but to say, "I give up!"

The remaining contestants looked solemn when they saw this scene.

Wuming easily won five wins, and the remaining contestants were under great pressure.

Especially the contestants who came with family missions had a dark face, feeling that they might not have a chance to complete their missions.

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