I Contracted Myself

【801】Wait for the right time

The next moment, Wang Zong roared and took the lead in attacking. The knife-wielding hunter quickly retreated and disappeared into the dark void in the blink of an eye.

Wang Zong's punch missed, and the next moment he sensed a crisis out of the corner of his eye. The knife-wielding hunter attacked from his right side, and the sword energy shining with cross light struck instantly. He had no choice but to raise one hand and burn his blood. Resist the attack of sword energy.

Next, the two sides attacked and defended frantically, and the relationship between offense and defense continued to change.

When they were fighting, a square, special space like transparent glass floated slowly in the distance. In the space stood a man with white snakes in his hair.

Neither Wang Zong nor the knife-wielding hunter could detect this man, and they still stared at each other and kept attacking.

The space floated next to the two of them, and the man in the space just watched the two of them fighting quietly. The two of them once penetrated his body, and the space where he was was like a ghost, completely unaffected.

"Wang Zong, your strength is quite good." The man said to himself.

Then he looked at the knife-wielding hunter and showed admiration. The knife-wielding hunter was also quite strong. If the two of them continued to fight like this, there should be no winner or loser in the end.

"The united Council of the Heavens is not in the interests of the fictional alliance. Maybe they can use it." The man said.

He is the creator behind the fictional alliance, the space-playing king, Idon-Gorgon.

Now the prodigal female ancestor of the Gorgon family is his descendant, but the two parties have not seen each other for countless eons, and the other party probably regarded him as dead a long time ago.

There are actually many fictional alliances, starting from number 0 all the way down.

The members of Fictional Alliance Zero are composed of the leaders of Fictional Alliance No.1 to Fictional Alliance No.10. For example, Nunn is the leader of Fictional Alliance No.9.

But even Nunn himself didn't know this.

Because after every meeting of the Zero Imaginary Alliance, Yi Dong would trim the memories of all members, leaving only a trace of obsession formed in his heart.

With this obsession, every fictional alliance will act according to Yidong's wishes.

Of course, when the meeting starts, Yidong will temporarily return the memory to each alliance leader, and these alliance leaders themselves know this.

"Fictional memory space!"

At the moment when Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunter collided, Yidong opened a triangular space in front of him with both hands. It happened that Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunter were both shrouded in the triangular space. The next moment, their faces were ferocious, their eyes kept turning white, and their whole bodies were twitching violently.

This is their performance in resisting Idong.

It's a pity that the gap between them and Ito is too big. Gradually, their bodies are taken over by fictitious memories, and they eventually become cannon fodder for the fictitious alliance.

"Okay, go to the golden area and wait for the opportunity. Your chance is at the Demon Sealing Gate. There is what you want there." Seeing that the ferocious expressions of the two people gradually calmed down, Yidong said with a smile.

Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunter slowly opened their eyes. Neither of them saw Yidong, but they all responded in unison: "Yes!"

Asking the Heart.

Wuming was eating ice cream and watching the series.

At this time, Si Xina came over with a formation plate and said a little shyly: "Master Wuming, take a look at this mirror formation. How about this improvement?"

"Si Xina, are you still short of money?" Wuming took a look at the image formation and found that with Si Xina's improvements, the cost should be greatly reduced, but the requirements for the people who set up the formation would be greatly increased.

The problem is that after Wuming changed the mirror formation to military use, he gave Si Xina a large buyout fee. Logically speaking, Si Xina should not be short of money.

"Grandma asked me to borrow money, and I felt soft for a moment..." Scyna said sheepishly.

The grandma she was talking about was the ancestor of the Gorgon family, the prodigal daughter who spent money lavishly.

"She asked you to borrow money, and you borrowed it?" Wuming felt a little dizzy. The money he gave Sixina was enough to live carefree in the desert city for tens of thousands of years. Such a large amount of money I borrowed it when I asked.

Scyna whispered: "Grandma said her experiment is almost successful. When she succeeds, she will have money. Then she will pay me back a hundred times."

"Okay, let's talk about the formation." Wuming sighed.

There is definitely no hope of paying back the money.

But that was Si Xina's money, so there was nothing to say about Si Xina's willingness to lend it to him. After all, he had already made a lot of money by using the mirror formation to trick Chen Yidao to death.

As long as you can kill the enemy, the money is nothing.

Wuming observed Sixina's improved+improved+improved version of the mirror formation, and finally nodded and said: "This way the price should be able to be brought down. How much do you need?"

"I don't know, Lord Wuming, just watch and give it to me." Scyna said sheepishly.

If she decides the price herself, it will make her feel like she is selling herself to Wuming, so Wuming can set the price for everything.

Wuming sighed: "Your personality is really not suitable for business. Forget it, leave the mirror formation to me. I will ask the council to see if it can be turned into a public facility. But how much money can I give you in the end? I can’t guarantee it.”

Then he contacted Aries Palace to handle the matter.

"Okay, go back and wait for the good news." Wuming hung up the phone and then said to Si Xina.

Amid Scyna's thanks, Wuming continued to watch the series, and at the same time looked at the ice cream in his hand. He reluctantly activated his power, and the melted ice cream froze back in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, five years passed while watching the series.

Wuming felt that time was worthless, especially for a practitioner like him. There seemed to be little difference between a year and a day. He watched TV series, surfed the Internet, and occasionally went fishing with Aries and Gaoshang. If he had nothing to do, he would go to the Council of All Heavens Building to work for a few hours.

In the blink of an eye, a few years slipped away quietly.

If we were to say the biggest change in five years, it would probably be... Maria was on vacation again.

"Stinky Mani, you cheated again. You must have made a wish secretly." Maria roared angrily in the yard.

Mani immediately argued: "I didn't cheat. It's obviously you who are not as good as me. You lose to me every time and have an excuse every time. I will never play Little Gladiator with you again."

"If you don't want to play, then don't play. I'll go find Meimei to play!" Maria snorted and continued.

Wuming sat in the living room, eating ordinary melon seeds and watching TV series. He couldn't help but said lazily, "This life is so comfortable."

"Wuming, Maria bullied me again." Mani ran in at this time and bumped into Wuming's chest, saying sadly.

Wuming was about to bleed, and he said helplessly, "Can't you go play with Dahuang?"

"Dahuang went to work." Mani said.

Wuming suggested, "Then go play with Fatty."

"Fatty went swimming, and the senior sister went shopping with sister Renmei, sister Jingyao, and sister Lucyphil." Mani said everyone in one breath.

Wuming sighed, "Okay, then what do you want me to do?"

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