I Contracted Myself

【803】A drop of demon blood

After being conquered, the new area near the golden area was finally named the "Demon Sealing Area" after the scholars discussed it together.

This area is not particularly large. It was conquered by scholars working together. Therefore, the regional controller takes turns, and almost all scholars who have contributed have the opportunity to become the controller.

The current regional controller is Xue Kai, who is obsessed with studying ancient exercises. The reason why he is interested in the Demon Sealing Sect is that there may be unknown ancient exercises in the Demon Sealing Sect.

He has perfected some exercises in the cultivation system, and even combined ancient formations and ancient talismans to create a new formation and talisman system. In the minds of many practitioners who practice the formation and talisman system, he is a master-level existence.

At this time, Xue Kai is resting.

Because scholars have regulations that controllers are not allowed to study the Demon Sealing Sect.

The main concern is that once the controller is too curious and behaves irrationally, whoever becomes the controller must stay away from the research center.

Xue Kai has nothing to do and can only sleep every day, looking forward to his resignation.

Whoever wants to be the controller can do it.

A few days later.

Xue Kai can finally step down.

The scholar who succeeded him as the controller is called Katya, a weak and sickly scholar who mainly studies ancient characters. He once wrote "The Meaning and Shape of 33 Ancient Characters", which eventually became a reference book commonly used by many scholars.

This shows how respected this person is.

Xue Kai handed the position of controller to Katya and said happily: "Finally, I can study the Demon Sealing Sect. I am almost suffocated this year."

"Yes, so many years, I am almost suffocated." Katya stretched and suddenly said with a smile.

Xue Kai was stunned and felt that something was wrong. The next second, he was split into two by Katya. He didn't understand why Katya wanted to kill him until he was about to die.

"The Fictional Alliance will officially take over the Demon Sealing Area!" Katya said with a smile.

All the creatures in the entire Demon Sealing Area were instantly frozen, unable to move. Then, after screening, Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunters began to act, killing all the scholars one by one and gathering the captives.

Wuming took Maria and Mani back to Wenxin Villa. Just as he lay on the sofa and prepared to continue watching the TV series, Aries contacted him and told him the news of the fall of the Demon Sealing Area.

“I said that the controllers had better not take turns, but those stubborn people just didn’t listen.” Wuming couldn’t help but complain after hearing the news reported by Aries.

The most important thing for a controller is stability.

What great things can be accomplished by changing the controller every two or three days?

This is like a foreign country changing a round of ruling teams every four or five years. As a result, nothing can be accomplished, and it will cause various turmoil.

“Old Bai, send me all the information about Katya.” Wuming thought for a while and then said.

Aries Palace quickly sent Katya's information. Wuming read it and asked questions. With the help of Aries Palace, he gradually figured out Katya's situation.

It must be said that Katya is really hiding very well.

His real name is Katya, and his real identity is not wrong, but before he became a scholar, he was a magic teacher in an ordinary world academy.

From the information, he really has no flaws.

However, looking back after the event, it feels that his information is too perfect. The fact that there is no flaw is the biggest flaw.

How can a normal scholar not have a few secrets? Even Gao Shang Palace has his own secrets.

"It's troublesome."

Wuming feels a little difficult.

First of all, there are a large number of hostages in the magic sealing area now. It is still unknown what Katya wants to do, but with these hostages, it is destined that Wuming and his team will find it difficult to forcefully attack the magic sealing area.

And if the forceful attack shakes the seal of the magic sealing gate, it is also a trouble that cannot be ignored.

Wuming now particularly regrets one thing, that is, he did not participate in the strategy of the Demon Sealing Area. If he had participated, he could legitimately appoint Zhang Shouzhong or Cheng Xuejie as the controller.

This is a lesson.

In the future, we must be very cautious when dealing with new areas.


Katya brought Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunter to the Demon Sealing Gate.

He flipped his hand, and a dagger appeared in his hand. Then he easily inserted the dagger into the gate, but after this cut, the dagger quickly decayed and finally turned into dust and scattered.

But it's okay!

This dagger is a magical prop, called the Defense Breaking Dagger.

It can be used once a day and can make the target defenseless for ten minutes.

"Come, dig together!" Katya ordered.

Wang Zong and the knife-wielding hunter immediately cooperated with Katya to quickly dig the gate of the Demon Sealing Gate. This extremely hard gate was softer than tofu in ten minutes. They could easily dig out the material that constituted the gate.

Five minutes later, Katya suddenly dug a drop of blood.

This drop of blood oozed from the other side of the door. When the blood pressure appeared, Katya, Wang Zong, and the knife-wielding hunter were pressed to the ground by the huge pressure.

A drop of blood, the weight is surprisingly amazing.


Katya's face flushed, and he stood up with force the next moment.

In the magic-sealed area, he is the controller. Even if the existence behind the magic-sealed door is powerful, he has the confidence to suppress the other party.

However, when he saw the scene inside the door through the gap, he felt an indescribable fear, his hair was all blown up, and he knelt on the ground completely instinctively.

Inside the door was a head, a head floating in a sea of ​​blood.

The head still had its eyes closed, and it seemed that it had not yet awakened, but the pressure it gave people was incredible, and the sea of ​​blood was like chaos, as if it could swallow everything.

"One drop of blood is enough, let's go!"

Katya finally calmed down her palpitations, and then said to Wang Zong.

The drop of blood that leaked out was still hanging on the door. Wang Zong got up with difficulty and took out a bottle to hold the blood, but the bottle turned into powder the moment it touched the blood.

Then the blood touched Wang Zong's fingers and quickly entered Wang Zong's body. Wang Zong's blood vessels bulged all over his body, his skin turned red, and emitted bursts of steam.

Fortunately, he was a physical cultivator, so he did not explode and die.

Seeing this scene, Katya immediately ordered the knife-wielding hunter to take Wang Zong away from here with him. This place made him feel uneasy instinctively, as if once the head woke up, this area would collapse.

However, when he held Wang Zong with his hands, the veins on his forehead immediately bulged. Wang Zong's weight was so incredible that he couldn't lift him up even if he tried his best.

At this time, the hunter with a knife also helped, but still couldn't lift Wang Zong up.

The two of them decided to drag Wang Zong away, leaving a deep dent along the way.

PS: I haven't been stuck for a long time, but I was stuck a little once, so the update is a bit late.

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