I Contracted Myself

【805】Version update

"Ding dong!"

"The divine space version is updated!"

In the Great Wasteland City, Wuming was having a meeting in the Council Building of the Heavens.

Suddenly he heard a woman's voice ringing in his ears, and then everyone's faces changed slightly, showing expressions of disbelief.

Divine Tibetan Space...version update?

What the hell is this?

Are there different versions of Divine Space?

Everyone present was silent, but there were a hundred thousand things in their hearts that they didn't want to complain about.

Because the Dahuang Special Zone is a special zone, it cannot experience the turmoil caused by version updates. The Shenzang Space is different. Countless sections are constantly changing. At the same time, doors rise from the ground. Countless doors are in a place where no one can control them. The area forms a huge pyramid-like tower.

At this time, a piece of light appeared in front of everyone, and the rules appeared line by line.

"Notice 1: Due to player Wang Zong's discovery of the lost door, version 2.0 of Shenzang Space has been opened, and Senluo Universe is officially linked to Shenzang Space."

"Notice 2: Through different lost doors, players will enter different Senluo universes. Each Senluo universe will breed magical seeds. Anyone who obtains magical seeds will have an opportunity to turn ordinary props into magical props. "

"Notice 3: Only one magical seed can be born in the Senluo universe that is led to by the same lost door every thousand years."

"Notice 4: The Lost Door may occasionally cause a lost effect. Please enter with caution. If you get lost, take care of yourself."

"Notice 5: This event is sponsored by Forest Master and we are not responsible for any problems."

"Lord of the forest!"

Wuming looked at Gao Shang Gong in surprise, and Gao Shang Gong also showed an expression of disbelief.

Both of them thought that the Lord of the Forest might have died a long time ago. After all, even the Baisen Cult was a thing of the past. Who knew that after the version of the Shenzang Space was updated, the sponsor turned out to be the Lord of the Forest.

However... I will not be responsible if there are any problems... This is very Lord of the Forest.

Wuming and others thought about the description of the Bysenism and the Lord of the Forest, and they always felt that the black pot behind the Lord of the Forest was a bit big.

"Wang Zong... I seem to have heard of this name." Aries Palace was the first to speak.

Qin Zheng said calmly: "Wang Zong, a physical practitioner, had a fiery personality in his early years. He was involved in conflicts between forces many times, and was jointly pursued by the two forces. Later, he married Tu Feng Fairy Xu Yanhong. Gradually he stopped causing trouble.

Some time ago, Xu Yanhong cheated on Wang Zong behind Wang Zong's back. Wang Zong killed Xu Yanhong and her adulterer in a rage. After surrendering, he went back on his word, injured and killed several law enforcement officers, and is currently wanted by the law enforcement group. "

"The latest news is that Wang Zong opened the Lost Door in the Demon-Sealing Area. The Demon-Sealing Area has fallen into an ocean of energy. The Demon-Sealing Gate is also floating in that ocean of energy. Can it be salvaged?" Aries Palace said When he received the news from the secretarial team, he spoke.

Wuming thought for a while, then stood up and said, "Let's go take a look first. I'm afraid we won't be able to draw any conclusions just by discussing it here."

"Yes, seeing it with your own eyes is more useful than talking about it on paper." Qin Zheng said.

The Catfish King put down the chicken legs, nodded and said: "I am also very curious about the Lost Door. By the way, the props of the Lord of the Forest are called magical props. Which one of you has it? Lend it to me."

"Okay, let's go."

Wuming ignored the Catfish King and went directly to the teleportation square.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the edge of the golden area. Looking forward from the edge, the demon-sealed area had completely collapsed, and tens of thousands of meters below was a blue ocean of energy.

From their perspective, it seemed that the surface of the entire Shenzang space was actually a crust of about 10,000 meters, and below that was 'magma'.

"What do you think?" Wuming asked.

Qin Zheng stood there, shaking his head and saying: "I can't see anything. The divine hidden space is incredible. If we can see something, haha, then we are not standing here to see it."

"Where's the Lost Door?"

Wuming looked up at the pyramid formed by the lost gates in the sky.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a pyramid, because the entire tower is composed of rectangular portals, and one door after another leads to nowhere.

However, the pyramid composed of Lost Doors is not all. There are Lost Doors in many places, but they are not as dense as the pyramid in the sky.

At this time, Eins, the leader of the scholar group, said: "My ancestors actually once got a door of the lost, but the effect of that door was to randomly transport people to different worlds, because no one knew that they would be transported. Wherever it went, the door was finally sealed up. Unfortunately, it was probably tens of thousands of years ago that my father sold the door due to a turbulent situation. "

"From the notice, it seems that except for the occasional stray effect, these doors should only point to a fixed world under normal circumstances. The effect you mentioned, Ains, may be the stray effect in the notice. This is very important." Qin Zhengruo Something to think about.

"But it's hard to say what's inside the Lost Gate. How about arranging a team to enter the Lost Gate to explore?" Catfish King suggested.

Wuming refused: "We don't have to worry, let's wait a moment, I believe there will be people who can't help but take risks."

No matter how peaceful the spiritual world is, it is ultimately peace at the level of the greater whole.

In places beyond the control of the Council of Heaven, there will always be ruthless characters licking blood at the tip of a knife.

Even if there are no man-made disasters, there are still threats such as monsters, monsters, and monsters in many places. Fighting is the eternal theme song.

Practitioners who fight in this environment will not be afraid of unknown dangers. The magical seeds in the Lost Gate are no less than the reward props of the Shenzang Trial.

It is impossible for these practitioners to resist temptation.

"Okay, let's go back and discuss the issue of compensation and pension." Wuming looked at the pyramid, sighed at last, turned around and said to everyone.

They held the meeting to discuss how to rescue the innocent hostages in the demon-sealed area, but before the discussion came to a conclusion, the demon-sealed area was gone.

At the same time, the gangsters are gone and so are the hostages.

Now they must consider how to comfort the victims' families.

After Wuming and others left, Ma Lie, who was not far away, looked at the lost door with burning eyes, thinking that this was the opportunity to solve Mr. Wuming's problems.

When Wuming and the others were observing the situation at the edge of the golden area, Ma Lie had been silently watching in the distance. He also came after hearing the news and wanted to help save the hostages, so he witnessed the entire version update of the Shenzang Space.

Now, there is no doubt that the exploration of the Lost Door is the top priority. Since the hostages cannot be rescued, let’s explore the Lost Door!

Although the hostages in the demon-sealing area were very pitiful, Ma Lie had experienced a lot in these years. He understood that there was no way around it and manpower was limited after all.

When things go against your expectations, you can only accept it and use it to push yourself to do better next time.

He silently prayed for the victims in his heart, hoping that they would be able to transcend and be free in the next life, and then quickly rushed towards the latest lost door away from him.

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