I Contracted Myself

【280】Physical cultivation Wang Zong

"Look at my Flowery Sword!"

"Hmph, you cheated by using the divine sword move that Master Wuming taught Chen Yunmu."

"You can use it, too."

"But then there's no winner."

"Ah, it would be nice if I could really learn Flowery Sword."

On Xiaoqian Street, several children were playing in an alley, and finally all looked at the statue of Wuming in the distance.

"The latest episode of "Young Heroes Slaying Demons" is out."

At this time, a little boy poked his head out of the window and shouted, and several children immediately threw away their sticks and rushed back to the house to watch the TV series.

Ma Lie picked up the stick that the child had thrown away, put it aside with some helplessness, then went back to his house to open the oracle stone and started watching "Young Heroes Slaying Demons".

"I've watched all of Master Wuming's battle videos, and Master Wuming has only used the sword a few times. This screenwriter is ridiculous. Every time Master Wuming appears, he uses the sword. Could he be a sword cultivator?" Ma Lie complained in his heart while watching.

Some editors do like to bring their own opinions. They say that they are practitioners, and that practitioners are usually stronger in the plot.

If the editor is a sword cultivator, then the sword cultivator must be very strong. If the screenwriter is a magician, then the magician must be very powerful. If the screenwriter is a superpower, then the superpower must be a super god in the plot.

After some screenwriters become famous, the audience can guess which profession is the king in this series just by looking at who the screenwriter is.

Unfortunately, reality is not a series or a game. There is no such thing as a new god in each version. Basically, any profession can be very strong. The key is whether the practitioner is suitable for this profession.

Even a reckless man who practices physical training can be terribly strong, and it is not a problem to tear the same level with bare hands.

Ma Lie's thoughts drifted to a case that has been popular in the heavens and the world recently...

The protagonist of the case is a physical cultivator. Because he was cuckolded, he beat his wife and the man who cuckolded him to death. At first, he surrendered himself, but regretted it after surrendering, killed several law enforcers and escaped, so he was wanted by the law enforcement team.

Unfortunately, the body cultivator committed the crime not in the Great Wasteland City, but in another world, so he has not been caught yet.

The universe is too big, and no one knows when he can be caught.

Tree-like universe.

The wanted criminal Wang Zong was lying on a motionless meteorite, practicing the internal skills to recover from his injuries, and a piece of pure energy crystal turned into powder in an instant.

He checked his remaining energy crystals and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The adulterer and the adulteress deserved to die. It is only natural for me to kill them. It's all the fault of the Council. I almost forgot it." He cursed in his heart.

He did regret it after turning himself in.

Because he reacted and felt that he was not wrong. If he was not wrong, why should he be punished?

In the end, he became more and more angry, and simply broke free from his restraints and injured several law enforcers and ran away.

"The energy crystals are almost used up, and I must find a suitable world to rest temporarily." He felt that his body had almost recovered, and he began to think about what to do next.

The power of the Council of All Heavens is overwhelming. Basically, the larger worlds have soldiers stationed by the Council of All Heavens. If he enters those worlds, he will be easily discovered.

Physical cultivators are generally tall and strong, and they are extremely eye-catching even if they restrain their breath.

Moreover, the technique he practiced is called "Thirty-three Heavens Nine Turns Boy's Skill", which has a total of thirty-three levels, each of which can be turned nine times, and you can have sex after each turn.

After he married his wife, he stayed at the thirty-second level of the ninth turn for more than six thousand years. A few years ago, because of the rampage of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, he felt that his strength was insufficient, so he discussed with his wife and decided to continue to attack the thirty-three heavens.

Once he started practicing, he could no longer communicate with his wife on a physical level.

He thought that he and his wife had communicated well, and his wife would definitely be able to endure the loneliness, and he would have sex after he practiced to perfection.

As a result, his wife cheated after only a few years.

Once he began to practice this technique, his body would emit a strong pure Yang aura, and he would be like a little sun wherever he went. Once he went to a crowded place, he would be discovered in minutes.

Just when he was confused about his future, a spaceship suddenly came slowly from a distance.

"Oh no, it's another bounty hyena!"

Wang Zong's face changed slightly, and he quickly moved from one meteorite to the next.

The ability of a physical cultivator is very simple. He mainly practices the way of Qi and blood to refine the body. His body is extremely powerful. At the same time, he has a pure Yang Qi and blood, which can easily burn the enemy to ashes.

But there is no other ability.

The bounty hunters on the spaceship quickly locked on to Wang Zong who was moving at high speed. A hunter laughed and said, "It's not easy to deal with a mere physical cultivator. Shoot and cripple him first."

Next, the weapons on the spaceship fired at Wang Zong one after another, and the energy bullets hit Wang Zong's body. Wang Zong only felt a little itchy and moved faster.

While running, he also observed his bracelet. This bracelet is called the "Time Void Ring" and has the ability to store time.

Currently, the bracelet only has 60,000 years left. Once the time is used up, he will die in the tree-like universe.

"We must kill them!"

Wang Zong gradually developed a murderous intent in his heart.

Having lived in a peaceful environment for too long, he almost forgot that he was a physical cultivator, a physical cultivator who was good at fighting!

The spaceship followed closely behind, and the distance between them kept getting closer. The laser cannon penetrated the meteorites and ruins, and bit Wang Zong's back tightly. If Wang Zong dared to slow down, he would be hit by the laser cannon.

Suddenly, Wang Zong stopped and took the laser cannon on his back.

Then he flashed, not only did he not run away, but he sprinted towards the spaceship.

"Come on!"

The hunters were not surprised but happy to see this scene.

Several hunters quickly put on their equipment and prepared to capture Wang Zong alive.


With a loud bang, the spaceship shook violently, and several hunters showed incredible expressions. Wang Zong shook this spaceship?

This spaceship is a hunting spaceship with very strong defense. It is enough to withstand the full force of the 150-story strongman. Once the formation they set up is opened, even the 200-story strongman cannot break the spaceship in a short time.

But the vibration just now was too strong, so strong that they doubted whether the spaceship was broken.

The next moment, the vibration approached quickly again.

"Not good, Wang Zong's strength may be wrong, everyone leave!" The captain said immediately.

Then everyone activated the teleportation bracelet and fled the spaceship in a blink of an eye. When Wang Zong rushed to the cockpit, it was empty.

"You are fast!"

Wang Zong sneered, and then smashed the control panel of the cockpit with a punch. Since he dared to chase him, he had to pay the price.

But just as he came out of the spaceship, a flash of knife light suddenly came from a distance and cut a shallow scar on his body in an instant.

The knife slashed on his body and rubbed a lot of sparks.

Good knife!

Wang Zong immediately came to a conclusion.

The hunter who attacked frowned slightly. He didn't expect that his fatal knife would only cause this little damage to Wang Zong.

Both sides stared at each other. Wang Zong wiped the blood on his body and showed an excited smile. He felt that the blood in his body seemed to start boiling, as if he had returned to the era of wanton fighting.

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