I Contracted Myself

【715】Psychotropic drugs of the cute god

Since the first method failed, Wuming can only try the second method now.

After successfully building a nest, the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm will quickly lay eggs. After three minutes, these eggs will hatch and leave the nest to attack the target.

In other words, Wuming and Bobo now have three minutes to prepare, otherwise they will have to face an endless army of Gu worms in three minutes, and Bobo will hardly have the opportunity to fully target the King Kong nest.

"Bobo, use that trick!" Wuming said immediately.

Wuming and Bobo have studied the top ten players and made corresponding tactical arrangements for each player, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Some players have hidden trump cards, which really caught them off guard.

However, Su Luyuan seems to be very confident in the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Worm, so he did not hide any trump cards.

At this time, the wave wave moved.

A large amount of matter quickly condensed, and black holes quickly formed one by one. Then these black holes quickly arranged together, forming a "fist" that distorted space under Bobo's strongest level of control.

Then Bobo further compressed the fist made of black holes, forming a dark glove.

Wearing the glove that crushed everything and twisted everything, it raised its hand and punched the King Kong Nest. With this punch, even the ultimate protection of the competitive universe was triggered.

All the lives in the competitive universe passively appeared a golden light shield, the King Kong Nest exploded, and the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Bug also appeared a golden light shield.

The only light in the darkness was Bobo's scarlet eyes. This scene left a huge psychological shadow on Su Luyuan and the King Kong Qi Gu Queen Bug.

"I... admit defeat!" Su Luyuan said with difficulty after a while.

Wuming smiled and said, "Bobo, the battle is over."

Instantly, all the particles returned to their original positions. Su Wu smiled and said, "Su Luyuan admits defeat, Huahua wins the tenth game, congratulations to Huahua for locking the championship in advance!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The audience burst into fierce cheers. Bobo's move just now was really worth watching. At the level of 169, it is already a super-level skill.

However, this move is probably only Bobo can use. Even if others have similar abilities, they don't have such strong control to constrain all particles and prevent black holes from colliding with each other.

Sometimes, bloodline talent can easily surpass the efforts of most people.

Amid the cheers of countless people, Wuming returned to the rest area, and the next step was for the top ten players to compete for the other nine places.

"Congratulations on winning the championship." Lin Renmei saw Wuming coming back and stood up and smiled.

Wuming also smiled and said, "Come on, strive to win the runner-up."

"Well, I will try my best!" Lin Renmei nodded.

Wuming sat on the recliner, took out the drink, and exhaled a long breath. He finally won the championship.

Originally, he thought that participating in the Taming King Competition was a pastime, but who knew that he would encounter the Thousand Machine Immortal Jellyfish, which caused him to waste a lot of brain power.

Now he just wants to have a good rest.

Then the game continued, and the next one was contestant No. 5 Sun Xiaoyun against No. 11 Lin Renmei.

As a result, the Dreamy Tapir knocked down the Starry Sky Giant Frog in two moves, and Sun Xiaoyun suffered two consecutive defeats.

Fortunately, the next opponent was No. 13 Cui Yunyu, and Sun Xiaoyun's Starry Sky Giant Frog just restrained the Night Shadow Giant Wolf, so he finally won a victory with difficulty.

Because Sun Xiaoyun's battle process was far more complicated than Wuming's, and the Starry Sky Giant Frog consumed a lot of energy, Sun Xiaoyun would ask for a rest after each game.

When Wuming woke up after a nap, Sun Xiaoyun only fought against No. 29 Joe Atanatos, and he didn't win every game, which was a mixed result.

"It's so boring." Wuming watched for a while and felt that the battle was not interesting, so he complained.

Maria was also drowsy. She was not very interested in these games, but the prizes for the champion made her excited.

She nodded and said, "Yes, the game is so boring. Can't you decide the winner with one move like Master Wuming?"

"Why don't you go back first and come back after the award ceremony?" Zhang Shouzhong suggested.

In fact, he thought it was okay. The current game was actually more interesting than Wuming's game. At least it was a battle of equal strength, not a crushing battle.

What's the point of a game that can solve the battle with one punch no matter what the situation is?

"Okay, okay, I want to go back to sleep." Maria agreed immediately.

Wuming looked at the others, and Zhang Shouzhong said, "I'll stay and continue watching the game. If there is any situation later, I can pretend to be you to deal with it." "Okay, those who want to stay can stay, and those who want to go back can go back." Wuming nodded.

Then he took Maria and Cheng Xuejie who wanted to go back to Wenxin Bieyuan away. Lin Renmei stayed because she wanted to observe the other players' fighting performance more, especially the players who surrendered to Wuming before. She had to find out their true strength.

Lucy Phil and Lin Renmei had a good relationship, so she stayed to help Lin Renmei observe.

The two of them could also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents and how to deal with them. It was not boring for her to stay here.

Wuming returned to Wenxin Bieyuan and took out a candy and threw it into the bubble world. Bobo immediately ate the candy in one bite and turned back into a cute little bear in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, come out!"

Wuming released Bobo, and Bobo immediately ran around the yard happily, shaking his head as he ran, as if he had returned to his childhood.

Before, because his body was too big, he could only stay in the bubble universe.

Now the game is over, and he is finally free.

The candy that Wuming gave it was a treasure presented by a family that joined the Great Wilderness City. According to Gao Shanggong's appraisal, this candy is probably also a treasure of the Baisen religion.

According to Gao Shanggong's appraisal results, this candy is called "Mental Drug of the Cute God".

The effect is that after swallowing the pill, it will turn into a Q-version cartoon form, and at the same time be immune to all mental attacks, and other creatures will reduce their hostility to the eater by 50%.

It can be said that the effect of this treasure is terrible.

However, Wuming really doesn't want to become a child again, so he didn't think about eating this candy after getting it.

It just so happens that Bobo is getting bigger and bigger, and Bobo is familiar with them and likes to play with them, so Wuming simply made an agreement with Bobo before that as long as Bobo can get ten wins in the game, this candy will be given to Bobo.

Now he was just fulfilling his promise.

Bobo happily knocked over a potted plant with his palm, then walked to the swing chair and smashed it with his palm, then smashed the wall with his head, and destroyed everything all the way to the small bamboo forest.

"This guy."

Wuming knew that Bobo was getting familiar with everything around him again, so he was not angry.

He shook his head helplessly, then snapped his fingers, and everything that was destroyed by Bobo quickly returned to its original state.

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