I Contracted Myself


Three years later, the Council of All Heavens was officially established, and the whole world celebrated.

In the past three years, countless families and forces that have decided to join the Council of All Heavens have been working hard for the Council, attracting more families and forces to join the Council.

Even some forces that did not join had already known the news that the Council of All Heavens was about to be established.

It can be said that in addition to surprising countless scattered people, the establishment of the Council of All Heavens was celebrated by most of the families that had already joined, while some families watched coldly, and some families were secretly vigilant and quite afraid of the Council of All Heavens.

The composition of the Council of All Heavens is not complicated. It is mainly divided into three parts: the Council, the Corps of All Heavens, and the Law Enforcement Corps. The latter two are absolutely subordinate to the former.

The Council is led by the president in all affairs, and the secretary group assists the president in his work. The head of the secretary group is currently Aries.

Under the secretarial group are various groups. The family group is a delegation composed of the patriarchs of each family. These families will vote to elect the head and deputy head to represent their own interests. In addition to the family group, there are also scholars, business groups, scattered cultivators, monks and other groups.

The general meeting starts with the president Wuming and the heads and deputy heads of these groups. After reaching an agreement, the various departments of the law enforcement group will implement it.

Of course, Wuming has a veto as the president, and matters that he disagrees with often cannot proceed.

For a full six months after the establishment of the Council of All Heavens, Wuming was busy dealing with various affairs of the heavens and the worlds, so busy that he could only rest for ten minutes a day.

The disappearance of the Ten Thousand Demons Gate caused chaos in many worlds, and even some worlds directly entered the Warring States Period, with countless forces fighting endlessly.

This requires the Council of All Heavens to mediate and bring those worlds under the management of the Council of All Heavens.

"President, this is the list of Eternal Silence monsters. After the scholars' day and night efforts, basically no fish have slipped through the net." Aries walked in from the door and handed a list to Wuming.

Wuming took the list, opened it and checked it one by one. He was surprised: "The scholars also ranked the Eternal Silence monsters?"

"Mr. Cheng is a monster fan. He made it himself when he was researching. Later, he insisted on adding it to the list. We couldn't persuade him, so we just added it." Aries smiled bitterly. The full name of Mr. Cheng he mentioned is Cheng Yaoyin, because many human cultivators would ask him if he had a brother named Cheng Yaojin after hearing his name. So he didn't like others to call him by his name, and acquaintances tacitly called him Mr. Cheng.

Wuming nodded and smiled: "It's good to have a ranking, at least you can see at a glance which monster is more dangerous."

The Eternal Silence monster ranked first in the list was named 'Five-Hand Chaos Monster' by Mr. Cheng. It was a monster with five arms and a big eye on its abdomen.

Among all the Eternal Silence monsters, it is the largest in size and has a strange ability to cause chaos. When its hands are inserted into another world, the time and space of that world will be stirred like a washing machine, and all matter will be cut into pieces and finally sucked into its mouth.

In fact, the Scholar Foundation has been trying to lead the five-handed chaos monster to the Great Wasteland City to destroy it over the years, but the monster seems to have an instinct to avoid danger and seek good fortune, so that every action ended in failure, and even once a practitioner was lost.

Wuming also controlled the Great Wasteland Special Zone to find the five-handed chaos monster, intending to use the Great Yellow Special Zone to hit the other party and include the other party in the scope of the Great Wasteland Special Zone, but it also ended in failure.

Once he had such an idea, the monster would escape to the Eternal Silence space and come out from somewhere else.

At present, this monster is under the surveillance of the Council of All Heavens, but there is no good way to deal with it.

Wuming looked down page by page and saw many familiar Eternal Silence monsters in the list. These Eternal Silence monsters are all the existences that he wanted to eliminate in recent years but ended in failure.

"Let's send this list out. We can set a bounty. There are countless talented people in the world. Maybe someone has a way." Wuming said skillfully.

The law enforcement group of the Council of All Heavens has a department that specializes in taxation, so the Council of All Heavens has sufficient funds, and the amount of the bounty is very tempting to practitioners.

In fact, although Wuming is not interested in money, the salary he gets every year as the president is an amount that most practitioners cannot earn in their lifetime. In addition, there are various benefits. Whether Wuming wants it or not, he will provide it in excess.

"By the way, raise the level of receiving bounties to above 250, so that those practitioners with insufficient strength will not go to die." Wuming suddenly thought of the huge bounty when Aries was about to leave, which might cause some people to go to die, so he quickly spoke.

Aries nodded and said, "Okay, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, get busy." Wuming shook his head.

After leaving Aries Palace, Wuming stretched himself and continued to work on the files. In fact, it was easy for him to delegate power, just hand over the work to others.

But it was easy to delegate power, but it was difficult to take it back.

Therefore, before the situation was completely stable, he would not easily give up power. Although some things were hard, they had to be done.

Rama asked him what he wanted. What he wanted was actually a bright and fair world. He hoped that the future would be a good future, not a bad future that would eventually lead to chaos.

The original site of the Wonderful Dharma World.

A team of practitioners was tracking a small Eternal Silence monster in a sand-sized spaceship.

After the Council of All Heavens issued the bounty, many loose teams like mercenaries and adventurer teams turned their attention to the Eternal Silence monster. Any strong man at level 250 can hunt the Eternal Silence monster. Once the monster is sealed or killed, a huge reward can be received at the Council of All Heavens.

The captain of this team, Bao Lide, is at level 250. He once tried to attack the area without a controller, but failed in the end because the power of the great god is not combat-oriented.

Later, he tried many jobs and finally found that forming a team of practitioners could best exert his great god power, so he has been doing it until now.

"Captain, are you sure we can kill the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster?" a girl asked.

Bao Lide smiled and said, "The Ten Thousand Bearded Monster ranks 394th. Two days ago, the Explosive Wolf team successfully sealed the Thunder Horned Monster before it. We can't be worse than the Explosive Wolf, right?"

A teammate immediately checked and found that the Thunder Horned Monster ranked 392nd in the list of Eternal Silence Monsters. The Explosive Wolf team had similar configurations to them. Since the Explosive Wolf team could seal the Thunder Horned Monster, they should be able to seal the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster that ranked behind the Thunder Horned Monster.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster suddenly stopped, as if it sensed something, and moved closer to a certain position in the void.

Baolide narrowed his eyes and immediately signaled the driver to drive the spacecraft closer to see what was going on. The Ten Thousand Bearded Monster's behavior seemed a bit abnormal.

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