I Contracted Myself


Subsequently, player No. 29 Joeatanatos appeared.

Gioatanatos is a tall, blond man whose first impression is one of symmetry. Both of his hands were replaced with metal mechanical arms, and he had a middle-parted hairstyle and a mustache. His whole body was cut from the middle, forming two absolutely symmetrical halves.

His pet mechanical fortress turtle was transformed into a mechanical life form by him. Two-thirds of its huge body became a mechanical structure, and it became a huge space fortress in space.

It can be seen from the previous games that this turtle's fighting ability is amazing.

"Gioatanatos, please prepare!" Su Wu reminded him when he saw Gioatanatos entering the competitive universe.

Gioatanatos shook his head, showed a symmetrical smile, and said: "I surrender, but I have a merciless request. I hope that Huahua player can become a friend."

"Sorry, I'm not planning to make friends during the competition." Wuming said calmly.

"Well, that's a shame," lamented Gioatanatos.

After saying that, he turned around and left. His walking was completely symmetrical, and the distance between each step was just enough to form a symmetrical relationship with the previous step.

"This guy definitely has obsessive-compulsive disorder." Wuming muttered in his heart.

In fact, the Mechanical Fortress Turtle also has a completely symmetrical structure. Before, Wuming thought that the Mechanical Fortress Turtle was quite symmetrical. Now that he looked closely at Gioatanatos, he knew why.

"Please invite the next contestant to appear." Su Wu said at this time.

After Gioatanatos is player No. 35 Ackerman Jos. This is a gloomy young man with a thin body and a height of only about 1.65 meters.

Because the cheeks are slightly sunken and the skin is very pale, it gives people the look of a drug addict.

The dark circles under his eyes were heavy.

The long black hair was messy and covered around his head, blocking the side of his face.

It can be seen from his facial features that he should be a very handsome young man if he takes good care of himself.

"Ackerman-Jos, do you choose to compete or give up?" Su Wu glanced at Ackerman-Jos and then asked.

"I choose to play," Ackerman-Jos said in a low, uncomfortable tone.

"Okay, then please prepare." Su Wu nodded and then said.

Ackerman-Jos released the white spirit body, and the surrounding temperature immediately dropped several degrees. At the same time, the feeling of the competitive universe became completely different.

If the competitive world was warm and sunny just now, now it feels gloomy and cold.

"Huahua player versus Ackerman-Jos, the game begins!" Su Wu glanced at the white spirit body and then said.

Ackerman-Jos immediately said weakly: "White spirit, use the land of the dead."

The white ghost immediately burrowed into the ground, and then bursts of black air spread around like spider webs, while a terrifying aura slowly revived.

"Bobo, ten days in the sky!" Wuming said calmly.

In the sky, stars appeared quickly one after another, the blazing sunlight shone on the earth, and the black aura coming out of the ground suddenly hissed under the sunlight.

"Bobo, keep outputting, let everything burn!" Wuming saw that the sun was useful, and continued.

He has studied the white ghost of Ackerman-Jos. This thing is not a normal pet at all. It should be similar to a Gu insect. It is made by using special means to change the life state of the pet.

Probably kill the pet and transform the pet from a normal life into a ghost body.

To be honest, Wuming didn't like this method very much, but the game was a game, and it was hard for him to preach, and he was not qualified to say anything.

Of course, although he couldn't say anything, he could give the other party a heart-wrenching defeat.

The ten suns in the sky immediately expanded, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher, and the white ghost's range of action was compressed little by little.

At the beginning, it could continue to transform the ground into the Land of the Dead, but as the waves continued to output, the Land of the Dead not only did not expand, but began to shrink little by little.

The scorching sun and the black energy were like water and snow, and the black energy was dissipated in an instant.

When Ackerman-Jos saw the white ghost being suppressed by Bobo, his expression became even more gloomy. He looked ahead with gloomy eyes and suddenly said: "White ghost, use spiritual explosion!"

"Bobo, be careful!" Wuming immediately warned after hearing this.

The next moment, the white spirit emerged from the ground, flying quickly into the air like a white tadpole. When it appeared high in the sky, its body immediately emitted a fierce white light.

The School of the Undead has two major killing moves, one is the Corpse Explosion Technique and the other is the Spiritual Explosion Technique.

I won’t go into detail about the former, I believe everyone knows about it, but the latter is a spell to detonate a spirit body. The more powerful the spirit body, the greater the power of self-destruction, and the damage caused is not to the material level, but to the soul level. .

It can be said that compared to the Corpse Explosion Technique, the Spirit Explosion Technique is more difficult to defend and more abominable.

After all, this is the ability to make a soul self-destruct.


The white spirit body exploded, and the terrifying waves spread to the entire competitive universe.

Although Bobo has followed Wuming's command and quickly evaded further away, the Spirit Explosion Technique itself has an unlimited damage limit, and it all depends on the strength of the self-destructing spirit body.

The white spirit body is very powerful, and the power produced by self-destruction is naturally considerable, and the range is also quite large.

In the sky, a ghost wave swept past, and in an instant, Bobo's body became disordered, and then formed a spiral of luck that kept rolling.

About half an hour later, Bobo slowly revealed his form.

Although the white spirit exploded, it was only unconscious and lying on the ground because of the protection of the rules of the competitive universe. Bobo had just been attacked by the spirit explosion, and he actually fell to the ground, but his body was too large and his shape was too chaotic, so few people could see this.

At this time, Bobo revealed his form, which was actually equivalent to standing up.

Just now, both parties fell to the ground at the same time, so Su Wu did not make a judgment. At this time, Bobo stood up first, so he said: "The wave-particle dual image has risen. Now it's tens of seconds. If the white spirit fails to rise, Huahua will win."

"No need to count, I lost." Ackerman-Jos said gloomily.

The white spirit had already exhausted its vitality by using the spirit explosion. Now it is completely protected by the rules and it is impossible to get up from the ground.

"Ackerman-Joss admits defeat, congratulations to Huahua for winning seven games!" Su Wu immediately said loudly.

To be honest, if seven wins were in the same animal training competition in the past, the championship of the competition would have been basically locked.

However, the next three players are all outstanding players, and they are strong competitors for the top three. It is really hard to say what the final result will be.

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