I Contracted Myself

【724】Completely possessed

"Does the Catfish King know about the pool ball?"

Wuming put down the intelligence document, looked up at Aries Palace, and asked seriously.

"You should already know. After all, Chi Qiu is under the rule of the Catfish King. There is no reason for him not to know if there is any trouble." Aries thought for a while and replied.

Wuming frowned and said, "Then why has it been a day since the Man-bearded Monster entered the pool ball and he didn't react at all?"

"It's hard to say, maybe I want to solve it myself, maybe... I don't care at all." Aries shook his head.

Wuming said calmly: "Let the secretarial team investigate. If he enjoys the power but fails to fulfill his due obligations, let the Qin family lower the evaluation of the Catfish clan."

"Yes, I will instruct the secretarial team to investigate later." Aries nodded.

Wuming picked up the information that Aries Palace had just explained in person, and asked with a headache while reading: "The monster with ten thousand beards will definitely cause trouble when it enters the pool ball. Who do you think is more appropriate to send to deal with it?"

"There are two candidates, but I'm afraid only you can move them." Aries hesitated.

Wuming put down the document and immediately guessed who Aries Palace was talking about. He said helplessly: "They are not members of the council. Although they have a very good relationship with me, we can't let them donate for no reason, right?"

"Then ask them what they want." Aries said.

Wuming shook his head and said: "No, this will make you suspected of being a plum in the melon field, and it will not be clear in the future."

Although they didn't name them, they all knew that the other party was talking about Lin Renmei and Lucy Fair. Both women were very strong and fully capable of solving many problems.

The problem is that neither of them has joined the Council of Heavens. Although Wuming can ask them for help, how can he let them help in vain.

But once the issue involves money and interests, it would be inappropriate to invite two people.

If he gives too little, he will definitely not be able to pass the threshold in his heart, but if he gives too much, although the members of the Council of Heavens dare not say anything openly, they will definitely criticize Wuming in their hearts for being fair and selfless on the surface, but secretly not giving enough. Seeking welfare for one’s own family.

Although he could issue a reward and invite two people to take action, the reward would definitely not be enough to invite two people to take action. After all, the rewards issued by the Council of Heavens are subject to rules.

"Oh, then we can only have a meeting." Aries sighed helplessly.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's okay, let everyone have a headache together. After all, the first floor of the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence was destroyed by worshiping gods!"

Next, Aries went to contact the leaders and deputy leaders of the major groups to prepare for a meeting against the Ten Thousand Bearded Monsters.

Sometimes it's not a good thing for an organization to be too big.

While Wuming and the others were still having a meeting, Chiqiu had fallen.

For the first time, Cheng Jie felt the joy of having power. He controlled the flames and could easily burn the target into porcelain. Countless swamp people wherever he passed were instantly wrapped in flames. When the flames disappeared, the swamp mud on his body had turned into porcelain. , the swamp people inside are already familiar with it.

"It's great, it's great. For this moment, all the suffering I have admitted in the past is meaningful." Cheng Jie shed tears of emotion.

At this time, a swamp man held a weapon and roared: "Devil, I will fight with you!"

Cheng Jie flicked out a teardrop with his finger. When the tear touched the swamp man, it immediately exploded. The raging fire burned the swamp man into porcelain in a blink of an eye.

When the Swampert hit the ground, it broke into pieces in an instant, and the body inside was steaming.

"This world has let down your kindness. Go on and take revenge. They owe you this." The Hunting God stood in the distance, watching Cheng Jie continue to kill people. He felt very satisfied in his heart. It seemed that the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra was running more smoothly. It's smooth.

Providing strength to the weak and witnessing the revenge of the weak will provide it with strength.

Cheng Jie happily walked towards the direction of Swamp Academy. After a day and night of transformation, he was no longer the weak person he was yesterday. Now even the most powerful Swamp people are not his enemies. Those Swamp people who bully him are no longer his enemies. , those swamp people who look on with cold eyes, those swamp people who provide shelter to this unfair world, all deserve to die!

He will use the God-given flame to punish all those who help others commit evil!

"Xiaojie, good morning!"

He walked out of the path he often walked. Dozens of ceramics in the path always kept walking.

At this time, the voice of his childhood sweetheart classmate Azhen came from behind. He turned back to look at Azhen and asked: "Azhen, do you think those classmates who bully me deserve to die?"

"Xiaojie, why do you ask this?" Azhen asked strangely.

She walked slowly to Xiaojie, and when she noticed something was wrong, she looked towards the path. She was shocked when she saw the ceramics. She looked at Xiaojie again and felt a little scared for some reason.

"I'm just curious, how did you view this matter before." Cheng Jie replied. Azhen slowly backed away, her body began to tremble, and the mud fell from her body little by little. Cheng Jie saw the bracelet under the mud. The bracelet was exactly the same as one of the classmates who bullied him.

"So that's it." Cheng Jie said calmly.

The next moment, Azhen was covered in flames and turned into ceramics in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Cheng Jie's body began to change. The originally ordinary swamp gradually emitted high temperatures, and white smoke emerged from the cracks. As he moved forward, the swamp eventually turned black and red, turning into magma.

He completely evolved into a Balrog and fell into the devil's path.

A roar.

A volcano grew out of Cheng Jie's back, and countless magma erupted from the volcano. Centered on his location, the entire area immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Taotao demonic energy forms a huge demonic aura field, and the magma swims in the demonic aura field like a snake, easily taking away the lives of nearby swamp people.

Outside the pool, the catfish people of the catfish family are riding in a chubby spaceship and are monitoring the situation of the pool.

Several fat-headed and big-eared catfish people noticed that an area of ​​the pool suddenly turned black, and then gradually dark clouds formed, forming a huge thundercloud.

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? If the other party doesn't leave, we, the catfish family, may not be able to afford such a big basket." A fat catfish man said worriedly.

Another catfish man who was fatter than this catfish man touched his tentacles and said calmly: "Don't worry, the king has already gone to the dragon clan for help. Isn't the king's daughter married to a strong man from the metal dragon clan? Just wait until the dragon clan comes over. The monster with ten thousand beards has not yet been solved.”

"I hope Wang can hurry up, otherwise the pool ball will be over." Another fatter catfish man said.

At this time, there was another huge change in the direction of the pool. A huge arm of magma swept across a continent. Soon the arm was obscured by dark clouds.

"No, I really like eating pool ball snacks." A catfish man said in tears when he saw this scene.


The whole planet shook.

Chi Qiu's continent immediately fell into pieces, and the atmosphere bulged sharply. It seemed that only a little external force could pierce the atmosphere.

Finally, a golden dragon distorted the space and appeared outside the planet out of thin air, along with the Catfish King. The catfish people on the spaceship breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the two appearing.

Pool ball is saved.

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