I Contracted Myself

【804】A drop of demon blood recreates me

To condense one drop of demonic blood, it takes three thousand six hundred and three thousand worlds to drain.

The dead creatures and consciousnesses in these worlds have endless resentment and endless anger. In the end, everything turns into torrential murderous thoughts. If there is no strong enough willpower to suppress it, there is only one result of being stained with demon blood, and that is madness and tirelessness. of killing monsters.

Wang Zong's memories were modified by Yi Dong. These memories were not as strong as the original ones. Infected by the demon blood's monstrous thoughts, his real memories and false memories were all shattered. Finally, he was suppressed by the will of the demon blood to suppress all things. replaced.

This is not a body snatching, because the master of the demon blood is not dead. Wang Zong just intercepted a trace of the meaning in the opponent's demon blood and became an inferior version of the master of the demon blood.

Katya and the knife-wielding hunter dragged Wang Zong to the ground. Suddenly they felt a pain and quickly let go of Wang Zong's hand. They looked at their hands, and the palms of their palms were already red from the heat.

With their two defenses, how exaggerated would the temperature be that could burn them?

However, the two of them looked at Wang Zong and found that Wang Zong was lying on the ground, neither sinking nor turning into magma due to the high temperature on his body surface.

Suddenly, Wang Zong slowly opened his eyes. His pupils were not special at first, but at this moment, his eyes became double pupils. One of the double pupils was red and the other was golden.

He sat up from the ground, twisted his neck, and realized that there was something wrong with his memory. In an instant, countless memories in his mind were quickly and automatically combined.

The real self, the false self, and the new self are all put together instantly like a puzzle.

After a moment, Wang Zong opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh: "Wen Xiang's soft dream has wiped out his will, and he has been imprisoned for his grudges. For six thousand years, I have been reborn with a drop of devil's blood."

He is Wang Zong, but he is not just Wang Zong.

At this moment, he felt like he had gained a new life, with powerful strength and mind sprouting in his body and soul, just like a new branch growing out of an old tree. His way of looking at the world was completely different.

"Wang Zong, are you okay?" Katya asked from a distance when she saw that Wang Zong seemed to be able to communicate.

In fact, the moment Wang Zong opened his eyes, he and the knife-wielding hunter quickly retreated, thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye.

At this time, seeing that Wang Zong was not crazy, they dared to get a little closer.

"I'm fine, just...a little hungry." Wang Zong said with a slight smile.

not good!

Katya turned around and ran away. The knife-wielding hunter was a step slower because his memory had been modified. In an instant, Wang Zong punched the knife-wielding hunter's body. The terrifying high temperature directly evaporated the knife-wielding hunter, leaving only a drop of condensed blood. Blood fell on Wang Zong's palm.

"Kill you!"

After Katya pulled away, he immediately mobilized the power of the area controller to slap Wang Zong hard.

At this time, the muscles of Wang Zong's whole body bulged, and his whole body was like a red diamond, resisting Katya's attack. There was a loud bang, and a huge palm print instantly appeared on the ground. Wang Zong was like a nail inserted into the palm print. In the middle, except for the damage to his clothes, his body was unscathed.

"How is that possible!" Katya said in shock when she saw this scene.

Logically speaking, he should be able to kill Wang Zong in the area, but Wang Zong was unscathed.

"not good!"

Katya's expression changed, and then he quickly stepped back, and the place where he had just stood exploded with a bang.

"To celebrate my new life, the whole world should be sad. That poor guy is the first gift, and you are... the second gift!" Wang Zong appeared in front of Katya with a swipe, looking down at Katya and said.

Katya said in horror: "Shouldn't we be in the same group? Why?"

"Are you talking about the implanted false memory? Poor." Wang Zong looked at Katya with pity, and placed his finger on Katya's eyebrows when Katya didn't react.

The false memory that Idong implanted in Katya's eyebrows was instantly shattered. The real memory seemed to be hidden in deep water, and now it slowly surfaced.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, what have I done!" Katya's eyes suddenly shed tears of blood and she screamed miserably.

He killed his colleagues, his friends, and his disciples who trusted him. He actually did so many things that deserved death.

At this moment, Katya collapsed.

Wang Zong looked at Katya who fell into despair and couldn't help but smile intoxicated. He had not encountered such a desperate soul for a long time.

Although this kind of despair is not natural and is only artificially caused by the day after tomorrow, it is enough for him now.

"Fetal Immortal 扉扉!"

Wang Zong pressed Katya's Tianling Cap with one hand and said in a low voice.

The next moment, he groaned, his energy and blood connected with Katya, and his whole person fell into the abyss of despair, and was heading for failure at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, he gained an ability from the demon blood.

In fact, he is not sure whether this ability is considered a skill or magic or a spell or a superpower, because there is actually no difference between all abilities.

When humans control energy, they will naturally find ways to improve the efficiency of controlling energy, and this 'method' is actually the prototype of the technique.

Any ability leads to the same goal through different paths.

In terms of the system of cultivating immortals, it is the difference between Tao and magic. In terms of the superpower system, it is the difference between level and ability. If it is explained in terms of the magic system, it is the difference between magic and magic.

Once humans have mastered abilities, they will inevitably find ways to improve their abilities. Therefore, no matter what world it is, systems will gradually emerge and explore "gongfa" to improve efficiency.

Taixian Huanglang is a technique, which may be a superpower, a fairy technique, or magic.

It can connect two targets together, and sharpen one's inner will with the despair of others. If they are swallowed by the despair of the other party, both of them will die together. If they resist the despair, they will take everything of the other party for themselves.

This ability can only have a sharpening effect when used on the most desperate people.

Now Katya has become Wang Zong's first whetstone. Whether Wang Zong's knife is destroyed or becomes sharper depends entirely on whether he can make a breakthrough in Katya's despair.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, is that all?"

As his blood and qi are rapidly withering, Wang Zong suddenly laughed. Katya turned into a dry corpse and fell to the side. Wang Zong opened his eyes and looked at Katya with disdain, then looked around.

There is something wrong with the magic sealing area.

Scholars had basically never served as regional controllers before, so they could not perceive the difference between the Demon Sealing Area and other areas.

Although Wang Zong had never served as a regional controller, he keenly felt that the Demon Sealing Area had a different feeling from other areas.

If Wuming had been the controller of the Demon Sealing Area before, Wuming would probably have discovered this at the first time. Unfortunately, Wuming did not interfere with the work of the scholars, so that everything went in a bad direction.

Wang Zong slowly walked to the center of the area, and suddenly the muscles in his right arm bulged. The power of the regional controller combined with his own power, and punched the ground.

The earth collapsed, and all matter fell into a blue energy ocean. At the same time, a door appeared in the energy ocean.

Wang Zong immediately stepped on various gravel in mid-air and crashed into the door. The blue energy ocean suddenly roared up, forming a huge energy fountain in this collapsed area, and other areas also produced chain reactions.

At this time, the resource towers in the Shenzang space burst into brilliant blue light, and beams of light shot from the top of the tower to the sky.

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