I Contracted Myself

【716】Martial Ancestor ascends

In the world of Miaofa, Ziwu Mountain, Wuzu Daochang.

Countless immortal cultivators gathered on a hilltop a few kilometers away from Ziwu Mountain, staring at the top of Ziwu Mountain from afar.

The top of Ziwu Mountain was covered with calamity clouds, as if a huge millstone was slowly turning. Even from a distance, these immortal cultivators could feel the horror of the calamity clouds.

"I wonder if Wuzu can survive the calamity and ascend to the immortal world?" A Taoist child whispered.

But then the little Taoist child was taught a lesson by the adults around him. How could he say something unlucky at this time? He should say congratulations to Daozu for surviving the calamity and ascending to the immortal world, and for his longevity.

At this time, a heavy pressure suddenly came, and the immortal cultivators were silent one after another, and they all stared at Ziwu Mountain.

In the Daochang of Ziwu Mountain, Wuzu Wang Jing had a calm face, quietly waiting for the calamity to fall.

He is a time traveler, traveling from a world with a developed martial arts civilization to this world with a developed immortal cultivation civilization. Unfortunately, he does not have much talent for immortal cultivation, so he has to continue to walk the path of his lifetime, and gradually he has found a way to immortal martial arts.

As the founder of immortal martial arts, he is also called the Martial Ancestor by the world.

"After traveling through nine hundred years, I can finally get a glimpse of the immortal world..."

Wang Jing couldn't tell whether he was excited or hesitant. He exhaled a long breath, and the next moment the immortal martial arts in his body were fully activated.

In an instant, a huge sound came from the sky, as if his behavior was intolerable to heaven and earth.

"Hahahaha, come on, I have been in the world for eight hundred years, and I have never been defeated so far. How can a mere heavenly tribulation hurt me!!!" Wang Jing was full of heroic spirit and looked up to the sky to invite a fight.

Thunder rolled in the sky, as if a god was angry.

Then a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the lightning forked and forked again in the air, forming an ancient spell, and finally reunited at the end, and hit Wang Jing fiercely.

"Ten thousand calamities of heavenly punishment!"

Many immortal cultivators saw the ancient spell formed by thunder and lightning.

Some immortal cultivators who have studied ancient spells exclaimed.

"Ten thousand calamities, isn't that the highest level of heavenly punishment!"

Many immortal cultivators present are actually disciples of the Xianwu lineage. The main reason is that Xianwu is more about understanding than aptitude. Some immortal cultivators with poor aptitude but good understanding have found that practicing Xianwu is much faster than practicing immortality honestly, so they will naturally choose to switch to Xianwu.

As the founder of the Xianwu lineage, Wang Jing can be said to be their ancestor.

Many immortal cultivators immediately began to worry, fearing that the martial ancestor would fail to ascend, and they would have no guide to ascend to the immortal world in the future.


Lightning fell on Wang Jing, and Wang Jing laughed and said, "Nothing special."

Then another lightning fell, and he continued to laugh and said, "Weak and powerless, is this the heavenly tribulation?"

Then, the heavenly tribulation seemed to be angered by him, and thick lightning fell one after another, but it could not hurt Wang Jing at all, but Wang Jing was disappointed.

"Martial Ancestor is worthy of being the Martial Ancestor, and he is not afraid of the heavenly tribulation at all!" Many people said in shock, admiration, and envy.

Some old-school immortal cultivators saw this scene and were eager to consider switching to the way of immortal martial arts, so as not to be killed by the heavenly tribulation in the future.

Wang Jing was too amazing.

Ten thousand lightnings fell, but he was unharmed. He only felt that he could sense the existence of the fairyland in the dark, and he knew that he only needed a thought to ascend to the fairyland.

"Hahahaha, I, Wang Jing, will wait for you in the fairyland!" He laughed loudly, and the next moment he ascended in the colorful light.

Countless immortal cultivators envy and admire. Ascending to the immortal world can be said to be the ultimate goal of countless immortal cultivators in the immortal world, but only a few can really ascend to the immortal world from ancient times to the present.

