I Contracted Myself

【279】Stability period

First, the consequence of guessing the words. Even if you guess wrong, it will only slightly strengthen the target's original ability.

Before, Wuming guessed the original words wrong, which resulted in the ability of Waltz Original Sin Beast being greatly strengthened, so that the entire golden area and even many areas outside the golden area were affected by the ability of the puppet, and all the people in these areas were forced to dance.

Now, although it will still strengthen the opponent's ability, it will not be so much.

At the same time, the number of guessing words has increased. Although it is not shown in the attributes, Wuming knows very well that he can guess twice. If the flower of fantasy is added, it means four guesses.

This is definitely an essential improvement.

However, this is not the most perverted ability. The most perverted thing is that he can combine Wuming and guessing words to form a petal to give to others.

When using this petal, others can use his ability to seal the target's original words.

Of course, the ownership of the original words still belongs to him.

The problem is that even so, this is also a very deterrent ability.

Wuming had long speculated that the Eternal Silence monsters would run away every time he appeared. Was it because they were afraid of his ability or the Great Wilderness Special Zone?

He simply conducted an experiment, and the result was that they were afraid of both.

So now if he gave the ability to the officers of the Zhutian Legion, could these officers also have a deterrent effect on the Eternal Silence monsters?

If it could.

Then as long as one officer or soldier was stationed in each world, it would be enough to deter the Eternal Silence monsters, thus ensuring the safety of these worlds.

Wuming thought of this possibility and took action immediately.

The next day, a general held Wuming's flower petals of fantasy to force back an Eternal Silence monster, proving that Wuming had a strong deterrent ability against some Eternal Silence monsters with the ability to "avoid danger and seek good fortune".

Then Wuming began to distribute the petals of the flower of fantasy, ordering a large number of officers and soldiers to station in different worlds, so as to ensure that those worlds would not be attacked by the top 20 Eternal Silence monsters.

Although this order drew a large number of soldiers, the strongest legion among the three legions also gained freedom.

In just a few days, the army of the heavens killed a large number of Eternal Silence monsters, and killed some Eternal Silence monsters that were not ranked high but disgusting. The heavens and the worlds finally entered a real stable period.

Time flies.

The reputation of the Council of the Heavens rose after solving the threat of the Eternal Silence monsters.

Whether willing or not, various forces gradually accepted the rule of the Council of the Heavens.

Under the leadership of Wuming, the reputation of the Council of the Heavens was very good. The practitioners gradually adapted to the laws promulgated by the Council of the Heavens. The strong no longer bullied the weak, and the weak did not have to be afraid of the strong killing in anger.

Of course, this is only in the place where the light of civilization shines. If it is in the dark where the light of civilization cannot shine, everything will return to the law of the jungle, and the weak will be eaten by the strong.

There is no way.

After all, the heavens and the worlds are as vast as the sea, and even the Council cannot take care of every place.

Wenxin Villa.

Wuming leisurely drank tea and watched the popular TV series.

After the Council of All Heavens was slowly on the right track, he began to delegate power little by little, transferring power to people he could trust, such as Qin Zheng of the Qin family and the Catfish King of the Catfish Clan, who were all relatively useful tools in his hands.

Qin Zheng was upright and incorruptible, and was very suitable for roles such as supervision and monitoring. With him watching the Council of All Heavens, Wuming was very sure of the direction.

The Catfish King was not slippery, but he had a bottom line. As long as his bottom line was not touched, he was easy to talk to, but if his bottom line was touched, it would be like his fat body, combining hardness and softness, and rebounding to death in a minute.

Therefore, some tricky and troublesome things were very suitable for him.

These two people, one playing the red face and the other playing the black face, could perfectly complete the tasks assigned by Wuming, so now Wuming was free again. As long as the general direction remained unchanged, he almost did not need to go to the Council of All Heavens building.

"This flattery is too much. How can I be so good." Wuming looked at himself in the TV series and said with a blushing face.

This TV series is called "Young Heroes Killing Demons". It tells the story of a young man who worked hard and vowed to avenge his relatives and friends in the village because his village was massacred by the Wanmomen during the rampage of the Wanmomen.

Although the story is very clichéd, the plot is actually very good, and the special effects are incomparable to TV series on Earth.

However, there is one bad thing, that is, the protagonist encounters "Wuming" several times. Wuming is simply a god-like existence in the TV series.

Every time he appears, he is so handsome that Wuming himself blushes.

And it seems that there is nothing he can't do. In the plot, he rescues the protagonist from danger again and again, and even teaches the protagonist a sword move. The protagonist relies on this sword move to kill many powerful enemies.

"Let me use a knife or a dagger, but a sword..." Wuming himself is a little embarrassed.

However, this TV series is very popular now, and there are countless fans in the world who love to watch it, especially his fans who praise it online every day. Some even say that Wuming in the TV series only performs one hundred thousandth of the original charm.

Oh, the praise is too corny.

Every time Wuming saw it, he felt like ants were crawling all over his body.

"Brother Wuming, where is my yogurt?" Mani came out of the room and asked in a daze.

Wuming paused the series and said, "How do I know where your yogurt is?"

"Hmph, Maria must have cheated." Mani guessed immediately.

She played Little Gladiator with Maria last night and beat Maria several times. Then she was dragged by Su Jingyao to take a shower. When she came back, she went back to her room to sleep because she was sleepy, and forgot the yogurt on the table.

Maria must be dissatisfied with her winning so many times, so she drank the yogurt.

That was Niu Niu Shen yogurt, which cost one million resource coins per bottle. She herself was reluctant to drink it.

Mani sat down angrily, ready to teach Maria a lesson when Maria came back from school. It would be best if she could get Mamakini and make Maria angry to death.

"Okay, it's just a bottle of yogurt. I'll give you mine." Wuming said with a smile when he saw Mani's angry look.

Although Mani was cute when she was angry, children still look better when they smile.

He took out a bottle of Niu Niu Shen yogurt and handed it to Mani. Mani immediately said happily: "Thank you, brother Wuming."

"Go play." Wuming smiled.

Niuniu Shen yogurt is produced from the divine cow in the Sea of ​​Life. The milk made into yogurt by the milk god is really delicious, no wonder Mani is so angry.

Of course, delicious is actually secondary.

This thing contains a lot of vitality, which can subtly enhance the foundation of the drinker. Many families will let their descendants drink this yogurt.

Mani happily drank yogurt and went out to play, so Wuming continued to watch the TV series.


Wuming appeared in the picture again, and even the climate changed. The night turned into day, and the halo hit Wuming. This picture is so handsome.

Wuming scratched his cheek, feeling a little overwhelmed, or should he do some special effects when he appears in the future?

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