I Contracted Myself

【720】The Council of the Heavens

With investigations again and again, a year passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

After confirming that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect had really disappeared, Gao Shanggong smiled bitterly and said, "Everything we regard as a treasure, Rama discarded it like a piece of trash. Maybe this is the difference in realm."

"No, it is precisely because he is arrogant that we should be more vigilant against him." Wuming said seriously.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Sect disappeared, Wuming still did not leave the Great Wilderness Special Zone in this year. It was precisely because Rama gave up the Ten Thousand Demons Sect so easily that he raised a greater sense of vigilance against Rama.

Such a person's pursuit is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people, and it is not too careful.

"By the way, many scholars in the Scholars Foundation think that we should start to make plans to deal with the problem of the Eternal Silence Monster. What do you think?" Gao Shanggong took a sip of tea and asked.

Because of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, although the Eternal Silence Monster caused huge damage and even killed more lives than the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, it was rarely reported.

Everyone's attention was basically focused on the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and the Eternal Silence Monster was not taken seriously.

Of course, the reason for this is that everyone understands that if the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is not eliminated, the major forces cannot let go and deal with the Eternal Silence monsters. Even if they are reported, it will only make people feel unhappy and have no meaning.

But now that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has disappeared, the situation is different.

Many reporters have cast their eyes on the Eternal Silence monsters. Recently, there are more and more news about the Eternal Silence monsters attacking various worlds.

Wuming nodded and said, "The Eternal Silence monsters should indeed be cleaned up, but I can't leave the Great Wilderness Special Zone for the time being. I might as well set up a team to lure the Eternal Silence monsters to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and then I will completely kill the Eternal Silence monsters that break in."

"There are quite a few Eternal Silence monsters, and some are strong and some are weak. The weak ones can be sealed first, and then brought back to the Great Wilderness City for you to destroy. Only those stronger Eternal Silence monsters need to be lured here." Gao Shanggong added.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it's okay."

"There is one more thing." Gao Shanggong hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Wuming with some embarrassment.

Wuming asked in confusion, "What's the matter?" "Many forces in Dahuang City hope to establish a council of all heavens. All matters related to all heavens will be decided by the council in the future. They hope you will be the president." Gao Shanggong said with a wry smile.

Wuming frowned and asked, "What powers does this council have?"

"Basically, it's the same as the court, but it's called a council." Gao Shanggong said with a wry smile.

Wuming was silent for a moment and asked, "Who is leading this?"

"The Qin family." Gao Shanggong said.

When Wuming heard that it was the Qin family, he immediately lost his idea. He smiled bitterly and said, "What do these stubborn people want to do?"

The Judge Qin family is known for being impartial. In the past, many forces would invite people from the Qin family to serve as judges and judges.

The Scholars Foundation has a position called supervisor, and the supervisor is from the Qin family.

It is said that the ancestors of the Qin family, the judges, tampered with their genes to ensure that the Qin family was impartial. Once a member of the Qin family served as a referee or judge, they would have an obsessive-compulsive disorder and force themselves to be impartial.

Perhaps because of the teachings of generation after generation, the members of the Qin family, the judges, are all stubborn and are "fools" who can sacrifice their lives for the morality in their hearts.

Because of this, the Qin family actually has a good reputation in the heavens and the worlds, and people from the Qin family hold important positions in many major forces.

If it was another family that took the lead, Wuming would suspect that the other party wanted to take advantage of the situation and curry favor with the powerful, but if it was the Qin family, this possibility was very low.

"They believe that the Ten Thousand Worlds were like a pot of loose sand in the past, so they were easily defeated one by one by the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. Now that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has disappeared, it is just right to destroy and then rebuild.

So they hope to establish a council to unify the Ten Thousand Worlds to lead all the affairs of the Ten Thousand Worlds. As the controller of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, Wuming is the most suitable candidate in terms of both reputation and strength, so the Qin family recommends you as the first president." Gao Shanggong said.

Wuming frowned and said, "Are there no other candidates?"

"Yes, but I don't want other candidates to take this position. At present, the Judge Qin family has negotiated with 150,000 families. As long as you nod, it will start to operate." Gao Shanggong said. He was embarrassed because he knew that Wuming didn't want such power at all, but he actually wanted Wuming to be the president, because he didn't trust other people at all, and only Wuming could make him convinced and at ease.

"You are forcing the duck to the shelf." Wuming saw Gao Shanggong's attitude and said helplessly.

Gao Shanggong smiled and said, "The more capable, the more work. This is the general trend, which is unstoppable. All I can do is to guide the general trend in a good direction."

"Don't you consider it yourself?" Wuming asked back.

Gao Shanggong shook his head and said, "If it was before the Eternal Silence Prison Tower completely collapsed, there might be a glimmer of hope, but the restoration of the Eternal Silence Prison Tower failed. As the main person in charge, it is difficult for me to have the opportunity to take on such an important responsibility again. Besides, I am not interested in this. It's fine now."

"I am not interested in this either. Wait, go and persuade the Scholars Foundation to merge the Scholars Foundation into the Council of All Heavens in the form of a Scholars Group. This matter cannot be discussed. Otherwise, when the Council of All Heavens is established, my first order will be to declare the Scholars Foundation an illegal organization." Wuming reacted and said immediately.

Gao Shanggong's face suddenly turned black. The Council of All Heavens has not been established yet, and you are taking action against the Scholars Foundation first. It's too cruel.

"I can't be the only one to suffer." Wuming smiled.

Gao Shanggong said helplessly: "I know, I will go back to inform all the scholars. I guess I will have a headache tonight."

"The more capable, the more work. This is also the general trend!" Wuming smiled and returned Gao Shanggong's words to Gao Shanggong.

The Scholars Foundation has a lot of talents. Absorbing them into the Council of All Heavens will reduce his workload by at least half. He is indeed worried about others leading the reconstruction of the power framework of the heavens and the worlds, but he doesn't want to be entangled in worldly affairs every day, so the Scholars Foundation must be absorbed into the Council of All Heavens.

This is his idea, and once the council is established, his idea is the general trend.

Half an hour later, Gao Shanggong said goodbye and left.

Wuming sat on the recliner, took out the oracle stone and opened the oracle network, and began to study the Eternal Silence monsters, thinking about how to quickly clean up all the Eternal Silence monsters.

The Council of All Heavens has been established, and it is estimated that the first shot will be fired at the Eternal Silence monster. Only by firing the first shot beautifully can all forces be convinced.

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