I Contracted Myself


"I want to go to the Dreamland!"

Mani seemed to be waiting for Wuming to ask this question, so Wuming gave her the answer instantly.

About two years ago, Wuming connected countless bubble worlds in the Wuming Sea to the Great Wilderness Special Zone, and the connection point was a world located at the top of the Great Wilderness City.

This world is called the Dreamland, because it is a special space between reality and dreams, so there are a large number of incredible dream creatures.

Mani went to the Dreamland a year ago to release a little mouse in her dream, so she couldn't forget the Dreamland.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the Dreamland." Wuming saw that Mani was so looking forward to it, so he had to agree.

The two packed up and went out together, but Maria didn't go to find Meimei, but sat on the swing and sulked. When she saw Wuming and Mani coming out. She immediately stepped forward and asked: "Master Wuming, where are you going?"

"Humph, stinky Maria, Wuming wants to go to the Dreamland with me, not with you." Mani said proudly.

Maria immediately looked at Wuming with a look of expectation, resentment, worry and disbelief. It was hard to imagine that a kid's eyes could express so many emotions at the same time.

"Okay, Maria, come along too. Marnie, don't quarrel with Maria. Maria, don't be angry with Marnie. Everyone should love each other!" Wuming said tiredly.

Maria and Marnie looked at each other, then snorted at the same time, and then one of them took away Wuming's arm, using Wuming as the 38th parallel, and no one cared about anyone else.

Okay, that's it.

Wuming took the two of them to the entrance of the dreamland through the teleportation array, scanned their faces to enter the dreamland, and the whole world instantly became colorful.

A child, accompanied by his parents, was saying goodbye to a colorful hippo.

"Baby, you have to grow up here obediently, it will be useful for us to go together in the future." The little boy said to the hippo with tears in his eyes.

The hippo nodded, then sprayed a rainbow at the little boy, and then jumped around the little boy. The little boy was happy again, but he was happy and sad when he thought that they would soon be separated.

Next, Maria and Mani began to look for the dream creatures they released. They were all creatures they dreamed of in their dreams. After entering this world, they were extracted and became creatures in the dreamland.

These dream creatures will naturally be close to the owner of the dream, so many children keep their own pets in the dreamland.

A few minutes later, Mani and Maria found their dream creatures, so they both happily played with their pets.

Wuming sat on a white cloud, watching the two people playing with their pets, and couldn't help but smile.

Higher up in the dreamland, a rainbow bridge connects the countless bubble worlds of the Wuming Sea. Some of the rescue team members in the past would go to the Great Wasteland City for sightseeing, and some practitioners would enter the bubble world to explore business opportunities.

Chen Weihua, Liu Sishan and other managers of the Bubble World have been very busy in the past two years. On the one hand, they have to deal with the impact of the world's integration, and on the other hand, they have to explore various opportunities after the world is connected with the world.

In fact, Chen Weihua enjoys it, and Liu Sishan plans to build his bubble world into an educational world, allowing all walks of life to open schools in the bubble world.

Wuming thinks that Liu Sishan is definitely addicted to being a principal.

However, everyone has their own fun in life. Wuming will not force them to do anything. As long as they like it and it is not illegal, they can do whatever they like.

"Master Wuming, you are here too." At this time, a woman's voice came.

Wuming looked at the visitor and said calmly: "Well, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see, many years." Mo Qing said.

She was the white-clothed woman who was instructed by her mother to approach Wuming. Later, Wuming and Baipson fell into the Eternal Silence Prison Tower together. She was recalled by her mother and looted a lot of Baipson's property, and finally escaped.

Now she appeared again, obviously completely relieved.

"I'm sorry, Lord Wuming." Mo Qing said.

Wuming smiled and said, "No need to apologize. In the end, it's all Baipson's fault. You are just trying to survive."


Mo Qing felt very complicated, because this encounter was not so serious.

Her mother got the news from the people below, and then sent her to find out Wuming's attitude.

In fact, she dared to appear in front of Wuming openly, just because a gentleman can be deceived by a method. Wuming is not Baipson, and it is impossible for him to kill her if he disagrees with her, so she dared to appear.

If Baipson came back and Wuming died in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, it is estimated that she and Mo Baier would never appear in the heavens and the worlds again.

Wuming saw this, but he didn't care.

In order to survive, it is not strange to do anything, but as long as it does not break the law and does not touch his bottom line, he will not care so much.

Next, the two chatted for a while, and finally Mo Qing left tactfully.

At the moment of leaving, Mo Qing felt a little regretful, but also a little relieved.

She liked Wuming.

She liked him very much.

But she was destined not to be with Wuming.

Because Wuming was too open and aboveboard. He had seen through everything, but still treated her and her mother with tolerance.

And she was like a toad hiding in the dark. She could only watch Wuming fly in the sky, but she could never fly in the sky with Wuming.

"Miss, you have so many inner dramas, does the mistress know?" The maid appeared beside Mo Qing at this time and asked curiously.

Mo Qing rolled her eyes at the maid and said, "Let's go, we're going back."

Then the two left the dreamland.


Golden area.

Many scholars are in a meeting.

In fact, the Council of All Heavens has not stopped its research on the Demon Sealing Gate, but has been going on.

However, under Wuming's signal, the Demon Sealing Gate was well protected. The controller of that area was basically sitting in the palace not far from the Demon Sealing Gate. Once someone intended to destroy the seal of the Demon Sealing Gate, he could appear instantly and kill the other party.

Therefore, the risk factor of studying the Demon Sealing Gate is not high.

At this time, two men with dull expressions came up with tea and stood outside the door without moving.


A certain rural world.

Many black natives in grass skirts were dancing in a circle, and batches of white-skinned elf slaves were tied up and escorted up.

A man dressed as a chief appeared dancing a strange dance.

His dance steps were very special, and each step had a strange melody. Gradually, the natives began to make strange noises, and their spears kept hammering the ground.

A few minutes later, the chief said: "Sweet potato god, come back, sweet potato god, come back, sweet potato god, come back..."

The elf slaves were immediately pierced through the heart by the spears, and the blood flowed along the grooves prepared on the ground to a withered sweet potato. After the sweet potato absorbed a lot of blood, it gradually flashed red light.


A red light shot up into the sky.

At the same time, countless rural worlds were carrying out the same sacrificial activities, and countless red lights gradually corresponded in different worlds, and finally formed a huge leaf-shaped pattern.

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