I Contracted Myself

【713】The Name of Thousand Machines

Through Kelte's narration, Wuming roughly guessed what happened in the cell on the first floor.

Then he controlled the Flower of Fantasy to conduct a small investigation on the first floor. Unfortunately, the prisoners on the first floor were either dead or contaminated, and were no longer worth saving.

"Lanzi." Wuming took back all the flowers of fantasy and continued to mutter.

Yuan Mulanzi immediately appeared next to Wuming out of thin air, lowered her head and said: "Sir!"

"Well, send him to the prison universe for reform through labor. The sentence is...permanent," Wuming said directly.

Kelt couldn't help but said: "Wu Ming, after all, I have helped you, can't I get a reduced sentence?"

"Then it depends on your performance." Wuming said noncommittally.

There might be times when Celtic would be useful in the future, so he didn't say anything.

The next moment, Yuan Mulanzi grabbed Kelt's shoulder and teleported away.

Wuming stood there with an idea in his mind. Since the Great Wilderness Special Zone has been completely separated from the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, does that mean that the current Great Wilderness Special Zone is actually an independent space in the shape of a flying saucer?

Perhaps, the Great Wilderness Special Zone does not necessarily have to stay in the eternal silence space, but can also be moved.

This is equivalent to an invincible mobile fortress. It may be able to compete with the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

However, this matter must be considered in the long term and must be studied before a decision can be made. After all, it involves the well-being of countless lives, and he cannot make a hasty decision.

"Forget it, let's go back to the game first."

Wuming gathered all his thoughts and returned to the arena.

Not long after he left, at the lowest level of the Everlasting Prison Tower, the priest who was pressed under countless rubbles was suddenly choked by a white arm, and was dragged out of the crack by this white arm before he woke up.


Wuming returned to the rest area.

He simply explained the matter without waiting for anyone to ask.

Then he smiled and said: "Okay, it's almost time. Let's continue chatting when I come back."

"Master Wuming, come on!" Maria shouted immediately.

Wuming smiled and then entered the competitive universe.

At the other end, Falkes had been waiting for a long time, and Su Wu asked: "Player Huahua, can you continue the game?"

Others may not know why Wuming entered the rest area, but Su Wu had some guesses. Maybe Wuming just went to check the cause of the vibration.

"I'm ready." Wuming nodded.

Su Wu nodded, then glanced at Falkes and said: "Then the game will continue. In the ninth game, Huahua player will face Falkes player."

The Immortal Jellyfish is a translucent jellyfish about the same size as the moon. It has a large number of tentacles. As the game begins, halos appear on these tentacles, and then beams of light are emitted from the halo.

It is the only pet so far in the game that can directly attack Bobo.

Bobo's body was attacked by the beam, and the stardust coat on the surface suddenly shook, and then more beams of light were reflected back from the stardust coat.


Loud noises were heard, and the huge body of the Immortal Jellyfish immediately tilted to one side, and a huge gap appeared on the umbrella surface.

However, Wuming had seen the battle of the Thousand Mechanism Immortal Jellyfish and knew that the Thousand Mechanism Immortal Jellyfish's recovery ability was amazing, so he immediately said: "Bobo, continue the super saturation attack, don't give the Thousand Mechanism Immortal Jellyfish a chance to recover from its injuries."

Bobo immediately continued to shoot out beams. Gradually, the position of the beams became more and more complex, from a single direction to overwhelming. In the blink of an eye, only a gelatinous core was left of the Thousand Machine Jellyfish.

This gelatinous core beats constantly like a heart, suddenly splitting into two, three, four...

As the gelatinous core split crazily, Wuming felt something was wrong.

The next second, the dense gelatinous cores dispersed, splitting continuously while dispersing, and then these gelatinous cores quickly 'germinated', forming mushroom-like jellyfish.

This was something Wuming had never seen before, because there was no enemy in front of him who could force the Immortal Jellyfish to this point.

"Bobo, use the black hole to swallow everything!" Wuming immediately ordered.

Upon hearing the order, Bobo immediately controlled all the microscopic particles in the competitive universe to condense together. In the blink of an eye, the earth collapsed, the sky disappeared, and a black hole quickly formed.

Unfortunately, the Immortal Jellyfish, like all the previous pets, has the ability to form a world of its own. Bobo cannot control the particles that make up their bodies, otherwise they can be killed instantly.

At this time, as the black hole appeared, a large number of jellyfish immediately fell into the black hole, but strangely they were not torn apart by the black hole.

More and more jellyfish appear around. They interact with everything around them, but they are strangely separated from the interaction, as if they are ghosts.

"What kind of ability is this?" Wuming was very confused when he saw this scene.

In fact, he could use the ability of the controller of the Great Wilderness Zone to investigate, but this would be against the rules.

But judging by the naked eye alone, it is indeed impossible to understand the state of the Immortal Jellyfish.

So weird.

Falkes smiled at this time and said nothing, as if he was waiting for a certain moment.

Outside the venue, countless people were talking about it. The problem was that Falx reported the name Immortal Jellyfish to the organizers of the competition. It was an unknown pet. They didn’t know how Falx cultivated it. It’s even less clear what abilities the Thousand Machines Immortal Jellyfish has.

"It seems that the wave-particle dual elephant ape is in a difficult battle. The Thousand Machine Immortal Jellyfish has shown its special ability, which makes the wave-particle dual elephant ape completely helpless." The female host said with interest.

Then she looked at Su Wu in the arena and asked, "I wonder what the head of the Su family thinks of the current game?"

"Although the Thousand Machine Immortal Jellyfish of player Falx is temporarily immune to the attack of the wave-particle dual elephant ape, it has not shown a strong enough attack power, so we have to wait and see before we can determine the direction of victory or defeat." Su Wu said lightly.

His words were not loud in the arena, but they were amplified a lot outside the arena, and many spectators nodded in agreement.

The Thousand Machine Immortal Jellyfish is still splitting the gelatinous core. Now the number of gelatinous cores has exceeded tens of millions, and it is constantly multiplying. After reaching the tens of millions level, it will soon become hundreds of millions, and after hundreds of millions, it will go to the "Beijing" in the blink of an eye.

More and more gelatinous cores have turned into mushroom-headed jellyfish. The long tentacles of these jellyfish are constantly swinging in the air, and then they are sucked into the black hole and continue to swing in the black hole.

About half an hour later, the black hole was filled with jellyfish.

Gravity seemed to be isolated under the umbrella of the jellyfish, and more and more jellyfish occupied the space of the competitive universe, as if they were going to fill the entire universe.

"I see."

Wuming finally saw a clue at this time.

The splitting of these gelatinous cores was actually fast and slow, and they were all in a magical state, which reminded Wuming of a jellyfish called the Turritopsis dohrnii.

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