I Contracted Myself

【728】Good People's Experience

Sacrifice to God, Iron Box, Wu Shengce, Qiongling Niang...

The memories of countless creatures are like pieces of irregularly shaped fragments that have been pieced together haphazardly, completely impossible to read or understand. The previous fragment cannot be said to be unrelated to the next fragment, it can only be said to be completely unrelated.

These messy memories formed a whirlpool. Wuming followed the whirlpool deeper and deeper, and then saw densely packed scriptures.

"Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons"

Wuming frowned slightly, but the next moment he felt that the Ten Thousand Demons Scripture was a little different from what he had imagined.

If Rama were here, he would never observe the Mantra Sutra, but after Rama disappeared, he didn't have so many worries.

In the Great Wilderness Special Zone, at least he didn't need to worry about Rama plotting against him. At the same time, he also wanted to find out what the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra was.

"The Qi travels up the accumulation, the shape and color are Xiyi, the wisdom light is dull, the sea produces clouds and mist, purifies the pure body, and tames all demons."

"Wisdom is in the light, if you want me to be the highest, your neighbors will be young, your mind will be in the body..."

"God contains magic jelly, dew liquid contains gold..."

The more Wuming read, the more he felt that something was wrong with the "Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons", and he seemed to be able to vaguely understand its meaning.

But here comes the problem. The Ten Thousand Demons Sutra does not seem to be a book that guides others to do evil. Instead, it guides people to do good. The more he reads it, the more he feels that the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra is earnestly teaching others to be kind, benevolent, and virtuous. .


There is definitely something wrong with the Wan Demon Sutra!

After all, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect does all kinds of evil, and Rama is extremely dangerous. Even the ten thousand beard monsters have become dangerous because of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra. The Ten Thousand Demons Sutra is definitely not a good thing.

Then why did the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra change when it came to him?

Wuming thought for a moment and had a slight guess in his mind that it was the Great Wilderness Special Zone that suppressed the demonic meaning left by Rama in the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra. What he saw was the most essential core of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra.

If you look at it with malice, you can only see evil; if you look at it with kindness, you can see good.

"I see."

"The essence of the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra is like a knife."

"If the holder uses it to do evil, it is a murderous weapon, and if it is used to do good, it is a divine weapon."

In an instant, Wuming had an epiphany in his heart and knew the Ten Thousand Demons Sutra like the back of his hand. He opened his eyes with a smile, pulled out his fingers from the forehead of the god, and then a sutra full of demonic connotations spilled out of the wound.

Wuming raised his hand and tapped lightly, Rama's demonic charm immediately dissipated, and then a flower of fantasy condensed. This is the core essence of "The Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons".

But now it can no longer be called the "Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons".

The moment Wuming turned it into a flower of fantasy, goodwill was injected into it, and it washed ashore.

"From now on, you can call it "The Book of Good People"!"

The nameless finger twisted the flower of fantasy and said with a smile.

He took the flower of fantasy into his body, and instantly each petal of the flower of fantasy appeared with different words: integrity, hope, generosity, justice, perseverance, temperance, tolerance, kindness...

This flower absorbs Wuming's various beautiful qualities. Supported by endless light element energy, every quality that appears will feed back Wuming's power.

Wuming's strength rose rapidly, reaching level 260 in just one day.

In the teleportation square, countless people were watching, but no one dared to disturb Wuming. Some reporters silently recorded this moment. Many practitioners were very curious about what Wuming got from the ten thousand bearded monster.

Everyone is waiting silently.

The next day, noon.

Wuming slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people around him with a smile.

He said: "Although I want to share my joy, my gift is not suitable for everyone, so be it!"

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and petals appeared instantly. Each petal had the word "kindness" on it. These petals quickly flew high into the sky, and finally exploded, turning into a bright golden halo.

The next moment, the entire Great Wilderness Special Zone began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The nectar fell from the sky, and the flowers and plants on the roadside bloomed one after another. All living creatures were healed by bathing in the nectar, and both physical and spiritual injuries recovered quickly.

"It's so warm, just like...mother's arms!"

"It would be great if there is still a chance to meet. A lot of things have really happened in these years. Ordinary people like her must have never experienced it. I really want to tell her everything I have seen and experienced."

A big man with a ferocious face suddenly burst into tears for no reason. He wanted to grab the nectar, but the nectar melted into his palm. He thought of his mother, a thin and short relative who had given everything for him.

Qin family.

The head of the family, Qin Zheng, looked up at the slowly falling nectar and thought of his father who died generously for justice. He sighed sadly, then smiled and said to himself: "What a good leader, the best of all heavens." Lucky, lucky for everyone!”


Ma Lie stood in the alley, looking up at the drops of nectar falling, smiling happily. He could feel the warmth of Wuming's heart in these nectars.

He has always trusted Wuming, and has always tried to follow Wuming's example. Even when the Ten Thousand Demons Sect was rampant, he insisted on going out to perform rescue missions.

It's a pity that the level required to join the All Heavens Army is too high, otherwise he would have joined the All Heavens Army long ago.

"Sure enough, I am still too weak, too far away from Master Wuming. I must work harder to practice. Sooner or later, I can become Master Wuming's strength!" Ma Lie said to himself, and then simply walked around in the street. Sitting and practicing.

Wenxin Courtyard

Wuming sat on the sofa, enjoying a rare moment of leisure.

He closed his eyes, and the next moment he saw his attributes:


Name: Nameless

Occupation: Flower Arranger

Status: Special Zone Controller

Life Level: 260

Occupation Level: 10

Occupation Skills:

Main Skill: [Flower Shape, Level: 10]

Effect: Can turn everything it touches into imaginary flowers, and manipulate them at will. The stronger the will, the longer the duration.

Secondary Skill: [Mirror Flower Water Moon]

Effect: Form a large number of virtual and real phantom flowers, and manipulate them at will. The stronger the will, the higher the sense of reality, and the greater the confusing effect.

Secondary Skill: [Playboy]

Effect: Can actively transform the body into countless petals to dodge attacks, and can produce a linkage effect with Mirror Flower Water Moon, replacing the petals lost by itself with phantom flowers.

Secondary Skill: [Flower of Good Deeds]

Effect: The great way is only good, but do good things.

Other abilities:

Great ability: [No Name, Level: 260]

Effect: Inject No Name into the target's body, so that the target's body surface forms the original text that only the target can see.

Derivative skills: [Guess Text]

Effect: You can guess the target's original text, copy the target's original text and inject it into the target's body. If you guess correctly, you will get everything from the other party. If you guess wrong, you will slightly strengthen the target's original ability.

Derivative skills: [Give Text]

Effect: You can actively give the original text you master to the target or deprive the original text you have given.

Superpower: [Contract Gem, Level: 220]

Effect: You can consume physical strength and mental strength to condense the contract gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the summoner, but at the same time, they will also gain the summoner's potential and luck. After the first use, taking it again will slightly increase your potential and there is a 55% chance of awakening a new talent. 】

Superpower: [Mutated Eyes, Level: 220]

Effect: Every second, the eyes mutate once. If the same mutation occurs, the power will be enhanced. All mutated eyes will be automatically activated according to the emotions. 】

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The ability of the flower of good deeds is ever-changing, so there is no need to record it. As the effect says, just do good deeds.

Moreover, after Wuming's great ability reached level 260, there were actually some changes.

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