I Contracted Myself

【712】A shocking change


By the way, the Great Wilderness Special Zone is actually a corner of the second floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, and there are two floors below.

Could it be that something happened on the first floor again?

Wuming frowned, and the next moment he appeared at the entrance to the first floor.

"Could it be that the iron box has gone berserk again?"

Wuming spread his palms, and a large number of petals appeared out of thin air. All the petals immediately floated downwards at a thought.


Eternal Silence Prison Tower, first floor.

Tyrant Celt stayed in his cell honestly, watching a monster with a completely unrecognizable face walking outside the cell in fear.

The monster's body was half woman and half chicken, and it also had some characteristics of an iron box.

Celt could no longer tell what it was, but he could feel that the monster was very, very, very dangerous, more dangerous than any creature he had encountered in the past.

"So guilty, hahahahahahahahaha, so guilty..."

In the distance, the monster's voice drifted in the passage, and Celt trembled, not daring to make any move.

Suddenly, the monster turned around and looked at the Celtic cell. A tumor on the half of Qionglingniang's head suddenly exploded, and a piece of flesh belonging to Wu Shengzhen came out of the tumor.

A tail slowly grew out of Wu Shengzhen's flesh, but it exploded in the next second due to the influence of some unknown force.

The story started when the god was trapped on the first floor.

When he realized that he couldn't escape from the first floor in a short time, he simply started to pick up the prisoners on the first floor to further strengthen his own strength.

The problem was that he didn't expect the prisoners on the first floor to be so strange.

As he sacrificed more and more prisoners, his physical and mental state became more and more abnormal. When he realized that he was abnormal, it was too late.

In fact, it's like chronic poisoning. When you notice the poisoning, it's often the time when you are dying.

The god wanted to remove the abnormal part of his body, but was stopped by Wu Shengzhen's beautiful head. The beautiful head seemed to have a strange ability to instigate. Just a few words made the god dizzy, so he continued to devour more prisoners.

Finally, he went completely crazy.


Kelt realized that he was being targeted by the god, and immediately turned into a green shadow and quickly escaped from the cell. "Be quiet, don't leave the cell!" The god's mouth cracked, and his rusty teeth made the sound of an iron box. Then the god's body swelled up, and he twisted his body violently like a hammer, sweeping away all obstacles in front of him.


The passage made of Shengsheng Stone suddenly exploded, and countless rocks shot around like shotguns.

Kelt was shot on the spot, he groaned, but did not stop, but fled the scene at a faster speed.

"Ahhhh, someone escaped from prison. I feel so guilty, so guilty..."

"Are you still a man? You can't even watch a prisoner."

"I'm so cold. I feel like I have a hug."

"So guilty, so guilty..."

"Quiet, quiet!"

Instantly, countless lumps appeared on the body of the god of sacrifice, and at the same time, layers of sounds rang out in his body. Then his body swelled wildly, turning into an indescribable monster and running rampant. Wherever he passed, the living stones exploded. Countless dense cracks appeared on the first layer, which was originally sealed, and the pollution of the eternal space flowed into the first layer along the cracks.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, how could such a monster appear." Celtic ran away frantically, with cold sweat all over his forehead.

Behind him, dense and colorful pieces of meat formed a strange mouth, moving forward in an incomprehensible way, crushing everything into pieces wherever he passed.


The ground exploded with a loud noise. Celt saw the cracks spreading over, and his eyes immediately lit up. He hurried to enter the next floor through the cracks.

The monster transformed by the god of sacrifice saw this scene, and his dense and thick arms suddenly exerted force. With a loud bang, the entire first floor collapsed, and countless rubble fell from the first floor to the bottom floor where employees rested.

Countless cracks were also spreading upwards at the same time, but because part of the second floor had become the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the cracks stopped when they touched the Special Zone, but another part continued to spread, so with a loud bang, the second floor also fell to the first floor.

This is the reason for the earthquake in the Great Wilderness Special Zone just now.

Originally, although the upper floor of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower had collapsed, it actually barely maintained a part of the foundation below. Due to the existence of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, this part was very solid without external interference.

But under the destruction of the god of sacrifice, this part of the foundation was also destroyed. Although it did not affect the existence of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, the Great Wilderness Special Zone had been cut off from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

All the cracks that spread upwards from the first layer finally turned into sharp knives and cut along the edge of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, perfectly dividing the Great Wilderness Special Zone.

Then, as the Great Wilderness Special Zone pressed towards the first layer, a large number of irregular gaps would inevitably appear, and the pollution from the Eternal Silence Space would immediately flow back into the first layer.

The petals released by Wuming immediately threw away the pollution when they touched it, leaving no trace of pollution at all.

More and more petals flew in the passage, and Wuming stood at the entrance with a puzzled look on his face. How could the first layer suddenly collapse?

He continued to release petals, trying to understand the specific situation, but more and more areas were filled with pollution, and many cells had lost the trace of prisoners, and it was unknown whether they had run away or what.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it..."

Suddenly, Wuming heard a curse from below. He immediately manipulated the petals to drill into the tiny cracks, falling from the first layer to the bottom, and then the petals grew eyes one by one. Seeing that one of Celt's arms had been contaminated, Celt cut off his arm before he could react.

"Damn it."

Celt had no other words, and he cursed and continued to look for a place to take shelter.

Suddenly, a large number of petals surrounded him, and Wuming's voice came from the petals: "I didn't expect you are not dead yet."

"You are Wuming, hurry up, save me, crazy, Iron Box, Qiongling Niang...all finished." Celt was stunned, and then said excitedly.

Wuming said calmly: "Don't resist, I will save you!"

The next moment, he didn't give Celt time to think, and a mouth swallowed Celt in an instant.

At the entrance of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, a mouth appeared out of thin air, and Celt was directly spit out by this mouth. Celt knelt on the ground, showing a look of surprise after surviving a disaster.

"Don't be happy too soon. Your sentence is not over yet. Even if I save you, you still have to stay in jail here." Wuming said calmly.

Celt said indifferently: "It's good to go to jail. As long as there are not so many messed up things, I would rather go to jail."

He was chased by the iron box before and almost died under the iron box's sword. He finally escaped back to his cell, but he didn't stay safe for long. Ji Shen went crazy again.

Every time Ji Shen passed by his cell, he had to try to restrain his breath so as not to be noticed by the other party.

That feeling was too terrible. He really didn't want to experience it again.

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