I Contracted Myself


"Huahua, do you need a rest?"

After Ackerman-Joss left the field, Su Wu looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "I need to rest for half an hour, and Bobo also needs treatment."

"Okay, then the game will be suspended for half an hour and continue after half an hour." Su Wu nodded and announced loudly to the audience.

The medical team quickly entered the competitive universe to treat Bobo. Bobo's body was not injured, but his soul was affected by the spiritual explosion, and he suffered a certain degree of injury. He needed treatment to recover quickly.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Bobo has lost his combat effectiveness now, but he has the conditions to fight in his prime. Wuming thinks there is no need to be brave.

Han Sanzhu's mountain giant bear is very strong. Before the winner is decided, Wuming dare not guarantee that Bobo will win.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the game started again.

Han Sanzhu came in from outside the competitive universe and then released the mountain giant bear.

Although the size difference between the mountain giant bear and Bobo is very large, the mountain giant bear's momentum is not inferior to Bobo. Its eyes are burning with fighting spirit, and its spirit is perfect.

"The eighth game, Huahua vs. Han Sanzhu, the game begins!" Su Wu said quickly.

The next moment, the earth rolled, forming countless arms to hit the mountain giant bear, and the air quickly dispersed, trying to suffocate the mountain giant bear.

As early as yesterday, Wuming and Bobo agreed on a countermeasure.

They would never give the mountain giant bear a chance to touch them. Regardless of whether the mountain giant bear has the ability to kill Bobo instantly, they would not gamble. If they can use long-range attacks, they will use long-range attacks. If they can kite the mountain giant bear to death, they will kite the mountain giant bear to death.

At this time, the mountain giant bear roared and directly smashed the mud arms that swept over. Then it ran towards Bobo with all its limbs, and everything was quickly shattered wherever it passed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning fell one after another, but the moment it hit the mountain giant bear, even the lightning was shattered.

The mountain giant bear seemed to have the power to crush everything. It opened its mouth and roared continuously. Whatever its front paws touched was quickly crushed. Moreover, its speed was actually very fast. Its huge body ran in the earth like a mountain peak moving, and the ground shook wherever it passed.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the mountain giant bear was still rushing, but the distance between it and Bobo had never been shortened. It was moving forward while Bobo was always moving backward. At the same time, Bobo's long-range attacks continued to fall and hit the mountain giant bear, causing the mountain giant bear to constantly use its ability to crush various attacks.

At the beginning, Bobo only used some attacks with fast launch speed, but the attacks became more and more exaggerated later. It condensed an entire planet to hit the mountain giant bear, condensed a star to hit the mountain giant bear, and condensed a black hole to hit the mountain giant bear.

Several times, the mountain giant bear was in danger, and it was only with the invincible crushing power that it managed to get through the difficulties safely.

Bobo became more and more unscrupulous, throwing all kinds of attacks at the mountain giant bear. The mountain giant bear had no way to deal with Bobo except for being incompetent and furious.

There was really no way.

Because the speed difference between the two sides was too big.

And Bobo's physical reserve was obviously stronger than that of the mountain giant bear. The huge body was destined to allow Bobo to accommodate more energy and fight for a longer time.

"The mountain giant bear has slowed down. Are you sure you want to waste time and energy in a battle that is doomed to fail?" Wuming looked at Han Sanzhu and said with a smile.

Han Sanzhu didn't say anything, but was thinking about countermeasures.

He believed in the ability of the mountain giant bear. As long as he could touch Bobo, the battle would be decided. The problem was that Bobo didn't fight with the mountain giant bear at all, and was kiting the mountain giant bear all the time.

The mountain giant bear was strong, but it really had no long-range means.


Strictly speaking, there is no long-range means that can be effective.

The mountain giant bear can actually control rocks to shoot out and attack the enemy, but this ability is meaningless in this game.

Next, the battle lasted for another two hours.

Han Sanzhu and the mountain giant bear did not give up, but Bobo was already accustomed to the rhythm of the mountain giant bear. He kept throwing messy attacks at the mountain giant bear, and even manipulated the light to make the mountain giant bear completely blind, so it could only passively take the beating.

"Give up, you have no chance." Wuming spoke again.

Han Sanzhu smiled lightly and said, "Although the mountain giant bear can't touch the wave-particle ape, the wave-particle ape can't attack the mountain giant bear. In the final analysis, we are just the same."


Although Bobo has been attacking, all his attacks were crushed before they touched the mountain giant bear. At best, some small interference can cause harmless trouble to the mountain giant bear.

Strictly speaking, neither side should be able to do anything to the other.

"Really? But I've already found the weakness of the mountain bear." Wuming said with a smile.

At his command, Bobo immediately exerted all his strength. The mountain bear felt his body suddenly become heavier, and his limbs pressed into the ground. Even if he crushed the ground, he would only fall further down.

At the same time, under the influence of gravity, the mountain bear gradually became unable to move.

A large amount of soil began to roll, burying the mountain bear alive little by little. The mountain bear kept roaring but it was meaningless.

"You can try to continue to crush it and see if you can save the mountain bear." Wuming looked at Han Sanzhu and said.

Han Sanzhu was silent for a full minute, and finally said unwillingly: "I lost."

Although the mountain giant bear was still not injured, it had lost the power to resist and would lose sooner or later. If it didn't admit defeat, it would not only be a matter of losing the game. It would also lose face.

With Han Sanzhu's admission of defeat, Falx and Su Luyuan both looked solemn, and only the two of them were left.

To be honest, Bobo's attack was too disgusting. The attack distance was super long and there were super many attack patterns. It was like a high god who could easily control everything in the world. If you want to defeat such a pet, I'm afraid only the existence of a pet can be possible.

"Good luck." Su Luyuan said to Falx.

Falx smiled bitterly and said, "I just hope I'm not the one who is eliminated now, alas."

But just as he was about to appear on the stage, the ground suddenly shook violently, and all the practitioners were surprised. There was an earthquake in the Great Wilderness Special Zone?

"I need to rest for half an hour!" Wuming looked at Su Wu and applied directly.

Su Wu nodded and said, "Huahua chooses to rest for half an hour, and the game will continue after half an hour."

When everyone heard this, they began to discuss what the earthquake was.

When Wuming returned to the rest area, Zhang Shouzhong asked, "Wuming, what's going on? Why did the earthquake suddenly happen?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask Yuan Mulanzi." Wuming said.

Then he quickly contacted Yuan Mulanzi, who told him that the earthquake came from underground, and because it had no impact on the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the Great Wilderness Special Zone did not intercept it.

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