I Contracted Myself

【722】Hunting God

At this time, the countless tentacles of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster bent back like hair, revealing a white humanoid body. This humanoid body was very huge, like a rag doll wrapped around a strange humanoid, and this humanoid wrapped around another person.

Because of the tentacles, this huge humanoid monster looked like he had a big back hair. The burly body stood in the void, and the strong arms slowly stretched forward, layer after layer of white skin rolled, and finally an arm with countless broken pieces appeared in the void.

"Who am I?"

Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster felt a strange willpower drilling into his body like an earthworm, and the next moment he had an idea in his mind.

The practitioners of all the heavens and the worlds are very clear about the fact that the Eternal Silence Monster is not a living creature. They are more like a virus program. They do not have a self-existence, let alone thinking.

Questions like "Who am I" will never be asked by the Eternal Silence Monster.

Even if some Eternal Silence Monsters behave very much like living creatures, and even show the characteristics of being greedy for life and afraid of death, in fact, these are just operating according to the program.

But now this Ten Thousand Bearded Monster is indeed thinking.

As it thought, a large number of messy memories were selected from its body in an instant. These memories were very mottled, with men, women, beasts and intelligent life.

Without exception, these memories were extremely painful and negative.

Although the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster could not understand, it also felt pain, so it curled up and wailed in pain.

In the distance, everyone on the spaceship, including Baolid, looked at each other, unable to understand what was happening, but Baolid immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

He said: "The Ten Thousand Bearded Monster must be in a weak state now, I will try to seal it!"

After saying that, he immediately left the spaceship and appeared next to the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster in a flash. He took out the bullet made of the Life Stone. He didn't need to use a gun. He flicked the bullet at the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster with his fingers.

The Ten Thousand Bearded Monster was immersed in pain and didn't notice Baolid's sneak attack at all. A large number of tentacles on his back were shot immediately, and the Life Stone Essence quickly covered these tentacles.

"It hurts!"

An idea came into the mind of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster, and then he looked for the corresponding method in countless memories.

Unfortunately, most of the memories it got were painful memories left by weak and pitiful creatures. When these weak lives are attacked, they often do not choose to resist, but only try to escape.

So, it endured the pain and instinctively ran away, just like an elk shot in the lung by a hunter, running wildly in panic.

"It actually chose to run away. It is indeed just a weak monster ranked 394." Bao Lide was stunned, and then thought to himself.

Many Eternal Silent monsters are like this. Once they encounter an opponent they cannot beat, they often run away neatly to avoid being sealed.

If it was in the past, being sealed could wait for the day when the seal was lifted, but now the result of being sealed is to be taken to the Great Wilderness Special Zone and finally become an unknown collection.

Bao Lide immediately returned to the spaceship and said excitedly: "Catch up quickly, don't lose it."

"Okay!" The driver nodded.

The spaceship accelerated at full speed, closely following behind the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster. The Ten Thousand Bearded Monster staggered in the void, but the speed was very fast. Whatever it encountered along the way was smashed by it, but it never realized its own strength, just like a newborn baby, just running wildly.

As the memories continued to emerge, the magic rhyme that it had just touched accidentally began to sound in its ears: "The qi is up, the shape and color are Xiyi, the wisdom light is dull, the sea is full of clouds and smoke, the body is clear, and the ten thousand demons are subdued..."

In fact, the reason why it gave birth to self-consciousness was because it was instinctively attracted by the magic rhyme left by Rama.

Rama chanted the sutra for Wuming outside the Miaofa World. Wuming was completely unaffected by the protection of the Great Wilderness Special Zone, but the space where Rama was was slightly affected, and some substances were contaminated by the magic rhyme.

When the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster touched these substances, the rhyme of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra had already begun to operate, and a demon soul was born in its body, so it had a self.

But before it could figure out who it was, the surging memories overwhelmed it.

Now, with the sound of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra in its mind, combined with countless painful memories, it gradually knew who it was. It was a weak beast, but also a god of revenge. Its name was the God of Hunting.

Suddenly, it stopped, and its body gradually stood up. The tentacles covered with the essence of the Life Stone behind it fell off one after another, and then the tentacles grew again, and the ends gradually cracked, forming red eyeballs.

At the same time, its strange body wrapped up layer by layer, completely hiding the human figure inside, and finally a huge eye appeared on its face.

"All those who bully the weak, all guilty souls, will die in my hands, I am the iron box!" The God of Hunting opened his mouth and roared loudly.

The strange power supported the sound to spread to the heavens and the worlds. Baolid's spaceship was the first to bear the brunt. The lights in the cockpit flickered, and the sound of electricity kept ringing.

"How could it be possible, it..." Baolid didn't care about the spaceship, but looked at the God of Hunting outside the spaceship in surprise.

Did the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster just make a declaration?

Did it develop self-awareness?

At this time, the Hunting God spoke again: "I will hunt everything and sacrifice everything. I am a sacrificial god!"

"Sacrificial god?" Baolid took a breath.

Although the God of Sacrifice is hated by everyone in the world, he has a very strong ability to survive. How could he become a monster with ten thousand beards?

No, why did the monster with ten thousand beards say that he was a God of Sacrifice? And... Iron Box... Bao Lide felt vaguely familiar with this name.

He searched in his mind and found the information about the iron box in the live video of Wuming before.

"Not good, very bad, the level of the monster with ten thousand beards may be higher than the experts estimated. Can the spacecraft still run now?" Bao Lide said in a low voice.

The driver said with an ugly face: "The time engine seems to have a problem."

It takes time to move in the tree-like universe. Once time is lost, it will stop. Generally, the spacecraft that can travel in the tree-like universe will be equipped with a time engine to drive the spacecraft with time.

"There is no other way. We will teleport to the Great Wilderness Special Zone first and then come back to salvage the spacecraft." Bao Lide made a prompt decision.

This spacecraft is very expensive, but no matter how expensive it is, it is not as expensive as their lives.

Without saying anything, Bao Lide activated the teleportation bracelet and left. Others also left, leaving the spaceship alone.

On the other side, the hunting god frowned, feeling that something was wrong with him. What was the iron box, and what was the sacrifice to the gods?

Wait, why did a strange crying sound appear in his head?

It immediately recited the "Ten Thousand Demons Sutra" silently, and all the sounds were suppressed in an instant. Then it flew to a world in the distance by induction. It sensed that there was prey in that world, and it was about to start its first hunt.

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