I Contracted Myself

【723】Magic Dye

World No. 5588, Jinqi system, Dayang system, Chiqiu.

In the bush community, Cheng Jie covered his body with mud to repair the cracks in his body.

He was beaten at the Swamp Academy. Several classmates thought his swamp sludge was too fragrant, so they beat him up. They also threatened that they would beat him again tomorrow if the swamp sludge on his body still smelled so good.

It was obvious that the mud on his body was just ordinary mud. The smell was very uniform and not fragrant at all.

Those bad guys deliberately bullied him just because he didn't look strong enough.

"It would be nice if I could be strong too."

At this time, a burly swamp man walked slowly from outside the community. Cheng Jie looked at the man's strong body and thought with envy.

Swamperts are a subspecies of humans.

Because of the natural environment of Chiqiu, all creatures here live in the swamp. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, they have already formed a perfect symbiotic relationship with the swamp.

Swamp people's skin does not have sweat glands because they do not sweat, but there is a type of body hair on the surface of the skin that can absorb nutrients from the swamp mud.

This results in the more nutritious swamp mud being more expensive. Many swamp people need nutrients for exercise that can only be absorbed through swamp mud. It is difficult for swamp people without money to become strong.

Because his family is not rich, Cheng Jie is thinner than many of his peers. He has been the target of teasing and bullying by his classmates since he was a child.

"You need revenge."

Suddenly, a voice came from Cheng Jie's ear.

Cheng Jie was startled, stood up, looked around, and asked in a stern voice, "Who? Come out!"

The next moment, he saw a white giant standing in front of him. His body trembled slightly and he slowly raised his head to look up. This giant was so huge, taller than three or four of him.

When he saw the huge eyes on the giant's face, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The God of Hunting looked at the unconscious Cheng Jie, his body bent in a strange posture, countless tentacles gathered around Cheng Jie, and the sound of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra gradually sounded.

All Heavens Council Building, President's Office.

After listening to Aries Palace's report, Wuming was silent for a few minutes, and then he said: "So...we are now facing something like a monster of eternal silence, a sacrifice to a god, or a combination of iron boxes?"

"Yes, and I'm afraid its ranking must be moved up. The first discoverer, Mr. Paulide, believes that the other party may have self-awareness and is a thinking eternal monster." Aries nodded.

Wuming felt a headache, and he couldn't help but ask: "Do we still have the energy to solve it now?"

"I'm afraid that the Heavenly Legion has no way to allocate more manpower. The first legion is currently monitoring and besieging the top ten eternal silence monsters. The second legion is currently divided into ten groups and is attacking the illegal forces that took advantage of the chaos to do evil. The third legion is currently The legion is now mediating those worlds that are constantly fighting," Aries said with a wry smile.

It can be said that now is the busiest time for the Council of Heaven, and there is no spare time to take care of the hunting god.

In fact, the reason why the All-Heaven Council circulated the list of Eternal Silence Monsters and offered huge rewards was because the All-Heaven Council did not have the energy to clean up those little shrimps, just the top ten Eternal Silence Monsters. It's enough to make them miserable.

Wuming rubbed his temples and said, "Then can we form a fourth legion?"

"It's a little difficult based on the current situation. A practitioner who is too strong is unruly and unlikely to join the legion. A practitioner who is too weak...it will take a lot of time just to train. When that happens..." Bai Yang Gong said helplessly.

Wuming thought for a while and said, "Then I'll think about it again and go down first."

"Okay." Aries nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Aries thought of Wuming's habits during this period, paused again, and looked back at Wuming.

Generally speaking, when he is about to go, Wuming will start with "right", then ask him another question, and it will not end until he answers the question.

"What's wrong?" Wuming asked suspiciously when he saw Aries Gong suddenly looking back at him.

Aries shook his head and said: "It's okay."

Then he turned around and was about to leave, when Wuming suddenly said: "That's right!"

"Sure enough!" Aries Palace secretly thought.

He turned around and looked at Wuming, who asked, "Does the scholar group know about this?"

"I know, Captain Ains has already gone to find Paulide, and there may be new news coming back soon." Aries Palace said.

Ains, the leader of the scholar group, is not the most knowledgeable scholar in the scholar group. The reason why he became the leader is because he has a good relationship with all the scholars and has more time.

Compared with other busy scholars, Ains finally became the group leader because he was relatively free.

"Oh, okay." Wuming nodded after listening to Aries Gong's words.

Aries bowed slightly, then turned and left.

He used to think Wuming was very good and a good opponent.

But over the past few years, he has changed from a slight affection for Wuming to respect. He knows very well how much effort Wuming has put in for the sake of the world.

In formulating almost every law, Wuming has to argue with various forces. This is something Wuming hates, but every time it ends in Wuming's victory. No one can get benefits that they shouldn't get from Wuming's hands.

At the same time, Wuming is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to adapt.

There is no absolute fairness and justice in the universe. After all, all practitioners attribute their power to their own existence. Therefore, every law made by Wuming is based on the situation, which can make all the weak and strong speechless.

It is because of Wuming's efforts that the universe is now restoring order, and it is a better order than before the Wanmomen appeared.

In the afternoon, Einstein submitted new information, and Aries walked into Wuming's office again with the information.

"World No. 5588, Jinke system, Dayang system, Chiqiu? Is this... the Pinxixi version of the Earth?" Wuming looked at the information handed over by Aries and couldn't help complaining.

Aries said: "Although there is no absolutely identical world in the universe, there are countless similar worlds. This world may be somewhat similar to the world you know, and it is normal."

"Is there any specific information about Chiqiu?" Wuming asked while looking at it.

Aries immediately handed the information collected by the secretarial team to Wuming. Wuming took it and put it aside to continue reading the intelligence file. Seeing this, Aries simply explained to save Wuming's time: "Pool Ball is a planet covered by swamps for 70% of its area. Apart from the swamps, there is the sea, so the land creatures in that world should actually be more accurately called swamp creatures.

There is a subspecies of human beings there, called swamp people. Their skin is very delicate. Once they lose the protection of the swamp mud, they are easily sunburned by the sun. However, their physique is very suitable for practicing water and earth attribute skills or magic, so there have been several powerful people with good strength.

Now the swamp people are ruled by the catfish king clan, and the catfish king clan has also joined the Council of All Heavens and is considered one of us."

Catfish King?

The image of the other party immediately emerged in Wuming's mind.

He had seen the catfish king at a dinner party. The guy was fat and greasy. He only focused on eating during the whole banquet. He was a complete foodie.

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