I Contracted Myself

【719】All demons are destroyed in one night

A burst of flower fragrance enveloped all the immortals, and they found that their injuries were healing quickly.

Wuming walked forward, followed by countless fantasy flowers, and then flew over him into the immortals. In a blink of an eye, the imprisoned immortals regained their freedom, and the immortal seals on their bodies were shattered by petals.

"Okay, it's all right now." Wuming said to everyone with a smile.

A female immortal said, "Excuse me... who are you?"

Wuming paused as he turned around, and then smiled and said, "Just think of me as a kind-hearted passerby."

After saying that, his body turned into petals and scattered, and with countless petals drifting in the wind, he also took away all kinds of messy corpses of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Wang Jing stared at this scene blankly, and suddenly realized that there are people beyond people, and there are mountains beyond mountains. Maybe the immortals are just the beginning.

At the same time, Wuming's image was deeply imprinted in his mind.

When they were desperate, Wuming was like a ray of light that illuminated their hearts in a devastating way.

Perhaps the outside world is full of countless unknown dangers and evils, but as long as there are people like Wuming, hope will never be extinguished.

Outside the Miaofa World, Wuming took the Miaofa World from the void like picking a fruit, and threw it into the Great Wasteland City in an instant.

However, this world will not communicate with the outside world for the time being, unless the people inside can rely on their own strength to come out, then it will be considered to have truly broken the boundaries of the world and become a part of the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Here it comes, so fast!"

As soon as Wuming finished all this, he immediately felt a palpitation.

He knew very well that the only ones who could make him palpitate were probably Rama and Luojiu. No matter who came, he was not a match.

But the next second he returned to the Great Wasteland City, and the palpitation disappeared immediately. He conjured a huge fantasy lotus at the edge of the Great Wasteland area, and then sat cross-legged in the lotus and waited quietly.

Suddenly, Rama appeared abruptly as if he had been there originally. He looked at the original location of the Miaofa World, then looked at the Great Wasteland Special Zone, and finally set his eyes on Wuming.

"Jupiter's magic is the way of insects. Although it is small, it has its merits. It's a pity that he fell here." Rama sighed slightly, and then said to Wuming.

Wuming smiled and said, "So you want to avenge him? Then come in!"

"It's meaningless to pretend to be powerful, Wuming... Where is your way?" Rama looked directly into Wuming's eyes with his deep dark eyes and asked slowly.

Wuming didn't take Rama's words to heart at all. The demons were all very seductive guys. Whoever took their words seriously would be deceived by them.

He closed his eyes and said calmly: "Rama, put away your crooked thoughts, I will treat everything you say as fart."

"Really? Then how about listening to me chanting the sutra?"

"Qi Xing Shang Yun, the shape and color are Xi Yi, the wisdom light is dull, the sea produces clouds and smoke, the body is clean, and the ten thousand demons are subdued..."

Dense demon shadows appeared behind Rama, and these demon shadows finally turned into a throne. Rama sat on the black throne and chanted the "Ten Thousand Demons Sutra" in an indescribable and incomprehensible tone.

In fact, this text itself has little meaning. It is just a way to subdue the demonic energy in the body, but it becomes a terrifying demon sutra with Rama's Tao rhyme.

In the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming closed his five senses and didn't listen to Rama chanting the sutra at all.

When Rama stopped, he reopened his five senses and smiled: "Sorry, I never listen to the turtle chanting the sutra. Why don't you chant it again?"

"Whether you listen or not, the sutra is here." Rama said calmly.

Then he stood up and said, "Since you care so much about this small pond, I will give it to you. But... when you have everything and rule everything, will you be satisfied?"

After saying that, he disappeared.

Just as he could not see the way he came when he came, he could not see the way he left when he left.

Wuming sat cross-legged on the edge of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, feeling a little confused. What did Rama mean by this?

Did he give up the Great Wilderness Special Zone?

That's right.

For Rama, the Great Wilderness Special Zone was indeed just a small pond.

But a few days later, Wuming found that things were not that simple, because the Ten Thousand Demons Sect...disappeared.

Overnight, the arrogant Ten Thousand Demons Sect disappeared without a trace, and all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect disappeared without a trace. The disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect in the Shenzang Space also disappeared strangely.

Wenxin Villa.

Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong and asked, "Is it really impossible to find anyone?"

"Well, Luo Jiu is also missing, and the old site of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has completely disappeared." Gao Shanggong nodded.

After discovering that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect had disappeared, various forces sent people to investigate. The more they investigated, the more terrifying it became. The Ten Thousand Demons Sect disappeared silently, with no traces of fighting or relocation, as if the Ten Thousand Demons Sect had been wiped out by a mysterious hand overnight.

"Could it be that the pond he was talking about is..."

Wuming's expression was a little complicated. Thinking of what Rama said, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart for a moment.

In his plan, he would continue to accumulate strength in the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and when he was sure to fight Rama, he would fight Rama to the death and completely eliminate the cancer of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Who knew that Rama did not play by the rules at all and actually ran away.


The tree-like universe is the strange space called "void" and "crack" by countless people in the heavens and the worlds.

There is no concept of time and space here. All matter is stationary unless it has its own time force. Therefore, in this area, as long as it has a strong enough time force, any creature can move faster than the speed of light.

Rama and Luo Jiu are riding on a huge corpse mount, moving slowly in the void.

"Brother, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is doing well, why do you want to give up?" Luo Jiu couldn't help asking.

Because the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has been destroyed by Rama himself, all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were instantly swallowed by Rama's magic, so now Rama is no longer the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Rama did not correct Luo Jiu's address, and said calmly: "The so-called 'all the worlds' is actually just an old branch in the vast void.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect was originally just a chess move. Success is gratifying, and failure is no big deal.

Since the nameless Great Wilderness Special Zone has the ability to move, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is doomed to fail. What's the use of a Ten Thousand Demon Sect that can't raise ten thousand demons?"

What he wants to cultivate is a powerful demon who can be on par with him, not the kind of shrimp jumping under his command.

Only by cultivating the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra to the same level as him, will it be worth devouring or being devoured. Whether he lives or dies at that time, the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra will go a step further.

This is his way of magic.

Besides, he didn't leave without doing anything. He left the true scriptures, and he might not be able to get surprises in the future.

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