I Contracted Myself

【727】A fatal injection

Ordinary soul, weak body.

Even if he has magical powers, it will not change the essence of his life.

The capacity of his soul is not gradually increasing, but is burst by some special force. His tiny self-consciousness has long been lost in the surge of mental power.

But there is no special energy in his body to support his own strength, so he instinctively extracts soul and life to support it all.

He is the embodiment of obsession, consuming everything he can to fight.

The saddest thing is that he has almost consumed it. His body is almost an empty shell. Except for obsession and a little vitality, there is nothing else.


Lin Renmei lowered his eyes and walked slowly forward. The colorful biological force field kept entangled with the knife in his hand, and finally turned into a peerless sword that cut off everything.

With one knife.

The magma monster opened its mouth but could not make any roaring sound, and then it turned into ashes.

All this happened very quickly. It took less than a femtosecond from Lin Renmei to the time he cut the knife.

Although the magma monster still had some power left, its weak soul could not support its rapid reaction, so it looked like a wooden man being killed.

The two women saw this point, so they did not regard the magma monster as a threat, because the opponent only had ability but not enough self-will to support it all, and the body was like an empty shell, and the weakness was too obvious.

"Pa pa pa pa pa!"

At this time, a round of applause rang out.

Lin Renmei and Lucyphile looked at the distance immediately.

A golden dragon was crawling on the ground, and on the back of the golden dragon, a white humanoid monster seven or eight meters tall was clapping.

"Ten thousand beard monster!" Lucyphile said solemnly.

She immediately smelled an unusual breath, and her body instinctively entered the combat state. The Mist Feathers and God Fighting Technique, the Thousand Illusions and the Misty Veil were activated at the same time, and a mist coat appeared around her body.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "The breath of this ten thousand beard monster is a bit like the ten thousand demon sect!"

She had fought with the demon cubs of the ten thousand demon sect. Although the breath of the ten thousand beard monster was chaotic and disgusting, she could accurately grasp the key points in this chaos and detect the breath of the ten thousand demon sutra.

"Perfect revenge, a gorgeous ending, ah, it's so wonderful." The hunting god got up from the back of the dragon and said intoxicatedly.

The countless tentacles behind him intertwined together, and finally formed the image of a thin boy, and then this image slowly sank into his back, forming a raised tattoo.

At this moment, his strength grew rapidly, and the terrifying pressure crushed the two women.

Lucifer's eyes changed slightly, and the next moment her eyes locked on the hunting god, Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique!

Who knew that the hunting god seemed to have noticed her attack in advance, and actually formed a perfect cooperation with her. The moment before the Gu Xing's eye-cutting freezing light technique took effect, the hunting god took out the half-dead catfish king out of thin air to block him in front of him.

In an instant, the catfish king was split in two, and the fat rolled down from under the skin onto the dragon's back.


The golden dragon's eyes immediately turned red, and it roared angrily.

But the hunter god exerted a little force on his feet, and the golden dragon was suppressed on the ground and could not move.

"The breath of hatred, are you hating me?" The hunter god suddenly noticed the hatred of the golden dragon, and he asked with an almost perverted look with his face next to the golden dragon.

Natami wanted to bite the hunter god to death. The catfish king ran back to save him and kept trying to get him to escape.

Now he witnessed the catfish king die in front of him, and he regretted it very much. He was too confident and shouldn't have agreed to help because he had no ability to help at all.

"Ah, wonderful hatred, your soul is burning, so... I'll give you a chance for revenge." The hunter god said happily.

But at this moment, a tail needle suddenly pierced his tentacles. He looked at the tail needle in confusion and saw the sky demon worm along the tail needle.

The ability of the Void Sky Demon King is still quite powerful.

In an instant, the Hunting God fell into the void.


Lin Renmei immediately took out a white gun and fired dozens of shots at the Hunting God. In a blink of an eye, the Hunting God turned into a plaster statue.

Lucy Phil quickly arranged the formation, and node teleportation stones fell around. With the successful arrangement of the formation, everything around her was teleported to the teleportation square of Dahuang City in a moment.

When they saw the newly built Zhutian Council Building not far from the teleportation square, the two women breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster was very strong, and neither of them was sure of winning. Moreover, the body of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster was polluted, and it would be a big trouble if they encountered it.

"Okay, you are safe." Lin Renmei walked in front of Natami and said.

Natami immediately looked at the catfish king on his back, only to see the catfish king dying and said: "It hurts, am I forced to lose weight?"

"Yes, at least half the weight!" Wuming appeared out of thin air on the dragon's back and smiled at the catfish king.

The catfish king was relieved when Wuming appeared. Wuming quickly treated him and said as he treated him: "Don't be discouraged. If you get discouraged, you might become a chopped pepper fish head."

"Catfish is not suitable for chopped pepper fish head. It tastes better when stewed." The catfish king told a cold joke about his own race and finally fainted.

Wuming treated the catfish king and made sure he would not die, then looked at the ten thousand beard monster.

The biggest reason why he came here in person was actually because he was curious about the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster. It stands to reason that the Eternal Silence Monster cannot have a self. They are just dead things, negative aggregates, and just a kind of existence similar to a virus program.

But the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster has a self.

In fact, Wuming was really sure of this at the last moment.

Although the intelligence mentioned that the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster was suspected of having self-awareness, he was actually half-believing and half-doubting.

But when the tail needle of the demon insect pierced into the tentacles of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster, and the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster's spirit really fell into the void, Wuming was really sure that the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster had self-awareness.

Wuming waved his hand, and the essence of the Life Stone was dispersed.

He looked at the face of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster, and his mind moved. The face of the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster was peeled off layer by layer, and finally a strange face appeared in front of him.

The reason why it is described as strange is that this face seems to be pieced together, one eye is a woman's eye, and the other is a man's eye, and even the nose bridge is half high and half low, and the nostrils are half big and half small.

At the same time, another face grew on the cheek of this face. This face made Wuming feel familiar. He thought about it for a while and remembered that this little face was the face of the female shrew on Wu Shengzhen's neck.

"So that's how it is. I don't know how the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster and the God of Sacrifice met, and the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster ate the God of Sacrifice." Wuming saw this face and immediately guessed what happened in the Eternal Silence Space.

But did the Ten Thousand Bearded Monster have a self because of the God of Sacrifice?

Wuming thought about it, and stabbed the God of Sacrifice with his finger, ready to check the information in the God of Sacrifice's brain.

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