I Contracted Myself

【807】Zhu Chixia, charge!

Ahead, countless unknown grasses grew countless times taller than them, and a large number of huge objects further away became very blurry.

Looking from the entrance of the cave to the right, a huge head that couldn't tell whether it was a human or an orangutan stared at them, its godless eyes revealing the fear of death.

"Could it be that... we were turned into insects and at the same time we became smaller?" Zhu Chixia came back to her senses and said with an ugly face.

The Nameless Negative said: "No, we entered this world first and then were turned into insect humans, but the surrounding environment did not become smaller because we became insect humans. Therefore, it can be inferred that when we entered this world He was shrunk and then turned into an insect man by Gu Yue."

"This is too difficult, Ma Lie, is there really no option like giving up?" Zhu Chixia said with a bitter face.

Ma Lie said with some shame: "Sorry, I'm afraid not. Maybe... death is the only punishment."

Just now, he was wondering why there were only tasks but no rewards and punishments. Now he figured out that the rewards of the tasks needed to be found by themselves during the execution of the tasks, and the punishment for failure of the tasks was probably death.

"Okay, let's test our strength first." Wuming said to the two of them.

Although he didn't realize that his own strength was suppressed by rules or the like, since he was unknowingly being shrunk, he felt it was necessary to test it, so as not to panic and be at a loss when things got worse.

He first conjured up a flower of fantasy. With a thought, the flower of fantasy suddenly turned into a sharp blade and slashed at a grass in the distance.

In an instant, the grass was split into two, but the momentum of the flower of fantasy also stopped, and there was no sign of continuing to move forward.


When Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia saw this scene, they immediately showed incredible expressions.

Then Ma Lie drew his sword and slashed at the stone on the side. The sword only cut into one-third of the stone before stopping.

"This is somewhat similar to the ninth level that Master Wuming went through in the Shenzang Trial. Could it be..." Ma Lie looked at Wuming, suspecting that this world was related to the world in the Shenzang Trial.

Wuming shook his head and said: "It's different. That world is a matter of rules, and this world is because of the difference in source quality. I roughly understand that we have not actually become smaller, but this world... is too big!"

"Oh my god, does that mean that the humans in this world are actually giants to us?" Zhu Chixia couldn't help but say.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's not impossible to think so. Let's go and find Dr. Xia Shu first, otherwise we may really be trapped in this world."

The space of this world is even stronger than the space of the Divine Treasure Space. At the same time, the source of all things is countless times that of the largest world that Wuming has encountered in the past.

The reason why it is countless times is because Wuming cannot calculate how many times it is.

Although he had some reservations about the sword strike just now, in the ordinary world it could at least cut a large canyon, but in this world it could only cut off a blade of grass.

This world may be more dangerous than expected.

If this world was formed naturally, it would be hard to imagine how unique the life forms in this world are to the creatures outside.

Maybe outside practitioners have been practicing for thousands of years, but they still can’t withstand the slap of ordinary beings in this world!

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wuming, the world is so big, how should we find Dr. Xia Shu? We can't find a needle in a haystack, right?" Zhu Chixia asked hurriedly when Wuming was about to move forward.

Wuming pointed to a big tree not far away and said, "There are signs of someone passing by over there. Let's go check it out first."

"Is there any?" Zhu Chixia looked over and didn't even see the big tree.

Ma Lie patted Zhu Chixia on the back of the head and said, "Master Wuming said there is, so there must be. No nonsense, hurry up and follow."


Zhu Chixia scratched the back of her head and realized that she was the weakest among the three. She quickly gave up thinking with her own brain and followed the two obediently.

After the three of them came out of the cave, they seemed to be walking into a jungle. Wuming walked at the front, while Zhu Chixia and Ma Lie followed side by side.

Wuming was observing while walking, and he could continue to test the changes in his ability in this world. A large number of petals gradually appeared around him, but he soon noticed a problem. His body could not turn into petals and spread out. .

"Is it because of these ant shells?"

Wuming noticed that there was something wrong with the ant shell that he had proliferated. He could not get rid of this shell. At the same time, all his origins were bound within this shell. Once his origins came out of this shell, they would quickly dissipate.

As a result, many of his dodge abilities will become unusable.

Then he discovered that his space-based abilities had also lost their function.

Especially super powers that have a great impact on space, such as distorting space and cutting space. When used, it feels like acting on a steel city wall and has no effect at all.

It's not that it can't be used, it's that it's ineffective.

It's like a person standing in front of a wall and pushing hard, trying to knock the wall down. The force is simply not enough.

Wuming knew very well that if he couldn't use it, then Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia would probably be affected even more. If Ma Lie hadn't pulled him into this world, given the situation of Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia, it would have been a narrow escape to complete the mission.

Suddenly, he noticed a vibration and stretched out his hand to signal the two people behind him to stop. Then he jumped to the top of a grass and looked in the direction of the vibration.

Clairvoyance, Eagle Eye, Eye of True Seeing, Eye of Distant Stars, Eye of Light, Eye of God, Eye of the Emperor, True Dragon's Eye, True Eye of Thousand Miles Return, Homeland Watching Eye...

The abilities derived from the mutation of a series of mutant eyes were activated instantly, and he finally saw tens of thousands of meters away, a husky with a mantis arm on its back, instantly beheading a man with a firefly lamp on his butt, and then the husky walked to the body. Eat in big gulps.

Obviously, the temperaments of animals and humans in this world seem to have changed a lot after becoming insects, and huskies can kill people.

Dr. Xia Shu must be found as soon as possible, otherwise even if Gu Yue does not find Xia Shu, Xia Shu may be killed by other insect beasts.

Wuming jumped down from the blade of grass and told Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia what he saw. Then the three of them started sprinting with all their strength, running in the original direction.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Chixia panted and said, "No, no, I can't do it anymore. I'm too tired. This broken aphid gene is killing me. I really can't run anymore."

"Even if you didn't transform into an insect, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to run away." Ma Lie couldn't help but complain.

Wuming stopped, turned around and said with a smile: "Stop rushing a few times in the future, or buy a copy of Dual Cultivation Technique and find a Taoist partner."

"I don't, Mr. Wuming, although I respect you, you can't slander people out of thin air!" Zhu Chixia suddenly said with a righteous face.

Wuming did not respond, but summoned the water unicorn from the Wuming Sea and said with a smile: "Come up, it will go faster."

Afterwards, the three of them sat on Shui Qilin's back, and Shui Qilin ran at full speed towards the big tree.

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