I Contracted Myself

【726】The oil is exhausted and the lamp is exhausted

Although Wuming must stay at the base camp and cannot leave easily, he can actually turn his attention to the Demonic Insect and the Deep Sea Apostle at any time, which is equivalent to accompanying the two on a mission.

World No. 5588.

Lin Renmei and Lucy Phil arrived outside Chi Qiu on a huge demon insect. They both frowned slightly when they saw Chi Qiu.

At this time, the pool ball was like a piece of pizza that fell into pieces. A large amount of tomato sauce was connected between the broken pizzas, and a large number of escaped water molecules formed huge water droplets. Many of the water droplets were filled with corpses.

"Go down, I hope Natami is still alive." Lin Renmei said in a deep voice.

Natami is Boqiulian's son and the main target of their rescue operation.

Of course, if they encounter other targets in need of rescue on the way, they will rescue them and will not stand idly by.

The two women flew into the fragmented atmosphere, and the next moment Lucy Phil frowned and said, "There's something wrong with the fire here, it's interfering with my mental scan."

"The biological force field is also affected." Lin Renmei said at the same time.

The two looked at each other and immediately understood each other's thoughts, which was to act together and never divide their forces into two groups.

In this case, it would be too dangerous to divide the troops into two groups.

"There is a creature ahead, go and take a look!"

The demon insect that had been following the two women suddenly heard an unknown voice.

The two women immediately accelerated, and then they saw several swamp people walking to the top of a mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a sea of ​​magma. These swamp people moved slowly, and the mud on their bodies was full of cracks. It was estimated that even if they climbed to the top of the mountain, they would still be exhausted. Become porcelain.

"I'll go down and save people." Lin Renmei said immediately.

She swooped down and landed in front of these swamp people in an instant. She scanned these swamp people, and after making sure that they were all fine, she said: "Don't be afraid, we are rescuers entrusted by the Council of the Heavens. Have you all heard of the Council of Heavens?"

"The Council of the Heavens? Never heard of it." A swamp man with a face full of cracks said confusedly.

Lin Renmei suddenly understood that the catfish people probably didn't tell these swamp people about joining the Council of Heavens. She said: "Okay, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. You just need to know that we are here to save you." , now everyone lines up and enters the aperture one by one. It will be safe once you enter."

After saying that, she stood a little in the void, and a circle of light suddenly appeared. The other end of the circle was a swamp forest in a certain bubble world, which was enough for the survival of these swamp people for the time being.

Although the swamp people have doubts in their hearts, they have no more choices now.

The high temperature emitted by the magma below is constantly evaporating the water on their bodies. Once the mud on the surface of their skin is completely hardened, they are finished.

In this case, it would be nice to have a place to escape, even if there is an abyss ahead.

When the first swampman entered the circle of light, the remaining swampmen entered the circle one after another, and then each one let out a cheer of surprise. The environment of the swamp forest was very suitable for them, where they did not have to worry about being steamed to death.

Lin Renmei watched the last swampman enter the bubble world, then she closed the passage and flew into the air again.

"Let's go," she said to Lucifer.

Then the two women continued to search for Natami, and their flying speed gradually increased. They flew directly over any inanimate area without any hesitation.

While walking and stopping along the way, I saved many swamp people and some unique animals in the pool.

Suddenly Lin Renmei felt a high temperature coming from the ground, and she immediately punched out.

At this time, a large amount of magma formed a fist and struck from the bottom up, which happened to collide with her fist. With a loud noise, a large amount of magma suddenly dispersed, but more magma formed into magma snakes and attacked her and Lucy Phil.

"It turns out that all the magma underground is actually part of the magma monster." Lucifer said.

Lin Renmei smashed all the magma snakes and asked, "Fei'er, do you have any idea?"

"I'll try," said Lucifer.

She made a seal with one hand, and a large amount of cold light instantly condensed on her fingertips, forming a multi-faceted diamond-shaped crystal.

The technique of extinguishing the sun and blowing the cold wind!

In an instant, the multi-faceted rhombus crystal exploded, and an elemental goddess made entirely of ice wind slowly flew up from countless ice shards. As her body rotated, the temperature dropped rapidly with her as the center. When she rose into the air He opened his eyes and blew a breath of cold air downwards.

In an instant, the magma on the ground cooled rapidly, forming pitch-black land.

Centered around Lin Renmei's position, the low temperature spread rapidly, and the ground cooled rapidly wherever it passed. Snowflakes even gradually fell from the sky, spreading a thin layer of ice on the ground.

"Quickly, fly forward and save people!" A nameless voice came from the Demonic Insect.

To be honest, swamp people are really a delicate subspecies of human beings. They are afraid of high temperatures but also low temperatures. If the temperature is high, they will be heated into porcelain. If the temperature is low, the layer of swamp mud on their bodies will turn into frozen soil. , as long as the temperature is neither too high nor too low, they can survive well.

Although Lucifer's move caused considerable damage to the unknown magma monster, it also caused damage to the swamp people.

Next, Lin Renmei and Lucy Fair accelerated their flight, saving a frozen swampman along the way.

When they landed in a residential area and rescued several shivering children, the temperature around them suddenly began to rise again. The two immediately looked outside the residential area. A humanoid monster with flames on its body and made of magma walked towards them step by step. The frozen land turned into magma again wherever it passed.

"It... is dying." Lin Renmei noticed something was wrong when she saw the other party.

Lucyphil sighed and said, "Its anger has almost burned its soul out. The rootless water will eventually be evaporated by anger."

"Haha, Kasou!!!"

At this time, the magma monster made a strange roar, and then slammed the ground with both hands. The ground quickly cracked towards the residential area. In an instant, countless magmas spewed out from the cracks, bombarding Lin Renmei and Lucyphil like missiles.


One knife.

In an instant, all the magma was split in two, and then turned into black frozen soil and fell to the ground.

Lin Renmei held the knife made of biological force field and said calmly: "Although I don't know what happened to you, it's too much to vent your anger on the whole world."

"Send him to his death, he won't be able to hold on for much longer." Lucyphile said compassionately.

The magma monster in front of them was actually just an ordinary creature, and even if it became a monster, it would not pose much threat to them.

With the two of them working together, it would definitely be defeated even if it was still in its prime.

Besides, it was almost exhausted.

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