Wang Jing is the only immortal cultivator who has ascended to the immortal world in the past ten thousand years, and is destined to become an eternal legend in the immortal world in the future.

Miaofa Immortal World, Beitianmen.

Wang Jing opened his eyes and found himself soaking in a pool.

He knew that this was the legendary Immortal Transformation Pool. All immortal cultivators who ascended to the immortal world from the human world would wake up in the Immortal Transformation Pool, and their bodies would also transform from mortal bodies to immortal bodies.

"Is this the immortal world?"

Wang Jing thought to himself as he soaked in the pool, looking at the colorful sky.

However, he did feel the changes in his body. Originally, his life span was only 800 years, but after transforming into an immortal body, it seemed that there was no restriction on life span. As long as he was not killed, his life span would be the same as the sky.

In short, he finally lived forever.

He felt that his immortal body was complete, so he sat up from the pool and immediately looked at the magnificent, solemn and majestic gate in front of him. The gate was inscribed with the three words "Northern Heaven Gate".

But the next moment he frowned slightly, because there was blood on the pillar, and there was a trace of blood next to the three words "Northern Heaven Gate".


Suddenly, a shrill, desperate scream came from a distance.

Wang Jing felt creepy and had a bad premonition in his heart. The immortal world might not be as beautiful as people in the lower world imagined. It was also a place of constant disputes.

He took a deep breath of immortal energy and ran the turtle breathing skill in his body. His body was like a giant gecko, quickly climbing from the immortal pool to the plaque of the Southern Heaven Gate, and looking through the gap above the plaque in the direction of the sound.

In the distance, a man in armor with a mechanical right arm holding a strange gun was dragging a fairy into the garden.

Farther away, some immortals were still fighting with people in various strange costumes.

"That's the Immortal Emperor!"

Suddenly, Wang Jing saw a fairy light flashing in the distance. He activated the Eagle Eyes Skill and immediately saw a jade-faced man fighting with a strange man.

The jade-faced man was the Immortal Emperor. There was a sculpture of the Immortal Emperor in the lower world, and Wang Jing recognized him at a glance.

"Even the Immortal Emperor is not a match for that strange man? What is going on?" Wang Jing was confused. He claimed to be invincible in the world, but he was a rookie in the immortal world. It would undoubtedly take a lot of time to catch up with the immortals.

He activated the Cat Ear Skill and could vaguely hear various sounds. After filtering, he heard some useful information.

"Hahaha, kneel down, kneel down, those who can play the flute don't have to die, and those who can't play the flute... hehehe."

"Beauty, join the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and enjoy the good life with your brother, isn't it? If you continue to resist, I'm afraid there is only one way to go, our boss Spider Demon Star is not a man who sympathizes with women."

"Look, look, your Immortal Emperor is about to die under the spider poison of Lord Spider Demon Star, it's over, it's over, you are all finished."

Wang Jing's face was a little ugly. Is the Immortal Court just one of the forces in the Immortal World?

But according to the information he got from his investigation in the lower world, there is only one force in the world of cultivating immortals, that is, the Immortal Court ruled by the Immortal Emperor, and all immortals who ascend to the immortal world must be naturalized in the Immortal Court.

What kind of force is this Ten Thousand Demon Sect?

Is there a place like the Demon World besides the Immortal World?

Suddenly, Wang Jing's skin was covered with goose bumps. He quickly curled up into a ball, then kicked the plaque with his toes, and instantly rolled in the air, and finally fell into the Immortal Turning Pool.

He saw a huge crack cut by a knife at the place where he was just now.

That was the plaque of Beitianmen, the facade of the fairy court, and the material used was very extraordinary. Wang Jing could feel that the defense of the plaque was probably countless times stronger than the top defensive magic weapon in the world just when he lay on it.

As a result, the plaque was actually split open by a knife.

Wang Jing was horrified and felt that a disaster was imminent.

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