I Contracted Myself

【714】Seeing through and winning

The lighthouse jellyfish can continuously rejuvenate itself, thus achieving the effect of immortality.

The current situation of the Immortal Jellyfish is very close to that of the Lighthouse Jellyfish, but it only activates this mechanism when it is on the verge of death, and it will also split.

At the same time, during the process of division, it seems to receive a very special kind of protection. In a short period of time, it will simulate its own growth process in the past, thus becoming immune to external attacks.

Maybe the effect is a bit complicated and not easy to understand.

For example, after a dog is born, it grows up safely from one to three years old, and this 'growth' process is recorded.

When the dog suffers a fatal blow, it will return to its newborn state, and then under the protection of some kind of force, it will reproduce the previously recorded 'growth' process. In this process, even if the dog is thrown into the nuclear The explosion will not affect the dog's 'growth' process, because this process has been recorded and has become an inevitable event.

"Bobo, stop all attacks and remove the black hole." Wuming ordered at this time.

When Falkes saw this scene, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He sighed helplessly: "It seems that Huahua player has guessed it, then I will admit defeat!"

"Player Falx surrenders, and the winner is unknown!" Su Wu was stunned and then announced.

Outside the stadium, countless spectators were in an uproar. Everyone was talking about it. Some people suspected that Falkes had been bribed by Wuming, and some suspected that the scene just now was actually an illusion. Wuming had seen through the illusion, so Falkes simply surrendered.

Maria asked curiously: "Sister Renmei, Sister Lucifer, do you see anything?"

They all knew that Wuming definitely did not bribe Falkes, so Falkes's surrender must be due to Wuming's ability or weakness of the Immortal Jellyfish.

"No, I can't tell." Lucifer said.

Lin Renmei also shook her head, while thinking about how her dream tapir would defeat Falkes's immortal jellyfish if it were her.

At this time, Wuming decided to rest for half an hour.

He came out of the competitive universe, returned to the rest area, took out a recliner and lay down, sighing: "I'm exhausted, my brain was overclocked just now."

"Master Wuming, what's going on with Falx's immortal jellyfish?" Maria asked immediately.

Wuming squinted his eyes and said casually: "The ability of the Immortal Jellyfish is very simple. It is to recall the near-death state and calculate the future. The Immortal Jellyfish's ability actually explains everything. Maria, do you know what it is? Thousands of opportunities?”

"A thousand chances?" Maria asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, but it's not a thousand, but countless kinds. Each body it splits represents a possibility. Once it splits a possibility that can kill the opponent, the game is over."

"If you are so shameless, how should you fight?" Maria frowned.

Lucifer said thoughtfully: "There is no need to attack it, because the more you move, the more flaws there will be, the more possibilities it will have, and the closer it will be to the final goal. Instead, it will be better to do nothing." It can be left helpless.”

"Yes, its state cannot last. Every time a possibility is calculated, it will split. That's why it is fast and slow. After realizing this, I ordered Bobo not to attack, so that its state will become worse. It goes on for a long time, and finally once all the jellyfish are out of that state, the balance of victory and defeat will be on my side." Wuming nodded.

It is impossible to have unlimited refills with this kind of ability.

Once you escape, it will probably take some time before you can re-enter. That time is enough for Bobo to kill the Immortal Jellyfish ten thousand times.

Falkes also understood this, so he simply gave up.

He actually had another purpose in admitting defeat, that is, he didn't want other players to see that scene and guess the details of the immortal jellyfish's ability.

"That's amazing. If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to guess it." Maria said with admiration after listening to Wuming's explanation.

Wuming rubbed his temples and said: "This battle is indeed difficult. If we cannot see through the ability of the Immortal Jellyfish in a short period of time, the balance of victory and defeat may tip to Falkes."

"Actually, there is another very important point, which is to strengthen yourself." Lin Renmei said with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said: "Well, if it is not strong enough, the Immortal Jellyfish can find the possibility of winning in a short time. Even if you are smart, it will be meaningless if you don't have time to think."

Precisely because the gap between the Thousand Mechanisms Immortal Jellyfish and Bobo is too big, the Thousand Mechanisms Immortal Jellyfish has been dividing, but it has never found the possibility of defeating Bobo, thus giving Wuming enough time to observe and think.

If the wave itself is not strong enough, the Immortal Jellyfish can quickly find the weakness, thereby splitting the possibility of victory and directly ending the game.

In the final analysis, strength is the foundation of everything. Without strength, no matter how complex the ability is, it is meaningless.

Half an hour later.

Wuming stood up and entered the competitive universe again. Bobo had also rested and his condition was fully restored.

Next is their final battle of this competition.

Su Wu looked at the two of them and asked, "Are the two players ready?"

"Okay!" Wuming smiled slightly.

Su Luyuan smiled and said, "I'm ready too."

"In that case, let's start the tenth battle of Huahua players!" Su Wu said loudly immediately.

Following his order, Su Luyuan immediately said: "Vajra Strange Gu Mother Queen Insect, quickly build a nest!"

A bug the size of an adult pet cat quickly created a golden octahedral nest in midair, and the nest quickly grew larger, looking like a large beehive in midair.

Bobo attacked almost at the same time as the beehive appeared, but the lightning and light cannons did not leave any traces on the beehive.

"Okay, the outcome is decided!" Su Luyuan smiled confidently.

Wuming asked curiously: "It sounds like you are very confident in the nest made by the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm?"

"The King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm's King Kong Nest is invincible!" Su Luyuan laughed.


Wuming had seen Su Luyuan's previous battles. Whenever the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm successfully built a nest, the enemy had no way to deal with the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm.

Because the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm would stay inside the nest and constantly send out Gu worms to attack the target.

The defense of the King Kong Nest is very high. Many pets known for their strong attack power have tried to attack the nest, but the results were all failures without exception.

At that time, Wuming thought of two ways. One was to kill the King Kong Queen Worm before it built a nest, and the other was to break the defense of the King Kong nest with a more powerful attack, so as to defeat the King Kong Queen Worm.

It must be said that the speed of the King Kong Queen Worm to build a nest was too fast.

In fact, before Su Luyuan's order, the King Kong Queen Worm spontaneously used its ability, so although Wuming was prepared, he was still a little slow.

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